Plane Universe

Chapter 1714: Battle of rescue

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The thought of the person present, Chongrou did n’t know, and would not think too much. Her task was simple, killing aliens, accomplishing the tasks the master had instructed, and not embarrassing the master.

"Humph, look down on me?" Chongrou sneered, Jiao Chi shouted: "All the foreigners should be damn, kill!"

All interracial damn?

It seems that you are not alien.


Chongrou doesn't think she is. Look at her body, what a perfect human female body, she shouldn't do anything alien!


The body landed, and the feet wearing heavy metal combat shoes stomped heavily on the ground. In the dirt, a pair of flame phantom wings spread behind her, and the golden battle armor was beautiful like a god. .

Still female **** of war!

The gold-red combat shoes worn by Chongrou at this time are not ordinary things. Among the treasures of ordinary levels, they belong to the peak level and are worth more than 500 billion yuan.

Precious treasures that are not necessarily affordable for the existence of King-level.

The combat shoes themselves also have extremely strong defensive and accelerating power, which can cover the whole body as a battle armor. However, Rejoice owns the golden armor beads given by the master, and of course will not use the combat shoes to cover the whole body as armor.

She only needs to use the acceleration force of her amplitude.

Unfolding the reverence of speed, the two immortal gods were immediately startled and exclaimed: "What a terrible speed."


The immortal deity of human beings saw that the supporter Zhongruo rushed up, and he no longer thinks about it at the moment, and rushes up to prepare to entangle another alien immortal deity.

"Die to me, watch tricks!"

Chong Rou shouted, his forward body slightly swayed, his right fist was squeezed and placed on his waist, his body turned slightly to the left, and he burst out as a punch.

——Void Wave Boxing!

For example, the light and shadow of the meteor flying flies directly through the surrounding space, shaking the air, and the energy breath is being twisted.

This shows the power of this punch.

"A strong attack!"

The Mech Clan Alliance rock life immortal deity, which is regarded as the target of Zhongrou, is much stronger than the previous Immortal Alliance's scale armor flame immortality.

After all, it is the main level of the immortal army!

Although he was frightened by Chong Rou's fist in his heart, he also reacted to it, and he burst into a breath, and burned 2% of his divine power at the same time, enhancing his attack power and cutting it out.

‘Zi! ’

The light and shadow fist was suddenly cut away from the middle point, split into two sides and swept left and right.

"not good!"

"Everyone flash!"


The light and shadow punches split by the rock immortal gods, the speed is not reduced, and the impact is booming on the left and right sides. The speed is amazingly fast. Those world masters can also evade by one step earlier, but those domain masters, universe class It won't work.

They don't have that reaction speed.


The thick light and shadow fist passed by like two waves of death. There was no life in the place, and no trace of hair was left.

All annihilated by energy!

A large number of personal belongings were scattered around, which was the result of the space ring carried by the dead aliens, or the result of the broken world ring.

In one move, hundreds of people from different races were annihilated to death, and the audience was shocked whether they were from other races or humans themselves.

It's so perverted.

Just the Lord!

The attack power is much more perverted than the three immortal warlords. Is this still the warlord?

It is estimated that the existence of Fenghou class will be believed!

"How could this be."

The immortal rock **** shivered and felt terrified afterwards.

"Huh? Blocked?"

Zhongrou couldn't help but pursed her lips, as if she was not very satisfied with her attacking style.

She was also really dissatisfied. All her moves were resisted and there was no harm to the target at all.

Immortal gods, once burning divine power, attack power will rise, you can exchange for defense at the minimum cost, or cause huge damage to the enemy.

It must be said that this reaction to the immortal deity of the rock is really fast enough.

"Burning divine power to resist?"

Chongrou sneered, and the body stopped, and the face covered with the visor could not see any expression. It should be angry!

"Very good, see when you can burn divine power!"

As the words fell, her body rotated 360 degrees in situ, and her left foot swept toward the front. A huge half-moon-shaped grayish yellow light and shadow violently emanated from her left foot.

A huge crescent half a meter wide and a kilometer in length came out, and all the aliens, whether they were the landlord or the two immortal gods, had frozen expressions on their faces.

And those domain masters, cosmic-level, were all scared to sit on the ground, their faces scared, and their feet were soft.

"Everyone run away!"

The immortal deity of the rock roared continuously, but it didn't work. The huge crescent sent out by Rejoice had imprisonment power, and the surrounding space had been blocked.

Depressed breath came to the audience, and it was difficult to even move, let alone run away.

Kicked out a huge crescent, and Chongrou was not satisfied yet. A pair of fists waved again and again, powerful punches pierced the sky, and went straight to the rock immortal gods to kill.

Hurry up?

The human side, including the immortal god, stopped and watched the rejoicing performance.



The rejoicing in a flurry is extremely terrible.

The immortal deity of the rock life belonging to the Alliance of Mechanical Clan Alliance, the next miserable attack was a blast of fierce battles that fought against successive burning divine power, which would have consumed half of the divine power.

After a while, it is estimated that you have to fall asleep.

Immortal deities' spiritual power, once consumed too much, will feel weaker than half. If it consumes more than 70%, they will feel dizzy and have the result of ordinary people who want to sleep like lack of energy.

If you consume more than 80% of the divine power, then the main consciousness will be comatose. Once more than 90%, you will fall asleep, and no one will wake up if you yell and attack.



The immortal spirit of the rock begged for mercy, but did not get a little response.

"Do not!"

For a few seconds, with an unwilling roar, the immortal rock immortal gods belonging to the Confederacy of the Mechanical Alliance blew themselves up.

The other terrified immortal deity was scared with oil on the soles of the scene, ran towards the continental shelf and escaped.


Zhongrou sneered, the world projection of cheating came instantly, and looked around quickly, "Stay!"


The humanoid immortal **** in black armor struggled to continue to look forward, but the move was in vain.

The projection of the heavy and soft world is too strong, but it is only the main level of the immortal army. It is still very ordinary, and there is room for struggle.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The weak people who are deeply trapped in the projection of the world, the alien domain masters and cosmic warriors are directly crushed by the powerful projection of the world.

Only those lords can struggle, but as the soft and indifferent voice sounds, their lives are also over.

"I'm going to chase the alien immortal, you deal with these alien realm masters." Zhongrou turned his head to look at the human side, then flew up, chasing the fleeing alien immortal deity.

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