Plane Universe

Chapter 1710: 3A level **** base

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In the deep and bright metal passageway, many strong men came back to fight back, and this is the passageway. The only people left were Cheng Buyun and Alice, and the two slowly moved forward with an expression.


Some of the people who returned came to see Cheng Buyun and Alice in the passage, looking very surprised.

The ten-kilometer-wide and five-kilometer-long metal passageway is hundreds of miles long, and it soon reached the end. It straddled out in one step, and it was a super hall.

What a huge hall of 30,000 kilometers.

Countless spaceships took off and landed in it, one by one went out of the channel, and returned from the outside in batches.

All 100 military camps are in and out of this hall, of course the number is large.

Cheng Buyun immediately joined it, took out Xiaohong's horn, placed it on an open space, and joined the sequence of leaving.

Inside the cabin, Xiaohong wrote a message to leave, and then prompted: "A request to leave has been sent."

Cheng Buyun and Alice did not join any squad, but acted alone.

The identity of the two of them is very different. The military system of the extraterritorial battlefield has given a lot of choice from the beginning: First, it controls a 100-person warlord-level squad and creates military merit.

Second, be independent and free to choose team candidates.

Even the military system has not given military tasks, because the clever military system understands very well that the amount of military power required by the military system is completely inadequate.

Of course, this is also an order issued by the person in charge of the army. Cheng Buyun showed his identity this time. As a senior, they naturally have to give face.

It cannot be treated like an ordinary realm.


A five-kilometer-long spaceship suddenly appeared next to the waiting hall. It looked so different, and it made a group of people uproar directly.

"A big spaceship!"

"It's so big, won't it be a battleship?"

"What's the use of engaging a warship here?"

People who saw Xiaohong's nickname all talked and expressed their opinions.

The warship is notoriously strong in firepower and slow in speed, and it is okay to deal with ordinary people, but it is not enough to deal with the master.

"Look carefully, this is not an ordinary spaceship, it is an F-class spaceship!"

"What, Class F? So big?"

"Mom, really, F-class spaceship, my goodness!"

"With such a huge F-class spacecraft, how much money would it take to buy the ground?"

The appearance of Xiaohonghou made a little disturbance in the waiting hall. Everyone's eyes showed a burst of greed.

Human nature!

Needless to say, the preciousness of the F-class spaceship, which is a huge five kilometers.

The strong kings can't afford to buy treasures.

"I don't know if it's the big man's car, but it appears in a small army barracks. It's rare."

In addition to several military barracks in the universe, the main barracks in the domain, and the main barracks in the army, there are naturally also barracks for immortal gods.

But the immortal spirit barracks will not be divided into 100, but a combined one. Almost all the immortal spirits serving in the seventh battlefield are in the immortal spirit barracks.

"After receiving the departure signal, Xiaohonghou was automatically towed." Standing in front of the console, Xiaohong promptly sounded and told Cheng Buyun what state the spacecraft was at this time.


The Xiaohong Houhao ignited automatically, the energy bin started to operate, and the hull floated gently.

At this time, it is the intelligent system from the base that controls Xiaohong ’s later number, and the intelligent system that manages the entire war base is of a very high level.

Belongs to the universe-level mechanical life.

A very old existence with a strong background.

"10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ..."

"The spaceship starts and starts!"

Xiaohonghou flew along an arc-shaped passage, followed by a large spacecraft, and slowly left the waiting hall.

Soon, Cheng Buyun has been able to see a part of the cosmic void scenery exposed through the front channel entrance through the virtual appearance.

A spaceship that left the arc channel one step faster than the Xiaohonghou and began to accelerate towards the distance.


After the ejection, Xiaohong recovered the ability to operate Xiaohonghou, and quickly issued orders to start radar detection and open the energy shield.

"You don't need to be so nervous, you just left the base. You don't have the audacity to dare to come here to design an ambush point." Cheng Buyun saw Xiaohong's nervous behavior and immediately laughed.

"Brother, be careful to make Wannian ship." Xiaohong said a little shyly: "I am experiencing these things for the first time, um, a little nervous!"

Cheng Buyun grinned, no joke after Xiaohong, but turned his head and looked back at the huge base behind him.

The huge base of millions of kilometers was completely covered by a mist of color at this time, and it was easy to see the huge number of mechanical muzzles densely arranged on its body with eyesight.

Those mechanical guns, all of which are hundreds of kilometers in diameter, don't look like they are very backward. Once the power is released, one cannon can annihilate a starry sky. Under such power, the ultimate seal king is like an ant.

These mechanical cannons are aimed at the higher universe venerable. No matter what level the immortal **** is at, it is not worth her waste of firepower!

"The cannon with a very exaggerated caliber is more than a thousand times thicker than the one Xiaohonghou had put on before." Xiaohonghou's eyes were radiant, and his expression looked a little greedy. To the idea on Xiaohonghou.

In addition to the defense of fire-powered mechanical artillery, the most precious of the war base is the high-level solidified secret lines around the branch.

Those secret patterns are the key to the base.

"It's worthy of being a 3A-level war base. The secret pattern used is much stronger than Xiaohong's horn." Cheng Buyun's face felt like such a powerful fortress, with strong defense, no high-ranking universe lord Come touch its beard.

After all, the consequences are not willing to be borne by the higher universe sage.

"What's remarkable, when the time is right, brother, you can help me make a fortress of war." Xiaohong pouted.

Her mouth was so disdainful, but the envious look on her face could not be concealed.

Xiao Honghou is a mechanical intelligence life. At this stage, his limited strength is limited. There are very few places that can help Cheng Buyun. There is no card in his hand, and he ca n’t play even with strong computing power.

Of course, with the newly promoted Xiaohong post, the result is completely different.

In fact, the fighting methods of Mechanical Life and Zerg are very similar, both of which are under the command to fight, so after all, after Cheng Buyun has Catherine, it feels that there is no need for another little red.

It might as well let her operate the warship for support!

As for whether the result is good or not, wait for the waiting time to verify.

"set off!"

Cheng Buyun's eyes were deep, staring at the messy and wreckage of the void, the gray star belt, and his mouth said with solemnity: "It's time for us to make a sound, let the foreigners see, I'm Cheng Buyun, they're calling People who want to assassinate appear! "

"Red duck!"

Xiaohong shouted with excitement in his mouth, and he looked eager to fight.

In fact, isn't it that you want to take the unlucky ghost to try the firepower of Xiaohonghou?

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