Plane Universe

Chapter 1691: Palace of Time and Space

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Cheng Buyun shook his head helplessly. In fact, he really didn't want to move to the palace group in the city's main palace, which was very inconvenient.

But this is the third time that Chaos City Lord has asked for this, and it is not good to refuse it again.

Moreover, the chaotic city lord is also well-intentioned. After all, under the cover of the treasure of Qianbao River, many movements will not be noticed by outsiders and can be protected the most.

For example, like this time the origin law came, the chaotic city lord can cover up in advance, so that no one knows the ghost, and no one will know that Cheng Buyun is recognized by the origin law for the fourth time.

Hide the cards.

Now that things have happened, he promised that the teacher will immediately move into the main residence of the city, and he will naturally not be neglected and procrastinated.

"After Xiaohong, wake up, we are going to move somewhere." Cheng Buyun looked at Xiaohong, who was still sitting, and said softly.


Xiaohong opened her eyes and looked at Cheng Buyun in amazement. He said in surprise: "Brother, we are going to move somewhere? Why, I live well here and I am familiar with it. I am not used to changing places."

"I want to move into the main residence of the city." Cheng Buyun said softly.

"What, move into the city's main palace?" Xiaohong was surprised, her eyes glared at the boss, and she kept blinking a few times. She felt that her brother was crazy, and she wanted to move to the city's main palace. .

"No way, the teacher just gave me a voice just now, I can't move it." Cheng Buyun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Xiaohong also understood that it was nothing but three, and repeated invitations were rejected. Does n’t the chaotic city lord have any face!

Relocation is a foregone conclusion, and Xiaohong can't say anything.

After a little tidying up, the two took off in tandem and flew towards the main palace.

When the two left at the same time, the meditator next to him naturally knew immediately, and at a glance, the room where Cheng Buyun lived became blank, and he immediately knew what was going on.

This is to move into the city's main residence.

"This demon, it is important to enter the main residence of the city, hehe!"

"It's estimated that even the Lord of Chaos can't help it, so he asked him to go in half."

"I think I don't know what's good outside. It's worth his nostalgia and lived for thousands of years."

Cheng Buyun has been qualified to live in the city's main palace since the day he became a disciple of the protagonist of Chaos City. Why didn't he go? Everyone guessed wildly.

It's actually very simple, Cheng Buyun has many secrets.

Entering the city's main palace, walked through several corridors, through the outer palace, and came to the gate of the inner palace. After the immortal guard soldiers said hello, they slowly entered it.

The inner house is very wide, with simple and humongous palaces, all of which are more than 100 meters high and occupy an area of ​​more than 100 kilometers.

Hundreds of continuous palace groups, the more you go in, the more extraordinary the style, the height and area of ​​the palace have been rising, until the palaces behind are all more than a thousand meters high, hundreds of miles wide.

Ancient palaces are nothing compared to one.

Most of the palaces outside the inner house are inhabited by immortal **** warriors on duty. Cheng Buyun and other family disciples live there. The palaces they live in are located elsewhere on the left and right sides of the Chaos.

As for named disciples, there is no such qualification!

At this time, there is already a man waiting at the center of the palace, who is the one who is converted.

"Second Senior Brother." Cheng Buyun quickly walked over and shouted with a smile.

"Return to one." Xiao Honghou saluted slightly.

The Honored One glanced at Xiaohong, nodded gently, and then smiled at Cheng Buyun: "Brother, come? Ha ha, you should have lived here long ago, don't expose everything to people knowing that you have Some hole cards are still necessary. "

"Well, so I'm here." Cheng Buyun smiled without saying much.

"Okay, come with me and choose the palace you like." Gui Yizun said while turning to the right. "The teacher's disciples are not many. There are hundreds of palaces on both sides, enough for us. These pro-discipline disciples live, and most of the palaces are still vacant. "

Stopped at the door of the first palace on the right, the one who was converted said with a smile: "This is my palace, and the palace of the master is the first on the left."

According to the ranking, the disciples of the master of Chaos City lived according to the ranking, one left and one right, the first palace on the left is the big disciple, the second is the three disciples, and so on.

The same is true on the right. The one-for-one is the second disciple, so it occupies the first seat on the left.

There are a total of 33 personal disciples under Chaos City Lord, including him and Luo Feng.

Therefore, he can only choose the palace from the 16th on the left, or from the 17th on the right.

In this way, although there is a lot of choice for him, in terms of status, there is not much room for choice.

And Luo Feng, the kid, had already selected the palace on the right, which is the seventeenth. In this way, how can Cheng Buyun choose?

The sixteenth palace on the right has changed its name-Palace of Time and Space!

On the left is Luo Feng's Milky Way Palace, and on the right is the Star Fall Palace, but this palace has no owner.

Because its owner is "Kedi", it has fallen tens of millions of years ago.

The genius of Kodak is very high. If it does not fall, it is probably now the dominant level of the universe, even the main level of the universe.

It's a pity!

Looking at the name of the palace above, the one who turned to one can't help but roll his eyes. The younger brother is really not humble, and now dare to use this title!

But he didn't say much. After all, Cheng Buyunxian now uses this title as a veritable one, barely occupying the point.

"Well, then, younger brother, brother will not disturb you." The honoured person saw that Cheng Buyun had already chosen, and the task assigned by the teacher was completed.

"Second Brother, I'll trouble you this time." Cheng Buyun smiled.

The one-of-a-kind person is trusted by the chaotic city lord, and his affairs are generally handled by him.

With a palace, it is very different from the past. What was not enough in the past now has power.

For example, let the slaves come out, live in the palace, and practice is allowed.

The only thing is that you cannot leave the palace and walk outside.

Of course, this is a small problem.

The initial universe.

Those who can live here permanently are all superpowers of the human race and need the ability of the eighteenth floor of Tongtianqiao.

In Yu Pei World noticed, using the inner world as a transit station, a large group of people suddenly appeared in the palace hall.

It also includes Catherine, the Zerg Queen!

Exposing Catherine, the Zerg Queen, naturally made sense.

Practicing in Yupei space is fast, but the fusion of laws is very slow, and it has no good effect in the initial universe.

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