Plane Universe

Chapter 1716: Five years

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Introducing the name, talking about the cunning of the aliens, Zhong Rou finally left with a full heart.

Humans don't cultivate gods and spirits to see the warships in the distance. Their eyes are a little blurred.

"Captain, fancy?" A nearby host also looked at the black dots in the distance, and then turned to laugh and laugh.

"Haha, that lady is indeed beautiful, and it's normal for the captain to see it."

"Captain, just look at what's the use. Just now you didn't ask anyone's contact information, you missed the opportunity."

The rare old face of the immortal **** Mingyu, who turned around, turned his head and looked at everyone, snarling and scolding, "Don't talk nonsense here, I have the heart, and the other party is willing to do it. With the powerful strength of the other party, I can look like me Little person? "

At the end, he was a bit self-deprecating.

"The captain is saying that the strength of the two sides is not equal. Even if they are willing, they will not last long."

"That Miss Chourou is too powerful. Killing the immortal master is as simple as killing an ant, scary!"

When it comes to Chongrou's strength, everyone talked about it one after another, and it was messy for a while.

"I don't know who it is. It's so strong. I think the geniuses cultivated inside human beings are just that."

"It's hard to say that the genius can be seen in the realm of masters, and the genius can be seen. The background is absolutely monstrous. What kind of forces belong to it is difficult to guess."

The human camp outside the battlefield does not only refer to the entire human race and its dependent ethnic groups, but to the battlefield of hundreds of millions of ethnic groups. Many races that are not part of the human core camp have little relationship. They can also negotiate with humans, and then send the clan to act as a human camp. Enter the extraterritorial battlefield and **** resources.

However, the normal human body that values ​​softness can still be determined.

No one believes that it is not a genius cultivated by humans themselves.

"I think it's wrong to think about it. There is a master behind such a genius, will there be any secret involvement?"

"It's not impossible, it is difficult to guess the means of the strong man, or the lady Chongrou was enslaved inadvertently."

"Shall we report it? Maybe report it to the human race and get a lot of rewards afterwards."

"You can't talk arrogantly, and you can't guess wildly." Mingyu, the immortal **** of humanity, hurriedly sipped, completely suppressed everyone's voice, and said solemnly: "There are military system monitoring, if Miss Chongrou is cultivated by humans Genius, it was just exposed, and it was our turn to report? "

"It's not our turn to take care of it, nor our ability to take care of it. We talk about it in private, and going out to talk about people who will make people laugh will also provoke the upper body." Human immortal gods warned with a severe expression: "What did the other person say, this time they saved everyone's lives, and don't remember the goodness of others, but talked about it here, is it a bit too unreasonable?"

This was a bit heavy, and everyone looked so ashamed that they were quiet now and could not speak.

"Okay, everyone quickly clean the battlefield, we have to leave this ghost place, don't support the mechanical clan's horses for a while, we can't deal with it." The human immortal **** Mingyu saw that everyone no longer talked, and quickly diverted the topic and commanded Said.


Xiaohonghou Hall.

After Zhongrou returned, he sat alone after asking for instructions, and fell into contemplation, and the whole face was a little sullen, looking like he was worried.

"Zhongrou, what's wrong." Cheng Buyun turned his head and smiled at her with a gentle smile. "Something is difficult to understand. Say it to the master and give you an analysis."

He knew what he was thinking about.

This is intentionally guided only.

"Master, shouldn't the battle be fair and honest?" Zhong Rou raised his head, his interest was not high, and said in silence: "Why is it so cunning."

She couldn't figure it out.

Being too simple is not necessarily a good thing.

This has always been the case, in her world, there are only three colors, black and white gray, own people, enemies, irrelevant people.

This is because there is too little contact with the outside world, not enough experience, and many things are incompatible with the world she knows.

"It turns out that you are not happy because of this." Cheng Buyun smiled, and Zheng Se explained: "This is not an ordinary battle, but a battle of survival, to grow the ethnic group, grab resources, and let the enemy die for victory. Is naturally more cunning. "

"As you heard today, it's very ordinary, but it's just hiding the strong. There are many methods, such as knocking the sap, playing the black hand, setting traps, betraying your allies, etc., which can be said to be extremely useful." Cheng Buyun shook his head and said, “So, do n’t trust others too easily, even if you are an ally. It ’s often the same to betray you at the end. You have to remember one sentence and you can only believe that you are the most familiar and connected The closest friend. "

"Of course, no matter what, you can rely on yourself at that time!" Cheng Buyun said: "Only you are the most reliable."

Zhongrou's expression nodded solemnly, keeping these words in mind.

"Alice, so are you." Cheng Buyun suddenly turned his head to look at Alice sitting next to him, reminding: "No matter what ally you cooperate with, you must prevent it from the bottom of your heart. We don't have a heart of harm. But we must not lose our sense of precautions. Sometimes when the benefits are too great, it may seem like a strong covenant. In fact, it will not have any effect until the last point. "

"Yes, Master, Alice has remembered." Alice also nodded solemnly, keeping in mind her words.

The range of foreign battlefields is very wide, and sometimes the time to rush out is more than most.

At this time, Xiaohong's horn has been running forward continuously, and can only fly a light-year distance after a whole year. It is a terrifying distance for the extraterritorial battlefield with a diameter distance of one million light years. .

Starting from the No. 068 barracks, rushing to the broken star belt, tens of thousands of light years away, it took a full five years. During this period, Cheng Buyun continued to use the transient ability to allow the small red shuttle to reach space within five years.

If you rely on Xiaohonghou's own flight speed, that time can be daunting.

The main battlefield of the hundreds of millions of ethnic groups on the extraterrestrial battlefield is the Yan Ji continent, and several surrounding continents. Others such as small continents distributed in other places in the void, broken star belts, etc. Low-grade immortal and below-level reserve.

There is not much oil and water, and the resources are not rich. The strong are disdain to fight in these places.

The worst place to fight is the main continent. The most lively place is undoubtedly the Star Tower!

Where there are many strong men, almost all are strong Wang Qiang, you are embarrassed to go below this level.

Because it is too dangerous, there is no soil for the strong feudal class!

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