Plane Universe

Chapter 1727: Everything under control?

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Many high-level humans silently looked at Zhongrou's information that was too simple to be simple.

However, some people speculate, will it be the talent behind Cheng Buyun who is specially trained to give him future helpers?

Not impossible.

The information before Cheng Buyun did not join the virtual universe, everyone is still quite clear.

Only when the Lord of Chaos heard this, he whispered softly and said: "Unexpectedly, Bu Yun has tuned his own beasts so well and so powerfully that he has the ability to kill Fenghou.

"What, a servant beast?" The one beside him heard the teacher's whisper, his face changed wildly, and exclaimed, "How is that human form?"

The female realm named Chongrou, who had been seen by the former one before, had seen it a few times. At that time, he didn't see anything, and only thought it was an ordinary realm.

Unexpectedly, this time when I went to the extraterritorial battlefield, the younger brother also took her there, and his strength was so perverted.

He was shocked by the news from the extraterrestrial battlefield just now, and then he will immediately ask the teacher to see the teacher's arrangement.

"I don't know the method used by Buyun, but I'm sure to tell you that it is a beast of servitude. Do you remember the one who moved the mountain elephant beside your younger brother in the past?" The Lord of Chaos is in a good mood, and he is a rare follower The author explained two sentences.

Generally speaking of Cheng Buyun's things, the Lord of Chaos will be in a good mood, because this disciple is worthy of his happiness and pride, and any praise is not excessive.

"It turned out to be like this?" Gui Yi's face was dull, so he didn't expect it at all.

A servant beast turned into a human.

Is shape illusion?

But it's impossible. Even the teacher didn't know, it would definitely not be the ability of illusion.

If it is illusion, can the teacher see through?


The teacher is kidding, what a joke!

"Okay, this is the end of this matter, let your brother do his own thing, no need to intervene too much, and there is no need to arrange any strong man to protect, there is no need." Chaotic City Lord said lightly: "To Believe your brother, as for the other ... there is me! "

"is teacher."

The one who respected should be respectful, and then saluted and said: "Teacher, the disciple quits."

When the words fell, he withdrew from the Chaos Market to deal with his own affairs.


Extraterrestrial battlefield, azurite island.

During the flight, the Xiaohonghou Hall, with a soft face on his head, lowered his head in shame, and dared not to speak out to defend himself.

In this battle, she was actually run away by an alien, making the battle flawed and not perfect.

The battle was too focused just now, and Zhongrou forgot the immortality of another Snake-Wu race who ran away. After she killed the Xuanfeng clan vassal, the alien race had run away and there was no way to chase it.

How to chase the immortal strongman who has completely reached the speed of light?

Is it possible to let the master take action?

"Remember the lesson, don't commit it again next time." Cheng Buyun waved carelessly and said that he was just a first-time seal, and it was not worthy of him.

However, Chongrou did not have enough experience in this area. He was negligent and he forgot to show up when he arrived at the battle. He only had the enemy in front of him, but did not pay attention to the things around him.

This is taboo.

In many cases, a little detail can make you encounter a big boss.

Although a leader ran away, this time the harvest was quite rich.

Two immortal advanced military masters, one immortal peak military master, and a first-entered Fenghou, the wealth of a senior Fenghou, the sum of the five, about 2 billion yuan of mixed income.

Among them, the high-ranking princes contributed 80%, and the wealth of the three immortal warlords of the alien race was negligible, and the total sum was not enough for 100 million.

Of course, none of the treasures that shone into Cheng Buyun's eyes were ordinary things of immortal level, which were included in the category of sale.

But this battle can only be regarded as a small profit.

The Xiaohong Hou was soaring, 100 secondary guns attacked 13 waves, which consumed 1.3 billion yuan of cosmic crystals.

Alice is also dissatisfied.

Almost lost money!

"Brother, all the other alien strongmen ran away, leaving their feet one by one and leaving the blue crystal island. Damn it!" Xiaohong turned her head and shouted angrily.

When the little red queen rushed to the next destination, those somewhat powerful alien strongmen escaped one by one crazy, leaving the huge danger land of the blue crystal island.

They also do not fight into Bu Yun will find them trouble, but the danger omen in their hearts, see their own future.

Cheng Buyun went to Lanjing Island to look for something as soon as he arrived.

What's more, the previous battles have already passed through the sky, and they have spread almost all over the battlefield outside the territory, making countless people talk about it.

It ’s strange not to run!

"The aliens are very smart, and they can feel a little threat." Cheng Buyun smiled lightly. He had expected this result.

It's just that Xiaohong was having fun, he didn't remind him.

Looking at the void in the distance, he smiled, and the aliens drove away, and the human camp could also be more relaxed. The feudal squad belonging to the human camp can dominate the blue island.

In the fewest ten years, the strong foreigners dare not enter.

A good thing.

In this way, the immortal master of human beings can attack on all sides of the blue crystal island at will, and can call for help in danger, greatly improving morale.

"Brother, Qiancai has run a long distance, and you are still laughing." Xiaohonghou was dissatisfied, but it was money.

It ’s very poor now, let alone ten trillion, it ’s estimated that one trillion wo n’t come out!

"No hurry, the foreign battlefield is still afraid of no enemies?" Cheng Buyun laughed as if he had seen through everything: "Waiting for some time, the alien King Fengqiang should come to the door."


Xiaohong's eyes lit up, and she was happy when she thought of it: "Brother, do you mean, the aliens will come to test our reality?"


Cheng Buyun nodded, and the alien energy was huge. I believe that he will soon doubt whether he is doing things here, and then send the strong to try to determine his position.

Then unfold and kill yourself!

This is something that interracial people have always wanted to do.

Alice was very happy and excited at the moment, and pulled out her treasure knife impatiently, gently touching, a pretty face full of fierce indifference.

She can't wait to make credit for her master!

"Then we now?" Xiao Honghou asked happily, she was not afraid of interracial to come to the door.

In her mind, the more interracial came, the better, so that she could kill him.

"Since this is the case, let's go to the Yanji mainland main battlefield, where there is a wide area, there are many strong people, or we can wait for the alien to come to the door to test." Cheng Buyun said.

Xiaohonghou adjusted her direction and flew to Yanji Mainland.

Of course, if you want to go to Yan Yan to the mainland, it is impossible to fly. The distance is too far.

A few light years away, light must fly for several years.

Therefore, the fastest way to go to the secondary main battlefield is to go to the shuttle point, through which you can arrive in a very fast time.

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