Plane Universe

Chapter 1623: Lei vs magnus

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But no matter what, Cheng Buyun ’s rescue is not enough, or lei and Cheng Buyun have a delay time plan. Everyone present, as long as they are practicing the laws of the water system, a floating shadow is immediately overhead, ready to record expectations The Great War.

The last battle between Cheng Buyun and Magnus was so shocking that he forgot to record the first time with floating shadow. But when they all reacted, but they were afraid of Magnus's identity and strength. Except for the bastard, Reese, no one else dared to record.

Magnus and lei stood quietly in the center of the left channel, less than ten meters away from each other, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

The war is coming.

Magnus looked gloomy, looking at the indifferent lei, sneering again and again: "I know, you will certainly be very scared, just pretend to be calm, I know all these! But what I want to say is, you Today is bound to die, unless you kneel down to me, I will spare you! "

The last sentence he said shocked Lin Lei in an instant. The expression on his face was very wonderful. What kind of brain circuit can he say this way!

Not to mention that you have the strength to fight against him, even if you don't, you can't do this kind of thing, in order to beg for escape, and then go to Brother Yun's face.

This is impossible!

Is he—Lin Lei Baruch shameless!

Cheng Buyun, who sat leisurely in the void, naturally heard Magnus ’words, and suddenly he laughed loudly, a huge voice rolling in the sky, mockingly said:" Magnus, you rubbish, Brain damage! Is my brother like that, begging for mercy? You think too much! "

Changed to an ordinary Shura strongman, maybe, after all, although Dayun Man does not seem to be taller than the main god, it is also understandable to stand on the top of the **** and kneel to beg for mercy.

Lei does not, not to mention that he has the power to compete with Magnus, if not, it would be very difficult to make him kneel and beg for mercy.

Because of pride!

The pride in his bones is not allowed, he will only stand to live, lie to death, but will not kneel to live, and then beg for a cheap life from the enemy!

So, Magnus really wanted more!

"Do you want to avenge Brother Yun by humiliating me?" Lin Lei's eyes widened in shock and sneered. "Sure enough, it's a stupid brain. I really don't know how you practiced to the great consummation level. I used to look up to you At a glance, now ... it's almost a loss to stand with you! "

Wonderful, everyone's complexion is wonderful!

It has to be said that Lin Lei is brave, facing a great consummate, dare to humiliate the other party.

People who can practice to the great consummation are all talented people. They have long been accustomed to the compliments and respect of others. Suddenly they heard this harsh word. Are you really afraid that the other party will suddenly take a shot and kill you?

After being ridiculed one after another, Magnus's face was blue and purple, and he hated Cheng Buyun and lei. The calm state of mind once again raised a great impulse.

A sense of shame rose inwardly, and the eyes also had a trace of blood, turning red.

Already on the verge of anger!

"Kill kill !!!"

Crazy killing intentions spread throughout the meaning. Only killing can heal the humiliation he suffered. Magnus expression became crazy, and a handsome face was completely twisted.

"Magnus, calm down! Beware of the unknown Universiade who is going to rescue lei and ruin us now." Clementine's eyes saw Magnus, who was on the verge of madness, also had to Quickly reminded Brother Soul Chuanyin.

You have to know how stressful he is when facing elegant smiles in Cheng Buyun.

Simply ...

It's not easy for them to seize this opportunity now. As long as lei is killed, Cheng Buyun's confidence can be beaten and he can't calm down.

They have the possibility of victory!

With the help of Clementine's soul transmission, Magnus immediately awakened, and his mood calmed down directly, regaining the indifference, and looked at lei calmly.

"Huh? Calm down?"

Lin Lei was a little surprised. It seems that people who can practice to the Great Consummation can't be peeped. Such humiliation and stimulation can be calmed down instantly. It's really amazing!

He would not dare to underestimate Magnus again, his eyes became serious.

"Very well, you succeeded in angering me, and look forward to it!" Magnus looked at lei faintly, and said coldly, "I hope your strength has your mouth."

"Whether my strength is strong or not, it will be clear if you try it!" Lin Lei chuckled, and there was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his mouth: "I'm afraid you don't have that ability, after all, your strength ..."

"Shut up, let me die!" Magnus snorted, he has already learned the poison tongue of Cheng Buyun, and lei's poison tongue seems to him at this time, it is not much more than Cheng Buyun, let me go on. , He was really afraid that he was mad!

So immediately shot.

He who is close to Mexico, has been with Reis Jing for too long. The other party's vulgarity, Cheng Buyun has learned a few points.

Cheng Buyun was not a good person, and Lin Lei naturally learned some skills of the former.

Magnus couldn't help but shot, all of them suddenly opened their eyes wide and didn't want to let go of the wonderful clips.


In the roar, Magnus showed a pair of black gloves with both hands, his body speed reached the extreme directly, hesitantly a phantom rushed towards lei, and at the same time his right hand five fingers spread out into claws, and viciously enveloped lei's head.

The power of the main **** spread out, and in a sound of ‘chirping’, the space continued to explode and roared out big holes in the head.

Then this powerful and unforged attack, under the will of Willpower, exploded the entire space in an instant. The turbulent and turbulent space covered the standing ground around lei.

A group of body-sized electric snakes dance and twist!

Everyone was terrified.

Whether it is soldiers or commanders, it is impossible to survive under such authority.

Even if they have double-defense main artifacts, they will definitely be banished into the turbulent space.

Almost everyone knew what Magnus was paying attention to.

Even if lei can escape the attack that blocked Magnus, he without the protection of the main artifact, once swallowed by the turbulent space, there is absolutely no hope of survival.

Under the wait and see of everyone's efforts, some people are worried.

A violent rumbling sounded from the energy-filled channel, "That's it? You are too little to see me!"


A black and black sword lighted up, and then stabbed in the palm of Magnus, the sky shook, and Magnus retreated.

All the people who watched couldn't help but shake their eyes, opening their eyes desperately, trying to see what happened.

It is a pity that the central passage is full of turbulent space and blocks everyone's sight.


When Magnus retreated, the two attacks just touched, and the space exploded, cracking hundreds of crevices of tens of meters in diameter.

The crack in the cracked space hesitated and crazy monster electric snake spread quickly around, the piles of corpses and flesh lying on the ground of the passage, including those artifacts, received such powerful annihilation energy, and then disappeared directly.

The artifacts and corpses left over from previous battles seem to have never existed before!

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