Plane Universe

Chapter 1641: Red-haired girl death master

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Once what Cheng Buyun said has become a fact, even if Augusta is the ruler of light, it won't be much better in the end.

A major punishment is inevitable.

"shut up!"

The bright master calmed his indifferent mouth, how could he admit it with his vicious cunning, so his eyes showed a threatening color, and the tone contained a powerful deterrence of involuntary power, saying: "A little god, even slandering the high god, otherwise……"

"How else?" Qing Huo sneered and interrupted the second half of the light master's words, and said with disdain: "A master god, but today threatens a **** with his identity, are you shameless?"

Since he was in contact and torn his face, Qinghuo was naturally not afraid.

Taunts are just trivial.

The bright master glanced coldly at Qinghuo, without responding.

"It sounds as if the person who chased me crazy just now is not you." Although the tone was mocking, Cheng Buyun's title to the Light Lord did not go beyond it.

Don't catch your braid for the other party.

To quarrel this kind of ability, the bright master naturally does not have it, so Cheng Buyun was speechless and unable to refute.

The whole person is uncomfortable!

At this time, he had nowhere to vent even the fire. A group of main gods were watching next to him. What else could he do?

No matter how insidious and cunning the character is, the face must be dripped!

Even people of this character care a lot!

"So ... don't mention the things that threaten me." Cheng Buyun's expression was faint, and he said under the attention of a group of main gods: "We return to the original question, and the light dominates you, what is the reason for killing me?"

The bright master's face sank, and he wanted to say: kill you and kill you, and you need a reason?

In the end he chose to face, and responded lightly: "You have an insult to my words."

Discourse insult?

Cheng Buyun stunned, Nima, this old **** shameless, you really have no way.

From the appearance of the bright master to the present, his title has no problem, insult?

If you want to kill yourself, how good is your tone?

Just an excuse!

"Do n’t talk about the things that are not there, the reason you want to kill me, you know, I know, the gods of hell, the Supreme God knows, is n’t it because I killed the Augusta family in the plane battle Dominated by the light, you ca n’t be so stingy, if you have to grudge what happened on the plane battlefield, who would dare to enter desperately in the future? "Cheng Buyun grieved with grievances and said:" Couldn't there be no main **** to support this justice ?"

"Don't talk nonsense, don't we come out?"

"Don't worry, you won't be okay until this matter is clear, trust me!"

The main gods of the underworld who appeared, all spoke one after another.

"Buyun, you ..." Qinghuo was surprised, with a worried look on his face.

He couldn't think of Cheng Buyun's actions, which made him feel very tricky.

The development of things is a bit out of control!


A cold, sweet and sweet voice sounded, and at the same time a petite girl with red hair and a height of more than one meter and six points appeared like a phantom in front of everyone.

Red hair fluttering, against the gorgeous red hair robe, with the petite and exquisite body, don't have a taste.

Just like the girl from the second element.

This is so in Cheng Buyun's eyes.

However, the monstrous power contained in the other party's body, but it is not dare to glimpse, more powerful than any of the main god's energy present.

Even the bright master can't compare!

"It's hilarious!" The sweet voice of the red-haired girl was filled with cold meaning, making people shudder involuntarily.



The main gods quickly bowed their heads slightly and their voices were full of reverence.

Even the bright master, after the red-haired pretty girl appeared, noble and he had to bow his head to respectfully say hello.

"Don't be stunned, this is the master of death, hurry to salute." Qing Huo quickly reminded Cheng Buyun around him.

The red-haired and pretty girl is the master of death. Although Cheng Buyun didn't know and wasn't sure, he felt the other person's strong breath, and he didn't dare to neglect now. He quickly bowed and saluted and said, "Master!"


I saw the red-haired girl nodded her head lightly, looked around, and then pointed her finger, Cheng Buyun flew involuntarily,

Cheng Buyun still kept bowing at this time. Naturally, he didn't see the movement of the red-haired girl. He felt that his body was wrapped in a strong bondage, and he was struggling inevitably in shock.

It is a pity that this is the means of death, how can he get rid of a god.

In the underworld, the power of the death master is the highest, and he is the master of the plane!

This is the origin of the master's name!

"No courtesy, raise your head."

The figure stood still, and Cheng Buyun's ear sounded a cold voice. He stood up straight, raised his head slightly, and looked at the red-haired girl in front of him.

Of course, looking at it is not too pretentious.

The red-haired girl's aura is very strong, and her momentum is also great. Since its appearance, all the gods present, including the Lord of Light, dare not speak at will, showing their status!


A strong breath.

Only in front of the other party can Cheng Buyun feel his insignificance.

The breath from the light master is very powerful, as if dazzling like a sun.

It is estimated that one finger can kill himself!

Fortunately, Master Bright did not have a long-range attack, otherwise ... Even if there was a green fire around, the two would die at the same time with the other side's move.


But the light from the bright master was much weaker than the red-haired and pretty girl.

Because the red-haired girl exudes a strong breath, the surrounding energy is collapsing slightly, the air is twisting, and even the law looks curved in his eyes, giving him a feeling of facing a super-large star.

Although the sun and the stars are of the same volume, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is the difference in distance.

It is the intuitive feeling of facing at a long distance and close distance.

"Are you Cheng Buyun, right?" The little red-haired girl's small face contained a faint smile on her face, and asked Cheng Buyun with a slight glance with interest.

"Go back to the master, yes, my name is Cheng Buyun, a messenger under the lord of the Bauhinia." Cheng Buyun heard the inquiry, and now he didn't dare to neglect, he quickly leaned back and answered.


Nodding gently, the red-haired girl said casually: "This plane war between Dark God Realm and Light God Realm, you have a lot of credit, very good."

"This is the hard work of all the staff. I played a small role and did not dare to make a contribution." Cheng Buyun's tone was humble, but the surface was neither humble nor pleasing nor flattering.

These actions fell in the eyes of the red-haired girl, making her a little appreciation.

Although the way she played just now was simple, but under the background of the surrounding gods, the noble status, a little sensible people understand. Cheng Buyun's current situation is not good, but she did not compliment a few words to please her, but she also had a lot of appreciation in addition to her doubts.

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