Plane Universe

Chapter 1712: Signal for help

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Seeing that Chongrou's tricks were all used, Cheng Buyun shook his head even if he had not solved the enemy.

"Brother, it's a good deal." Xiaohong later quickly explained to Chongrou: "Not everyone is as perverted as you are, practicing any secret method is like drinking water to eat, Chongrou's perception is still a little worse, can achieve such a result, Excellent. "

"You know, Chongrou hasn't erupted yet. It's just exerted with its own power. Hundreds of times the power of the Realm Lord can annihilate the enemy's 16% of the **** body. This achievement can be justified everywhere." Xiaohong Houlian said.

"I've finished everything for you, what else can I say?" Cheng Buyun was dumb. He didn't mean to blame Zhong Rou, but the trick he had taught was not perfectly displayed. It felt a bit regretful.

Void Wave Boxing is a unique trick created by Panlong Universe. After improvement, the power has turned hundreds of times, and the peak is unique.

With the combination of soil and space, the power is amazing!

Zhongrou only realized two of the points, and a fist reduced the ordinary immortal body by sixteen percent. What a shocking power!


The immortal scale flames are really frightened at this time, and if they don't want to think about it, they turn around and escape.

It's a pity that in the projection of Zhongruo's world, its powerful solidifying force compresses his flying speed, and it is easily caught up by Zhongruo.


Chongrou sneered and said, "Become my master's military merit."

"Your master?"

The scale armor flames were awakened by the immortality of the flames, and turned their heads to look up at the stationary giant ship in the distance.

The simple reason is that the slaves are so powerful, and how proud the master is.

Because the Xiaohonghou rarely appears in front of outsiders, the aliens have not yet inquired that this battleship is Cheng Buyun's car.

The same is true for Chongrou. In the past, he never appeared outside, and his identity could not be checked at all.


Chong Rou rushed up and prepared to get close, his fists flew in flight, and his fist punched through the void, like a meteor flashing, so beautiful.

But in view of the immortality of the scale armor flames, this punching meteor is not as good as the amulet, even if a punch is accidentally, it is also a serious injury to the underground.

Melee is the most dangerous, there is not much room for evasion, and it is more difficult to shrink and shrink because of fear.

"Do not."

After several punches, he didn't wait for Chongrou to get close, and the immortal scale armor could not resist, feeling the bursts of weakness coming from his soul. In order not to let himself sleep and be enslaved, he chose to explode.


The aftermath of the explosion spread, and the rushing heavy soft hands clenched their fists, resisting the aftermath in front of her, and blowing her hair, as proud as a **** of war!

Scale armor flames self-destruct immortal, a large number of personal items scattered in the void, all items stored in the world ring.

At the end of the battle, Xiaohong's horn slowly moved over, pulling the items scattered in the void one by one, collecting them into the cruelty, and waiting to choose slowly.

Sometimes, no matter what level of enemies, no one knows what the other party has good things, only after selection, confirmed to be useless things will choose to sell.

"Tiger is dead."

At the edge of the battlefield, several figures appeared at this time, staring at the battlefield. They were the immortal squad of the demon clan who dared to come to rescue after receiving the immortal help message of the scale armor flame.

I saw the disappointing result of the immortal scale flames as soon as I came, and the soft fist shadow that could pierce the void also scared them a little, not daring to step forward.

Chongrou naturally found the comrade, and after a slight glance, she ignored it. Without the master ’s order, of course she would not chase it foolishly.

Too far.

"Master, Zhong Rou returns after completing the mission." Zhong Rou said respectfully in the battleship hall, waiting for the master's instructions.

"Well, yes, the foundation is very solid. It can be seen that you have worked very hard over the years and did not waste my training pains." Cheng Buyun first praised, making the tension on Chongrou's face a lot easier, but then When she came down, it made the expression on her face heavy again. "However, the moves are dead. I usually want to do more. I can't follow the gourd painting. I want to blend it through. Don't look at it all."

"Yes, Master, I will spend more time in my heart to practice my master's tricks carefully, so as not to let the Master down." Zhong Rou said respectfully.

She didn't think much about it, what the host said must be right.

"Don't be nervous, the overall is still very good, I am very satisfied, continue to work hard." Cheng Buyun smiled.

Zhong Rou was relieved.

Xiaohonghou once again embarked on the road, continuing to stay away from the 3A-level deity base and approaching the asteroid fragment.

The seventh battlefield has a very wide area, with a diameter of one million light-years. The four pinnacle groups are fighting inside, and there will not be a feeling of turbulence.

In this battle, Cheng Buyun and Alice had a total military power of 30 million. The immortal scale flames contributed 20 million. The remaining ten elite masters are all one million military power.

In half, the two received 15 million military achievements at the same time.

Can only be regarded as an appetizer.

Compared with the 10 trillion military achievements they want to earn, nine cattle and one cent are not worth much.

Suddenly, the battleship detection radar trembles slightly and emits a soft beep.

Xiaohong turned around and quickly said, "Brother, the military system sent an ally request for assistance. At the same time, the radar detected that an ally was fighting aliens 200 million kilometers to the left. He was in trouble and was asking for help. Let's help ?"

"Since our allies are in trouble, we are also part of the army, and we are naturally capable of helping us." Cheng Buyun didn't even think about it and immediately nodded in agreement.


After being affirmed by Cheng Buyun, Xiaohong immediately shouted, "Go forward at full speed!"

After the upgrade of Xiaohonghou, the performance of the detection radar has soared a great distance, and the amplitude of the detection range has exceeded 100 billion kilometers.

With billions of kilometers of accurate detection, any of these targets is difficult to hide.

On a broken continent tens of billions of miles away from the small broken star belt, more than 20,000 lives were fiercely fighting at this time.

The fierce fighting sound swayed the continental shelf, and blood and rain were flying.

Humans and aliens, both sides die and forget their lives, forget everything around them, only enemies.

Ferocious knives blazed across the sky, and fragments of residual limbs covered the surrounding land.

"Captain, what to do, the casualties are too great, the other party has two immortal gods, the advantage is much larger than ours, the soldiers can hardly insist, if there is no reinforcements, it is necessary to plan early." The attack of the alien immortal gods takes time to transmit sounds to the immortal spirit souls of their own side.

"I know, let everyone persevere again. Some reinforcements have received the signal of help from us and are coming." The immortal deity of human beings split the enemy with a knife, and quickly shouted: "Everyone insists for a while, our help The signal has been sent, and allies have accepted and confirmed that they are coming. Everyone insists for a while, holding the aliens, let us join the allies to send them to death! "

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