Plane Universe

Chapter 1678: gift

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Although the illusion flow is very similar to the psychic flow of the spiritual master, the cultivation direction is basically the same, and the main purpose is to confuse the enemy.

It's just that although the illusion flow power is also very powerful, it has to reach its peak.

There is no such possibility in devouring the starry universe.

Therefore, Cheng Buyun had instructed Hong, Thor, and Chen Zhen that they could walk through the illusion, but they could not be used as the main direction of cultivation, but only as an aid to cultivation.

Still dominated by warriors!

To avoid two enemies of the human race, the other party is not afraid of mental attacks at all, that is the Zerg and the mechanical race.

Once focusing on illusion cultivation and being able to eat well in human territory, you can meet the core members of these two ethnic groups and you will have to suffer.

Although humans are far weaker than these two ethnic groups at the main level and the immortal level, they cannot escape even their lives!

Therefore, although the three people are walking in the illusion flow, there are some differences from the authentic illusion martial arts. They are mainly based on the cultivation of the martial arts, and the illusion is supplemented.

Seeing the three brothers realized it with just a simple sentence, Luo Feng's complexion was also very exciting. Apart from being surprised, he was also happy for the brothers.

With this understanding, future achievements will definitely not be weak. There must be a place for brothers in the peak group of the universe.

He is very sure.

"Hey, you two jerks want to scare the second elder brother, they are still almost." Raytheon restored the amused look again, teasing and teasing: "Don't look at who the second elder is, can you be scared? Surprised? Come on! Hum! "

"Second Brother, you are not right, your state has risen, and we have a credit for it." Cheng Buyun said sadly: "It's just not grateful, but also count us, this is everywhere It makes no sense! "

"I still want credit?" Raytheon looked disdainfully and said contemptuously: "It's good not to scold you two sentences. I want credit."

"That is, just scared a few of us just now, that is, our state of mind is high enough, we can only react if we feel wrong, and take the opportunity to wake ourselves up, it is not your credit." Chen Zhen also made a joke because of the difficulty.

Cheng Buyun and Luo Feng's expressions were sad because of the fall of the two people.

After laughing for a while, Hong Shensheng said: "Okay, don't make trouble, time is limited, wait until the next party to talk. Don't forget, the fourth son is still training outside, it's very dangerous, let's make a long story short."

Hearing this, Thor and Chen Zhen looked serious.

The masters have experienced that the degree of danger is definitely not comparable to the internal secret adventure.

Inside the secret adventure, most of the safety has some guarantees, the threat of the enemy is limited, and the external danger is not great.

But it ’s hard to say about the secret realm of the universe and the battlefield outside the territory. There is no such thing as a safe zone. Everywhere is a dangerous zone, and the enemies encountered are stronger than one.

"It's okay, rest assured, I'm very safe now." Luo Feng smiled lightly, not because he was proud of him. In terms of his current strength, he could not ignore the imperial king.

You can kill with a knife.

In other words, the immortality of the king-level seal king deserves his attention.

"You can't be complacent. It's necessary to maintain a little awe." Hong Shensheng said.

"Big Brother said, I know." Luo Feng nodded respectfully.

Hong Wei smiled slightly, Luo Feng arrived today, many things can be figured out, just mention a few words, other words need not be too clear, "Return to the topic just now, the secret method is divided into non-influential, ordinary level, So above this? What level? "

"On top of the ordinary, this is the pinnacle secret method that I am practicing now. Generally speaking, it takes the Supreme Master of the Universe to create. Some powerful and invincible immortals can also be created. Luo Feng said with respect: "Mr. Zhen Yan Wang is really powerful. He has created the peak-level secret method as an immortal god, which makes many people admire very much."

King Zhenyan, Hong They naturally know how powerful they are. That is the invincible strong among immortal gods. I heard that they can save their lives in front of the ordinary universe sage.

What a brilliant achievement!

Looking at Hong's serious expressions, Luo Feng's proudly bent lips, Cheng Buyun smiled endlessly. Luo Feng, this kid, was obviously blowing the cowhide to Zhenyan Wang, but in fact secretly touted himself.

Because at this stage, Luo Feng must have created the first form of the "Moon Moon Policy"-Yinyue hanging in the sky.

Although it is only the lowest-level secret method in the peak level, after all, it is the peak-level secret method. The power is still very powerful. The sword is as bright as the river. Once the immortal seal king is hit, it will die!

"Of course, different levels of mystery, according to different powers, are also divided into three, six, nine, etc." Luo Feng smiled: "The peak mystery created by Master Zhenyan Wang is relatively common, and it is the lowest level."

This statement, everyone naturally understands that the strength is different, and the secret power created is naturally different.

Even if you can't get the secrets of the influx level, each power is also different, and the power is very different.

Most of the influx-level secret methods do not involve the laws of space and time. Once the two major laws are involved, the power will rise, and the geometric level of power will soar.

The more filling rules, the higher the power, and the peak secret method already involves the law of time.

The law of fusion, power is really amazing, and it is also the easiest kind of secret method to create.

The four levels of influx, ordinary, peak and ultimate, the classification is a bit too simple and rough.

Luo Feng was able to learn the pinnacle secrets at this time, using pinnacle secrets as the main means of attack. In their opinion, the pressure was great.

No specific explanation is needed, they also know that Cheng Buyun is the same.

In the future, the brothers get along and talk about topics. Then they need to work harder. Do n’t say anything to the two. If they do n’t understand, it ’s a little trouble.

Of course, pressure is also a driving force.

For the figure running ahead, they have a goal to chase, which is also a good thing for them.

The last ultimate level, Luo Feng did not disclose that it was too far away, whether it was for Hong, Thor, Chen Zhen, or for him, the distance was very far.

"To say this today is also a reminder to our brothers. We can't be proud and complacent, nor can we underestimate ourselves." Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "Speaking of this, it also gives everyone a goal. As for the peak class secrets, there are If you are interested, you can take a look and study it. "

Look, study?

Hong they are all ignorant.

How to study, where to study?

Suddenly, they stared at Cheng Buyun in surprise.

They thought about the results. Since Cheng Buyun said so, then he would definitely earn points for the secret book and give it to them.

"Small money, can brother still care about that stuff?" Cheng Buyun chuckled, then immediately pulled out the treasure chest in the background for a platform, maddened in a full screen of books, ticked all the books he needed and wrote Know the quantity needed.

Most books are one.

Hong, Thor, Chen Zhen, and Luo Feng have different laws and attributes, and the types of books they need to exchange are naturally different.

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