Plane Universe

Chapter 1611: This is embarrassing

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"A group of people with a tendency to become inflamed, changed their expressions when they heard Bu Yun's reluctance to receive them." Lei Sijing sneered in his heart, his eyes swept over some people's faces, and his expressions were more apathetic.

"Alas, it is a pity that we have no such luck, no such blessings, and we have seen it." Wonott looked sorry, and nodded at Reese and said: "Reis Jing, since Mr. Cheng Buyun did not want to receive it, then I will go back first. "

"Okay, Vonot, you can go by yourself." Reisin nodded, giving a smile, and said comfortably when the other person turned around to leave: "Don't worry, there should be a chance to meet."

Still have a chance to meet?

Yes, yes, at the moment of the decisive battle!

I can't talk about it when I see it, what can I do when I see it?

It might as well be missing!

"Thanks to your precious words, I hope so!" Vonot immediately turned around again, and said with a smile on his face: "I also hope that Reis Jing usually give me a few words of praise for me in the ear of Cheng Buyun Thank you for mentioning my name! "

"Yes, yes!" Lei Sijing said with a smile.

"Please, leave!" Vonot bowed slightly, then left the barracks alone.

Others are also talking to Lei Sijing to please, and hope he can say two more good words for himself in front of Cheng Buyun.

Then I made an impression in Cheng Buyun's heart, and laid the foundation for my next visit. In this way, it would be a lot easier to visit later!

Cheng Buyun's reluctance to receive, many leaders left with regret, and finally only the three commanders of this barracks, including Liver, the master of the barracks!

A man and a woman standing next to Liver, the two looked dull and in a terrible mood.

Fortunately for others, after all, they are not living in this barracks, and it would be enough to not see Cheng Buyun.

But the two of them lived in this barracks, so they weren't seen in this way, which was too ridiculous.

Why did you go out to visit other people before? If you stay in this barracks, how can you say a few words when you meet?

It is like now, can only stand silly with regret.


It's all life!

But since they lived in the same military camp, they still didn't believe it, really couldn't even see Cheng Buyun?

"Les Jing, two of them, I still have something to do. I'm busy first." Liver glanced at the men and women next to him, said with a smile, and then turned away with a smug smile.

As soon as Liver fell apart, the men and women opened their mouths and looked at the indifferent Reis crystal. Finally they couldn't sigh and had to leave.

Since Cheng Buyun didn't want to meet them, staying here was useless.

It might as well go back and take a closer look, and wait for a chance to come again!

"Ha ha!"

Leising smiled faintly, glanced around at the lively soldier, and turned back to the stone house with a light but happy mood.

Under a big tree in the stone house yard, Cheng Buyun and others sat happily talking, and Reis Jing returned, and the afterglow of everyone's eyes naturally noticed.

Especially the smile on this guy's face was extremely weird.

That kind of pleasure, anyone who looks at it, thinks what he did just now!

"Leisi Jing, look at your happy expression, I'm afraid it's not just finished!" Babe teased and laughed.

Everyone heard the ridicule in his words and couldn't help it, the corners of his mouth bent.

Helpless Reisian just had a good time, did not hear the traps hidden in Babe ’s words, and directly smiled and replied: “That is, it ’s not good enough. This group of guys have always looked down on me. Although they admire the surface, they talk in secret Me, orchestrating me, saying that I ’m not a big deal, either there is a mother of the Lord God, otherwise how can there be a Master Artifact. Hum! A bunch of bastards, I ’m not obedient under my feet today, whispering please!

It seems that over the years, the old boy has suffered a lot of resentment.

But it is also true that Lei Sijing has a back and ability, but his ability to cause trouble is not small, and he has long been friends. .

Especially with that mouth, sometimes it is easy to offend people by talking.

Lei almost suffered this time!

I would like to ask who dares to stick to the relationship with this old boy, not afraid of death?

So it resulted that he was not very popular with everyone.


Babe's eyes widened and exclaimed, "Is this the case? What did you tell us before?"


Reis Jing was stupid, remembering that before he had an accident, he gave Lin Lei and Babe the bravery, how many friends, how vast the human face, and brothers and friends everywhere.

What do you mean now?


Embarrassed, everyone laughed and held back hard.

Lacey's face was flushed, and even his cheeks could hardly stand, shameful, shameful!

Even if you are too proud of yourself, is there anything worse than this?

"Which is this not the plane war of Dark God Realm, I don't know much about these leaders." Lei Sijing forcibly explained a wave, but everyone must believe it.

Everyone looked at his eyes, and the strange smile made him want a hole in the ground for him to drill into.

"Hey, let's not mention these, the heroes don't mention the bravery of those days, then ..." Lei Sijing turned to the subject and said to Cheng Buyun: "Brother Buyun, are you really going to see them before the big battle?" ? "


Cheng Buyun, lei and green fire all smiled.

Beibei even covered her face and said, "You are really stupid in changing the subject!"

"I'll say it when I'm in a good mood that day." Cheng Buyun smiled faintly and answered Lei Sijing's question.

At the same time, it gave Lei Sijing a step.

Naturally, Lei Sijing is grateful, this is the brother, he immediately smiled and nodded and said: "Well, that's not anxious, anyway, in your current status, how do you decide that people outside are afraid to say more And dare not say you are wrong. "

No one thinks that he is wrong, Cheng Buyun's identity level is different, no one wants to see it.

Just like a calm man, if you ask the emperor, will the emperor promise to meet?

I am not a fool!

"Okay, don't mention them. While we still have time, let's take a short break and talk about the rest later." Cheng Buyun laughed.

Everyone sat in the yard for a while, and then chose their own room to rest.

For several days in a row, except for Lei Sijing, Leihong, lei and Beibei, they would go out and chat with other leaders. Cheng Buyun and Qinghuo did not go out in their residence.

After all, when he lived in this military camp, almost no one knew it, no one knew it, and he always had a lot of eyeliners to pay attention to. Once he went out, I am afraid that he would be directly confronted by many leaders.

For example, if you pretend to encounter something unintentionally, you want to have a relationship with him.

In this way, how can Cheng Buyun go out, and besides, what is fun outside?

It ’s boring to know that this is a military camp.

In fact, after a few days of going out, lei also felt bored, and at the same time they felt greatly boring.

Any leader who met them was very pleased, especially when he heard Lin Lei say his name, he was even more enthusiastic, and even that kind of energy could not stand Lin Lei.


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