Plane Universe

Chapter 1636: Unable to bear

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Virtual universe, inside a huge and elegant manor.

Accompanied by four beautiful young ladies, Cheng Buyun leaned on each other on the hill and watched the gorgeous sunset. The atmosphere was very warm.

After not coming back for more than two thousand years, the four wives were naturally angry and blamed, but after Cheng Buyun asked for an explanation, this thing passed.

They all know that Cheng Buyun is very busy, and this is the price that both husband and wife must bear.

Cheng Buyun wants to become stronger and guardian, and the temporary separation is for future dependence.

When Venerable Cheng Buyun was accompanying his wife ...

Hongmeng Realm, over the Panlong universe.

"Lin Lei they should almost come back, let's go back." Qinghuo said solemnly: "This time the difficulty is very dangerous, we will separate from them in a few moments, let them leave first, so as not to get too bad If they ca n’t escape, they will also be in danger. ”

"I think so too." Cheng Buyun nodded and naturally understood that this time the matter was significant.

What a serious thing it is to be stared at by the light master.

"But you don't have to worry too much. This is after all the site dominated by death. It's not far from the plane transmission channel. There will be an **** from the Bauhinia Lord. There should be no major events." Qinghu comforted.

"Bauhinia Lord!"

Cheng Buyun nodded silently, and this time he was a bit of a teacher, but it was his fault.

When the two flew back to the gate of Yangu Mountain Castle, just a few of lei also came out, looking at them with a smile on their faces.

"Your face is full of laughter, it seems that the ending is pretty good!" Cheng Buyun saw the expression on their faces and naturally knew that all the people they were looking for had recovered their memories safely.

"Brother Yun, as you think, everyone has found it safely, even Babe's parents have found it." Lei smiled, but then said embarrassedly: "Although everyone has found it, but In the half past one, no one could come back to us, the road was too far away, so ... so ... "

"Big Brother Yun, the Lord God made us go to the Nether Mountain to wait." Beibei saw the embarrassment on the boss's face, so he quickly said instead: "Because it is too far, this waiting time is estimated to take a long time."

"What's so difficult, isn't it just to wait a long time, wait for so many years, it's not too bad for a while, the past is just now." Cheng Buyun said with a smile: "But if you wait, I won't accompany you. "

He did not disclose the fact that the bright master was coming to attack him, because the effect was not so great, and they also worried lei.

It ’s better not to say that there are more people who are worried.

This matter allows them insiders to deal with it.

If in the end there is really no way, he will use the final means to solve.

What is the last resort?


Let the deity call back.

"Well, we are here to separate." Lei nodded and smiled, said: "When the people are all back, I will tell Brother Yun to come and gather together."


Cheng Buyun smiled and nodded, not bothered by the imminent trouble.

Cheng Buyun was naturally worried about the attack dominated by light, but he could not solve the problem.

Even if there is big trouble in practicing with his state of mind, he will calmly consider and choose the method that is most beneficial to him.

"Then I won't accompany you either." Lei Sijing also said, it's too boring to wait for someone, it might as well go to the plane battlefield.

It only comes out once a trillion years, and he does n’t want to waste all his time.

Ghost Mountain is not far away from Yangu Mountain, and ordinary gods have arrived in about decades.

After lei and babe left, Cheng Buyun was also ready to take the **** of leisjing away and said, "leisjing, go back, I will not go back with you."

"What, don't you go back to the Bauhinia Mountains with me?" Reis Jing stared.

"Well, we still have something to do, so we can only arrange this." Cheng Buyun said.

Lei Sijing frowned. He couldn't think of anything. Cheng Buyun and Qinghuo had something to do, and they needed two great consummates to go together.

Qinghuo didn't make a sound on one side, but just stayed quiet and looked at the surrounding scenery.

"Well, it can only be so." Reis Jing said helplessly: "What is the matter, do you need my help?"

Of course, the help is just polite words, he is just a Shura class, can not help too much.

At the same time, Lei Sijing was a little helpless. His mother, when the Shura class was so useless, even if he wanted to help, he could not do it, bastard!

After Lei Sijing was gone, the two could let go of their hands and feet.

"Come with me." Qinghuo looked at Cheng Buyun, nodded slightly, then raised his body and flew out of Yangu Mountain.

The two flew in tandem, flying fast in the sky, flying over the islands below.

After a while, Qinghuo looked at a shadow in the distance and smiled, "The Lord Bauhinia is here."

Cheng Buyun quickly looked up. Tens of thousands of miles away from them, there was a halo of color all over his body, and at the same time, the full and graceful figure that tried to converge the soul breath approached them.

This figure is the main **** of Bauhinia.

After the two sides approached, Cheng Buyun immediately respectfully said, "Lord God."

"Well, yes, I didn't think about this kind of time. You have such a strength, which is really beyond my expectations." The God Bauhinia praised it, and then continued to tighten his face: "Okay, let's not say anything else Now, we quickly go to the plane passage. "

Lord Bauhinia didn't wait for Cheng Buyun to speak, and his whole body was shocked, and the power of the powerful Lord God circulated, and when they rolled up, they rushed towards the location of the plane passage.

When the Bauhinia Lord arrived, his breath spread out, almost all the Lords of the Underworld knew.

Which naturally includes the **** of light.

"Damn, the stinky woman Belina also came, and dared to fight against me, and escorted Cheng Buyun away." The light master was so angry that the **** Bauhinia was like this, not to tell the world, she was in this Place, how will you attack Cheng Buyun in a moment?

There is a guardian in the middle of the rule system. He wants to kill Cheng Buyun, naturally, it is difficult.

Of course, the Bauhinia is only a god, and his strength is not worth mentioning in his eyes. The question is how he will kill Cheng Buyun without seriously hurting the Bauhinia.

The main gods have an agreement that the high main **** should not attack the low main god, unless the other party provokes.

Since the Bauhinia Lord did not provoke him to dominate the light, but he attacked the other party, this is a bit unreasonable.

"Damn, **** it!" The lord of the light was full of anger and nowhere to vent, but the heart that wanted to kill Cheng Buyun was so strong, it was impossible for him to go back like this.

So after considering two seconds, he rushed over.

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