Plane Universe

Chapter 1693: Perfect level-shock change

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Cheng Buyun undoubtedly attaches the most importance to the secret gift given by the rules of the universe.

At his current level, the talents he grants may not be able to perform, just like Luo Feng, giving you a talent, you are not able to show it, because there is not enough divine power.

The mystery is completely different, and it is only about proximity and power.

The foundation is weak, the power is weak, and there is no problem of being unable to perform.

Therefore, Cheng Buyun felt a little nervous.

He should be nervous, it's about strength, who can't be nervous!

With a set of ultimate secret methods that can be used at will, Cheng Buyun dare to pat his chest and say: I dare to compete with the Venerable Universe!

The gene of life is 10081 times, the result given by the rules of the universe is critical.

"Time and space, you said that my foundation is perfect, what will the rules of the universe give me?" Cheng Buyun asked in his mind.

"Go!" Space-Time replied angrily: "What's so tense, anyway, no matter what is given, it's the icing on the cake. Those you can have in the future, worry about it!"

"Can I not worry, it's about my direct combat effectiveness, and you don't want me to be chased by the sky." Cheng Buyun laughed.

Icing on the cake?

The grade of time and space is high, he can't compare!

"Indeed, if the secret method is given, then your strength can immediately increase by a thousand times, and the ordinary universe Venerable level can fight it." Time and space said slightly: "If it is a talent, it is a little tasteless, naturally It's useless. "

The attack talent needs enough divine power to perform, just like Luo Feng's cosmic grinding plate, the immortal level of divine power is barely available, and it is okay to deal with the weak alone. Its practicality is not at all.

"I think so too, the best is to attack the secret method, the second best is to assist the talent, the last one is the attack talent." Cheng Buyun said with a deep voice, "I hope it will not be the last one."

"Then pray, I hope that the rules of the universe can hear your expectations and give you the secret of attack, hehe!" Space-Time smiled.

look forward to?

Cheng Buyun was silent.

After a while, as if remembering something, Cheng Buyun said: "Yes, time and space, although I have a high genetic level, but my body is too small, it will become immortal in the future, the amount of divine power is a problem!"

The human body is always a problem, that is, more than one meter, less than two meters, can store the amount of divine power, and even those large life fragments are not available.

For example, the life of starry sky monsters is exaggerated by thousands of thousands of miles, how to compare?

Sometimes they are huge, and after becoming immortal gods, there are also great benefits.

"Stupid, I can't think of a problem you can think of?" Time and space said disdainfully: "When you will complete the practice of chaos and engulf the secret code, you will know the result of the changes that occur and will surprise you."


In time and space, Cheng Buyun seemed a little surprised, and his mind was calculated. Could it be that chaos engulfed the basics of the Secret Code and the practice was complete? Will his body shape change?

Just like the world of the golden horn beast? Can you zoom in hundreds of times in an instant?

But even if it is hundreds of times, how big can it be with its own human body!

But is the foundation of Chaos Engulfing Secret Code complete?

That's almost there!

The cause of 10080 times life is climbing to 10081 times at the speed of the turtle. The speed is slow, even if the real turtle runs faster than this.


very slow!

very slow!

The growth of life genes is slower to the end!

The energy is surging and instilling.

In the palace, Cheng Buyunpan's body on the ground became stronger and stronger, and he climbed toward the most perfect point.


"My disciple is really amazing, born with a powerful mystery enshrined by the universe, which is enviable!" In the towering highest palace in the Chaos Ruin, the chaotic city master leaned on the fence and looked away, and he could easily see everything happening in Qianbao River .

Nature can also see the body of Cheng Buyun sitting.

The breath climbed up a little bit. The Lord of Chaos was naturally the first and only one to perceive it.

Under the control of the Qianbao River area, he can easily cover up any movements and not be known to outsiders!

To be honest, Cheng Buyun can change the genes of life in such a weak state, climb the strongest route, have the foundation to become the strongest in the universe, and the chaotic city master is the happiest one.

To become the strongest in the universe, the only route known to the chaotic city master is that the life gene reaches 10081 times the perfect, making the body jump directly, thus becoming the strongest in the universe.

But it's too difficult!

Today, his life gene intensity is only 10,000 times, and it has not increased for a long time, so long that he has forgotten the time.

The **** body seems to reach a limit, it can no longer progress, it is stuck, and it can't find a way to become a strong person in the universe!

The strongest in the universe is the enemy, and will be hostile to the rules of the universe. Naturally, it will make restrictions and will not give access!

Being able to become the strongest in the universe, the encounters of the masters of each universe are amazing, not to be humane!

Staring at the figure in the Palace of Time and Space.

Suddenly, rumbling ~~

There was a tremendous tremor of sound breaking through the sky.

The Lord of Chaos looked surprised, exclaimed: "How is it possible!"

At this time, Cheng Buyun, the body's transition has reached a perfect point, the body height suddenly skyrocketed, too little time to react, his head broke through the palace and has been growing up!

"This kid." The chaotic city master was also in a hurry, and quickly cast it up, removed Cheng Buyun from the palace, placed it in the void, and cast a secret method to cover the movement.

In the void, Cheng Buyun's frightening body floated in the area covered by Qianbao River as if it were unconscious.

It seems that there is no limit to the growth of the body. It has been less than two meters since it was small. It has been growing, one thousand meters, ten thousand meters, and then one kilometer per second. It seems to be endless.


"This ... me?" Cheng Buyun himself was dumbfounded.

"what happened?"

"How did the little teacher's palace break a big hole at the top?"

Several powerful figures floated above the void, with a very frightened expression in their expressions, constantly scanning the surroundings, trying to find the culprit that collapsed the palace, and then let him know what could not be done.

These are the personal disciples of Chaos City Lord.

"What the **** is going on?" The revered person was also shocked.

Numerous bodies stood in the ruins of the palace. They were Zhong Rou, Bai Suzhen, and Catherine. They were already scared and stupid, and their bodies were shaking.

It was n’t Xiao Hong ’s appeasement, they would probably shout crazy.

After all, the master Cheng Buyun disappeared without a trace, a great event.

"It's okay, don't make a fuss, it's your little brother who accidentally collapsed the palace, let it all go." The faint figure of the chaotic city master was overlaid, and suddenly, the one-of-a-kind people waited and respected quickly.

No one dares to ask more!

The chaotic city owner leaning on the fence in the towering palace, looking at Cheng Buyun, who was hidden in the void by him, murmured to himself and said in a low voice: "How many surprises should we give to the teacher?"

The human race is weak, not only the life genes are lost at the starting line, but even the size of the body is different from the beginning. For example, which peak group of starry sky beasts, humans are one to one, the difference is not a little bit.

Now, Cheng Buyun has given him a big surprise, and his body has become bigger.

And it's not that kind of vain enlargement.

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