Plane Universe

Chapter 1657: Lip gun

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Lord Xuanguang's behavior is exaggerated, but it can also be regarded as true expression.

He really regretted letting Cheng Buyun give the Bauhinia Lord.

However, when he thought deeply about it, he was certainly unable to take shelter of such a genius. Before the bright master hunted down, he had no way to stop it, only to inform the destroyer to come forward.

In this way, if you want to have Cheng Buyun as a messenger, it is unlikely.

Suddenly, Master Xuanguang felt cold, turned his head in a hurry, and immediately startled.

I saw Lord Bauhinia staring blankly at her with a murderous look, so scared that his body was shaking, timidly and whispered and asked: "Sister, how dare you look at me like this? I'm a little scared! "

Looking at the overwhelmed little grievances of Lord Xuanguang, everyone opened their mouths and laughed silently.


The Bauhinia God snorted coldly, and said coldly: "I just heard that someone was reluctant to be robbed of a talent by me. I was a little angry at this moment, and I felt a sigh of nowhere to vent!"

"There is absolutely no such thing." Lord Xuanguang was frightened, looked around in a very angry look, and shouted: "Is that the guy who made my elder sister? Come out, believe me or not, kill you?"

"An **** who doesn't know life and death, he is estimated to be itchy, and he wants me to beat him." The corner of the mouth of the Bauhinia God bent, and he held out his hand in protest and pinched in front of the God Xuanguang.

This move scared Xuanguang subconsciously on the spot and swallowed saliva subconsciously, shrinking his neck, immediately begging for mercy and said, "Sister, I was wrong."

Although Lord Xuanguang knew that the Bauhinia Lord dilute and fell into a weak state, his strength could not be saved, and he was probably comparable to him.

But the latter's obscene prestige has left an indelible image in his heart for many years.

He is afraid!

Even if there is no use in winning at this time, when the Bauhinia Lord is restored, then he will suffer.


Looking at Xuan Guang's funny counseling, a group of people laughed.

"Xiaoguang, why are you so counseling, when can you rise up and fight with the elder sister." Another female goddess in the main gods of the **** system, at this time, encourages the goddess Xuanguang.

"You are awesome, then why don't you provoke the majesty of your elder sister?" Lord Xuanguang's head didn't turn back and refuted angrily.

It ’s not too much to watch the excitement!

What am I fighting?

Not to mention the suppression of the rank, just the talent bonus of the elder sister's race, the same rank can also blow me with one hand.

I'm stupid!

Although the birth of the Bauhinia Beast is not difficult, or it can be said that it is quite easy, but it is really born of spiritual wisdom. The Bauhinia Beast that is a member of the core group of Bauhinia Beast is still very scary.

It is really difficult for ordinary race or human life to win such a beast member at the same level of strength.

Need to have a powerful ability to leapfrog.

In the face of the Bauhinia Lord, the same level of Xingyi Lord God has to counsel, even if you dare not fight, you can know the terrible place of Bauhinia Lord God!


Everyone on the side of Hell was talking lively, and there was a burst of laughter, which was eye-catching. Some main gods involuntarily turned their eyes and frowned secretly.

"Looking at them smiling so happy, it doesn't seem to worry about Cheng Buyun's survival at all. I see, this is a self-sustaining method, knowing that adults are biased towards them, so they are so stable."

"I don't think it's necessary to have this discussion, it's better to say the results directly than the four adults."

Seeing that the **** system is about to rise, some people with huge ambitions are naturally unhappy.

In particular, Huerlei, the thunder lord, is daydreaming beyond the four rule lords day and night. Hell has a master **** messenger like Cheng Buyun, which is his stumbling block.

Ask him how he can be happy!

He is in the same mood as the light master, and at this time he just wants to destroy Cheng Buyun.

But obviously, two of the four rules dominate the mind of Cheng Buyun, so it is impossible to talk about ruin.

If killed, it must be a serious crime, ignoring the orders ruled by the two rules, and giving the tank such a bold courage, he would not dare!

Although he couldn't kill it, Cheng Buyun had to be restricted, and he wasn't allowed to go to the plane battlefield again.


He had no chance at all.

He glanced around and glanced around, thinking in his heart that he should not only have plans in this regard, but to look at it later, and to find opportunities again.

In a word, Cheng Buyun cannot be destroyed, but he has to be restricted!

There are many gods with many different ideas at their center.

All are considered and planned for their own interests.

Of course, these people's ideas cannot affect Cheng Buyun.

With the partial help ruled by two female rules and the host of the destruction ruler, there is no need to worry about safety.

"After all, it's a genius. The rare life that has been born for a long time is precious. It's certainly safe to hold it here."

This talking man exuded a burst of mysterious aura, which was special and mysterious.

Cheng Buyun looked up and sensed the breath of the method on the other side, and immediately knew that the man belonged to the master **** there-Destiny Heaven.

The rule of fate is a mysterious mystery. He is good at divination, foreknowledge, and playing tricks.

Ordinary people have no way to resist the control of the destiny of the powerful gods.

The practice direction is similar to the combination of fantasy flow and mental flow.

"Yo, in this sour and envious tone, who do I think I can see no one else is good at?" Lord Xuanguang sneered lightly and said with a sneer: "It's useless to envy, you don't have that luck."

"What are you saying? Envy you? It's funny, you will be affected in the future."

"Now it looks okay, it's a talent, don't grow into a piece of dead wood."

"Rare talents that a few adults are optimistic about, do you dare to blame the dead wood? Then you mean that the eyes of a few adults are not as good as you?"

"When did we say that? Don't you arbitrarily disparage others, and arbitrarily interpret others' words."

"Then what do you mean by" decayed wood "?"

"As we all know, the deity has become a god. How many of the last are better? Does this still use me to say?"

"Couldn't there be any exceptions? The deity can't come to the end. That's because they are stupid. Can they use the past examples to say it now? You are covering your chest and talking about it, do you dare to be sure? "

"Why not? There are so many examples, isn't it enough to explain the problem? You just dare not think about it, and ask yourself, you dare to be sure that the kid can come to the end?"

"With Cheng Buyun's talent, at this time, four different mysteries can be merged into Dacheng. You said that in the end it will grow into a piece of" decayed wood ", and even a few adults must say admiration, but you say it is a deadwood. Who is it? No vision? Does n’t this mean that you question the eyes and judgment of several adults? ”

"Of course I dare not question the vision and judgment of several adults, but several adults have said before, that the kid must be able to come to the end? It also depends on the crime on our heads."

PS: Bookmates, it ’s too late now, and there is one more issue, please forgive the void, it is really a bit overwhelming, next time I will make up, the void will go to the bath and sleep first!

good night!

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