Plane Universe

Chapter 1702: Departure

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Upon his arrival, the Lord of Chaos immediately turned his head and said, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, teacher, everything is ready." Cheng Buyun focused on it.


After the main hand of Chaos City turned over, a deep black root and a jade card fell into the palm of his hand, and then handed Cheng Chengyun Shen Sheng solemnly said: "This is the weapon 'broken empty' root used by the teacher when he was still immortal. It was given by the teacher ’s teacher, and I ’ll give it to you now and use it well. "

As soon as Cheng Buyun heard it, it was given by the teacher's teacher, and his expression was also shocked. He quickly and solemnly took it over and said: "Absolutely not to insult the reputation of the ancestor."

The teacher of Chaos City Master, although he has n’t seen it, is the first time he has heard it, but he knows that he is a superpower of mankind, known as the ancestor of hundreds of millions of people in the universe!

The Lord of Chaos took a deep look at him and said with a warm voice: "This jade card is a token of the teacher. If you encounter an irresistible threat, you can crush it immediately and the teacher will arrive as quickly as possible. Of course, the teacher Knowing your strength, in general, the strong who can put you in danger belong to the level of the universe venerable. In the battlefield outside the territory, those immortal gods do not have that qualification. But there are always things in case, if it is really an irresistible factor Do n’t even think about it, smash the token given by the teacher. This token is made of E9 metal and you can easily destroy it. "

"Extraterritorial battlefield?"

Cheng Buyun's face solidified. In fact, he didn't want to go to the extraterrestrial battlefield. Where is there not much oil and water? An immortal deity who is the ultimate king of the king has an average net worth of hundreds of billions of dollars. How many aliens must be killed to make his wallet rich?

10 one trillion, 100 ten trillion, 1,000 only one trillion.

One hundred billion yuan is also one-tenth of the treasure value for Alice.

If he kills thousands of extreme kings of aliens, it is estimated that the movement will be great.

"Well, extraterritorial battlefield." Chaotic city master stared at Cheng Buyun, said softly: "After all, you are the first time to go out and hone, to threaten the extraterritorial battlefield with a degree of control, which will help you experience. Don't think about it, Teachers are not usually authoritarian, just because you are too special, we humans ca n’t afford to lose, do you understand? "

The Lord of Chaos has good intentions, of course Cheng Buyun knows.

The extraterritorial battlefield is a war zone formulated by the four pinnacle ethnic groups. The rules jointly formulated are generally not allowed to enter beyond the universe. Once entered, the consequences will definitely die.


At that time, the invincibility and immortality of the Yan tribe raged on the battlefield outside the territory, and humans could not bear it until they sent the Universe Venerable, and the Universe Venerable also paid the price of death.

Even if the Venerable Universe was resurrected afterwards, it was still hidden in the depths of human territory and no longer appeared.

The price is really high.

"There are many resources in the universe, and there are many treasures, but they are also dangerous. Not to mention the Venerable Universe, even the Lord of the Universe can pass at will. For you, it is really dangerous." The Lord of Chaos solemnly said: " Young people need a lot of experience, but some experience also needs to be controlled. They need to step by step and slowly cross. "

It was so clear that Cheng Buyun was no longer willing, and could only put it away, and then respectfully said: "The teacher said that I went out to grind this time and went to the foreign battlefield."

Then he whispered softly again, "Foreign battlefield? A broken place, no oil, no fun."

The Lord of Chaos is helpless, Cheng Buyun has a lot of wealth, and even her elder horse Alice can be equipped with a treasure, how to see the wealth possessed by the immortal strongmen on the battlefield outside the domain?

However, since it is going to experience, naturally need to go to a relatively safe environment.

Step by step experience.

"Remember, keep life first, and only life can have a future." The main character of Chaos City said solemnly, and finally waved angrily, let Cheng Buyun leave quickly, so as not to make him angry, "Okay, you go, do a good experience , But do n’t reveal your identity at will. ”

In fact, let Cheng Buyun go to the battlefield outside the territory to experience, the chaotic city lord has another meaning, want him to check Cha Luofeng.

But in the end, he didn't mention it.

He was afraid that even this disciple would fall into it in the end.

Star Tower, this thing can't even be manipulated by him. If he is really trapped inside, he can't rescue him.

Farewell to the teacher, Cheng Buyun left the Chaos Market with a stick and a jade card in one hand.

As soon as he came out of the Chaos Market, time and space had a "boom" sound, which made him feel very strange, and immediately asked: "What is the time and space?"

"This Fangyu brand is more than just a token. In fact, a world is sealed inside, and I feel that a very strong body is still inside." The voice of space-time sounded, "I guess, It may be an energy avatar stored by the Lord of Chaos, used to protect you if necessary. "


When Cheng Buyun heard it, the whole person was a little stunned. The teacher's care for him made him speechless.

If it's just a common communication, it's a huge time difference to squeeze and notify the teacher.

Even if the teacher uses the teleportation immediately, it will take at least 3 seconds.

Three seconds, it is estimated that he died hundreds of times.

If there is an avatar shelter, the result is completely different. Even if the other party is the master of the universe, the teacher's energy avatar can't resist, and it can definitely hold the other party for a few seconds, enough for the teacher to come over in person.

"So you can't earn Yupei space with this token, lest it will be too long, and when the time comes when there is danger and you can't resist, your teacher can't communicate this energy doppelganger." Space-time reminder said.

"Well, I understand!"

Cheng Buyun's expression nodded solemnly, because once he entered the jade pendant space, he would be attacked by soul enslavement, and it would cause the teacher to doubt what happened.

Jane solemnly collected the token into the body world, and Cheng Buyun returned to the palace and immediately commanded: "After Xiaohong, notify everyone to come."

Soon, all the men and women came, and Cheng Buyun immediately said: "I will go out for some time in the future. You all should practice well here, don't cause trouble, and don't go out at will."

"Yes, master!"

Everyone quickly and respectfully answered.

"Master, I want to go out with you." Zhong Rou said quickly.

Looking at the figure of Chongrou, he thought about it. Cheng Buyun nodded his head, and Chongrou's strength was okay. As his first under his command, the training force was definitely not less than that of Alice.

At the same time, the bloodline is also very noble. Hell moving mountain elephants, very old ethnic groups, are not worse than today's starry behemoths.

It's just annihilated too early.

"Okay, you're alone. Other people want to take risks, so they have to practice well. I will take them out when I have the strength and don't apply." Cheng Buyun smiled lightly and continued to look at Bai Suzhen and Xiao who were a little disappointed The two young sisters said comfortingly: "You manage the palace well, don't let me down."

"Yes, Master, we will not let you down, we will manage everyone well." The two sisters said quickly and respectfully, with a very serious expression.

Cheng Buyun nodded and said lightly: "Get the spaceship out, we are ready to go."

"Brother, I can't wait any longer." Xiaohong has been waiting for a long time, and immediately released the Xiaohonghou, which has not been dispatched for thousands of years.

The huge spaceship Xiaohonghou appeared once again above the Chaos City, attracting attention!

The world's power rolls Catherine and Chongrou into the jade world, and then glances at everyone. The body floats directly and quickly flew towards the little red horn.

Alice and Xiaohonghou naturally followed closely afterwards and entered the Xiaohonghou number one after another.

Cheng Buyun once again overlooked the building below the Chaos City, and finally sipped: "Start!"

The huge spaceship's energy bin is accelerating, sending out a whine, slowly rising, and flying towards the cosmic channel.

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