Plane Universe

Chapter 1659: Thunder Master is ready to die

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The sudden expression of the bright master also surprised the gods!

I didn't understand his behavior.

After all, the character of the dominant light, who of the main gods present did not know clearly?

I don't know what the **** is playing.

Beirut and others were immediately vigilant and made eye contact with each other.

"Well, yes, it's rare that Augusta knows your righteousness." The red-haired girl nodded in satisfaction and said with a smile: "The Lord God should be like the Lord God, and it should not be underestimated by the little guy."

"Naturally, it was just a misunderstanding before, and was temporarily covered by anger, so that would be the kind of behavior." Guangming Master respectfully owed his lower body, and looked at Cheng Buyun and nodded his head to apologize and smiled: "Little boy, I scared you before. That ’s not what I meant. ”

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be." Cheng Buyun bowed back again and again, apologizing with a look of surprise: "It's just a misunderstanding to untie it, just untie it. I have something wrong before, I hope I didn't give Augustus The Tower family caused too much damage. "

"Sorry, the Augusta family is rumored to be countless trillions of years, and the heritage is still very strong. The family died of hundreds of core members and it hurts." The bright master said softly and smiled: "In the future, how close you are For a moment, a little care can make my shoe juniors unbearable. "

"Yes, where it is useful, it must be." Cheng Buyun bowed politely, with a look of honor.

The conversation between the two made a group of main gods look wonderful.

Is this troublesome?

When the lord of light became so talkative.

They are all confused.

Beirut and Qinghuo were also confused.

His head almost turned into a paste.

Cheng Buyun is just a god, who is the light master?

The status of the two is not equal, but the look of the bright master just now seems to treat Cheng Buyun on the status of the main god.

Is there anything more difficult to understand than this?

Cheng Buyun was still able to understand the idea of ​​the dominant light, and he could not do anything. He pushed the boat and made friends with himself, and then let himself relax his vigilance, then secretly arranged the means and then implemented the exile plan.

Everyone here will not understand, only he can fully understand what is going on.

The actions of the other party are all to enhance the strength of another body.

From beginning to end!

Some other things that are not convenient for him to come forward are all handled by him.

Of course, these bad things done in secret will naturally not be allowed by the other body, but they cannot be prevented, and some good things are brought to the front, and they can't help but study the mentality that desires to become stronger in their hearts.

Who could have imagined that a person who was sore from the head to the soles of the feet was a person who gathered all the goodness between heaven and earth, and the two actually came out of the same body.

How dare you believe it!


When the bright master and Cheng Buyun talked, the master of the wind glanced at the old man in white robe slightly, but the old man in white robe looked the same as before, smiling at everyone, he had a meal in his heart and knew what to do.

"I also think it should be so, I have no other opinion." The wind master said.

Then fire master, earth master, water master, one after another, all agreed not to snoop into Cheng Buyun, and also said that as long as Cheng Buyun did not offend himself, he would not deal with him.

The red-haired girl and the beautiful woman looked at each other and smiled.

The overall picture is determined.

The result is already doomed, and three of the four rulers have expressed their asylum, and it is impossible for anyone to object to change its result.

Asking it just means that it is not a single word here.

In fact, in order to show the fairness and show respect, the element masters should also make everyone express that they do n’t want to peep into the outcome.

With this statement, if you regret to look at it in the future, you must also consider the consequences and provoke the rules to rule the majestic end.

In order to save Cheng Buyun's safe growth, the red-haired girl is also doing her best.

As for why this helped Cheng Buyun so much, who knows, perhaps not wanting this rare genius to die worthlessly.

"Everyone has expressed their position, Hu Erlei, why don't you talk?" The beautiful woman's pink lips slightly turned, and her eyes turned gently to the last Lei lord among the element lords.

Everyone's eyes are on the Thunder Master.

"I naturally do the same. I agree to let Cheng Buyun grow up, and I won't intervene in his talents. But ..." Lei line master said here, the shaft head wrinkled slightly, and his heart seemed helpless. None of them mentioned Buyun's powerful combat effectiveness. For the crushing effect of the plane battlefield, he had to end up with himself.

He was really angry.

One by one, this is for me.

Damn it!

With great strength, ambition naturally grows.

Everyone can see clearly, so some unnecessary things, of course, will not be ugly, offend people who should not offend.

Is it so good to destroy the Dominator?

The lord of light is actually very cunning.

In fact, he wants to limit Cheng Buyun more than the Thunder Master, but he will not be the first bird.

On the bright side, he is stronger than the thunder master, which everyone knows, but the thing is to put aside the supreme artifact, his foundation is not deep enough for the thunder master.

This is what all the Lord Gods know.

Good luck can be obtained for the Supreme Artifact, but the most basic thing such as Willpower can only be possessed by the killing god, but there is a problem here.

In a peaceful situation, he could not be a killer who is weaker than his middle-ranking god. Once it was done, the problem became bigger, facing the chasing and killing of the four rulers.

The elements at the same level dominate the strong, and there are not many behind them, and there are rules governing asylum.


The red-haired girl smiled slightly to see how the thunder master dominated, and she didn't know what he wanted to say, so she said with a smile: "Say something."

Destruction dominates a pair of cold eyes, but it is staring at the thunder master. The infiltrating eyes contain a huge threat.

A group of element masters are watching the show, seeing how the thunder masters die.

Under the cold and compelling eyes of the destroyed master, the thunder master once flinched and swallowed back the words that came to his mouth again, and wanted to stop there.

But the huge ambition in his heart made him very unwilling.

"Say something if you have anything." Zi Zi. "The red-haired girl reminded with a smile, looking at the other person's eyes for the most encouragement.

The encouragement of the red-haired girl gave the Thunder master a lot of courage, and now he dared hard and withstood the intimidating gaze, and wanted to speak.

Suddenly ... The Destruction Master coughed a little, and said indifferently: "Since this, we will discuss the results and discuss the results."

"Don't worry, Rael Lei may have different opinions. It's not too late for us to listen." The red-haired girl refused with a smile.

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