Plane Universe

Chapter 1686: Alice breaks through the overpass

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"Your Highness!"

"See your Highness."

This party was quite lively.

Even the three giants of the virtual universe company's Qianwu branch came.

Jin Yuhou, Zidianhou, Heihouhou, each brought several close people to the party.

They came to see Cheng Buyun specially.

Although they are the three giants of the Wuwu branch of the virtual universe company, it is usually not easy to see Cheng Buyun.

With such an opportunity, it is impossible to let go.

Therefore, Wang Ya's request for the dead skin and face, but they had to let them also participate.

"Good, everyone is good." Cheng Buyun laughed, holding four wives, and gently smiled: "The three of you have been credited for these years, I look at it, when I come back next time, You must be rewarded for merit. "

Upon hearing this, Jin Yuhou, Zidianhou, and Heihouhou immediately looked surprised and bowed down together: "Your Highness, we should all do it."

Cheng Buyun's identity is not so remarkable, not one or two levels, but as thick as a mountain. It is more useful to say a little sentence than they say thousands of sentences.

With his care, their position in the Ganwu branch is as stable as Mount Tai, and no one can shake it.

Even if the universal venerable universe wants to move them, they have to ask Cheng Buyun if he wants to!

Subsequently, Cheng Buyun's gaze looked at the other four people beside him, it was the three brothers Shangguan Yun and Meng Huo.

"Master!" The four bowed.

"Yes, your credit is also good, and I look at them one by one. When the time comes, I will wait for my next return. Like Jin Yuhou, they talk about merits and rewards." Cheng Buyun said with a smile.

The three brothers of Menghuo have been doing their best in recent years. They have spent a lot of effort on the growth of the vanguard, teaching geniuses, guiding cultivation, etc., all from their own hand.

It is Wang Ya's left arm and right arm.

"Master Xie, we should all do it." Meng Huo and others bent over.

With a backer, their lives are much better than before. Many important resources do not need to be as risky as they used to be.

The main reason for coming back this time is to meet up with you.

After meeting for a few days, Luo Feng also returned one by one, why should they go.

After leaving the virtual universe, only one idea was left to accompany several wives, but such a hint of thought, which is more mechanical, seems a bit dull.

This is because Cheng Buyun's soul origin is too weak,

Chaos City, small building rooftop.

Cheng Buyun put down the teacup in his hand and looked at the space crack on the edge of the universe above the sky. He sighed and smiled: "The leisure days are gone, and it is time for cultivation to be on the agenda."

Combining work and rest!

It's actually lazy!

Due to the weakness of the soul, Cheng Buyun couldn't meditate on the law of meditation, because once he concentrated his energy to realize and think, his mind would appear trance, and the soul was so painful as a needle.

For example, hundreds of people stabbed him in the sea with a needle in his consciousness, making him very uncomfortable.

In other words, he has sheltered from time to time, changed any realm, consumed such a great spiritual power, and has no possibility of waking up.

Will sleep until the end of life!

Of course, there may be soul mutation!

This is a chance.

"I can't understand the realm of law, but I can't fail me." Cheng Buyun said with a laugh, his avatar had the great state of law of the four systems of wind, fire, water and soil.

Therefore, it is not necessary to perceive, just to try to get the original power of the law.

The realm is still there, and it is not difficult to practice at all, and the origin of the contract is fast, which is also shocking.

Even if his laws of the earth system are indeed not high, they are thousands of times faster than some geniuses.

The speed of cultivation is as fast as the law.

Because you don't need to think, you don't need to feel, you just need to conform to the origin of the law of the universe, and the speed is naturally faster.

Of course, this is also because Cheng Buyun itself is strong enough to withstand the inculcation of the soul state of the doppelganger. If it is like the one he cultivated before, it is naturally impossible.

Once the realm of such laws is instilled, it is estimated that the soul and the body will collapse together.


One day, Alice came out of the house of time, and then shouted to the sky without stopping: "After Xiaohong, I'm going to see the Chaos Monument."

"Humph, I want to call Master Xiaohonghou." Xiaohonghou's dissatisfied voice sounded, correcting Alice's title problem.

"Don't think about it, hurry up." Alice replied coldly: "Don't delay my time."

"Huh, **** iceberg girl." Although Xiaohong was dissatisfied, she still moved Alice out of Yu Pei's space.

Alice, who appeared on the rooftop of the small building, first glanced quietly at Cheng Buyun who was sitting on the side of the plate, and then flew away quickly, rushing towards the main palace.

As she flew past, she logged into the virtual universe and appeared on the plane of Tongtianqiao.

The appearance of Alice immediately made the guardian Tong Tianqiao Bafen's eyes widened and quietly moved, and hundreds of emails were sent out instantly.

"Guardian, is there anyone at Jiuyutong Flyover?" Alice rarely smiled.

So polite, this was not seen in Alice in the past. The guardian Buffington was a little surprised, but he immediately smiled and said, "It ’s Alice, no one on the Jiuyutong flyover, you can feel free Go up and run. "

The personality changed, and the guardian Baffin also left a snack, and at the same time he immediately wrote an email and sent it up.

Because Alice's identity is different, it is related to the face of His Royal Highness Cheng Buyun. This email of Baffin was not sent to the management of the virtual universe company, but was also transferred to the chaotic city master through the virtual universe system.

When Alice flew onto the Jiuyutong flyover, the guardian Bafen had already received a reply: Known, no words!

The Lord of Chaos checked the email so quickly because the virtual universe system reminded him that the content of the email was very important.

The guardian received a reply from the Lord of Chaos, and smiled slightly. He did his duty. If something happened in the future, it would not matter to him.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A series of strong and powerful figures appeared one after another, a group of cosmic kingdom masters stood in the void, a group of immortal gods looked away, and concentrated on Alice, who was slowly flying above the Tongtian Bridge.

Geniuses such as Bo Lan and Rong Jun, whether they are cultivators or doing anything outside, have separated a trace of consciousness to connect with the virtual universe to watch Alice ’s current journey of Jiuyutong flyover.

Even Luo Feng came, and he wanted to see how much skill Alice had not exploded in more than three thousand years.

He looks forward to it!

It's because of Alice's low profile that she has received such attention.

After all, everyone is curious about her strength.

That genius Zhang's genius door, Luo Feng has risen, and Bran has been devolved into the secret realm of the early days. Alice's strength is fascinated, and attention is an inevitable result.

Above the Jiuyutong overpass, Alice did not know that there were many people outside watching her achievements in the overpass. She was very simple at the moment, just wanting to enlighten the Chaos Monument, but she did not have the number of times.

So come here to increase the number of enlightenment of the Chaos Monument.

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