Plane Universe

Chapter 1729: Interracial action is really fast

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Cheng Buyun drove the warship in the extraterritorial battlefield, and the news of the massacre of the aliens and weak people was sent back to the headquarters of the virtual universe. It was also seen that a group of senior officials shook their heads secretly.

Of course, Cheng Buyun is in the field of extraterritorial battlefields. If he can determine his identity, he is also responsible for the senior management of the extraterritorial battlefield. In addition to this year's virtual universe company management, other human powerhouses, there is no such Permissions.

Even the cosmic overlords do not know the detailed information, but many of the universe lords have guessed that Cheng Buyun is doing things, because the Xiaohonghou has appeared many times in the original universe.

In the territories far away from mankind, the core of the demon Sirius holy land, in a huge gorgeous palace on the top of the mountain.

The huge white wolf lay prone in the palace, with huge eyes full of indifference, overlooking the human man who was trembling and kneeling almost on the ground, and said indifferently, "How, have you found it?"

"Go back to the Sirius." The human man shivered and dared not even raise his head to respond with a trembling voice: "Because the data protection of the human side is very strict, our intelligence personnel can't query the human feminine master. The bottom is thin. "

"No information at all?" The white wolf looked annoyed, his voice increased loudly, and the palace was violently turbulent, as if it was about to collapse.

This kind of man is even more terrifying, and can't help but argue softly: "Please forgive the Lord Sirius, it is not that our intelligence officer does not work hard. In order to query her information, we sacrificed a large number of important members, but ...

It's that the human female dominion appears just out of thin air. There is no information at all, and even many powerful people on the human side seem to be unable to query. "

"Well, that's it?" Sirius finally nodded his huge head, his expression relaxed, making it seem like a kind of man retrieved his life, with a pool of water beneath him.

It was cold sweat that was scared out.

Visible to face the huge pressure of Sirius!

The huge white wolf glanced at the human man lying on the ground, his face disgusted with disgust, and he couldn't help thinking about it. His obvious preference for the golden armor of the human is Alice, because of the previous sessions in the original human realm Genius, no more, no less, they are more familiar with it.

There is nothing worthy of genius.

It is worth noting that Luo Feng and Alice this time, and the only female identity is Alice!

If he can kill Feng Houqiang, he definitely tends to be Alice.

All along, Alice rarely shot, very mysterious, even the human side is difficult to guess whether she has opponents!

As a result, suddenly, when Cheng Buyun left the initial universe, a human female landlord could be killed by the battlefield outside the seventh domain.

Is there such a coincidence?

In this way, the human female dominance is not Alice, who else can it be?

Sirius is very inclined to this result.

But guessing is one thing, sure is another.

There are not many opportunities to take risks!

Therefore, it is necessary to determine the location of Cheng Buyun before the ethnic group can be arranged, ready to kill in one blow, so that there is no future!

"What about human beings?" The white wolf's expression was calm and calm, but when he mentioned the name of this human, the killing intent in the eyes was quite profound!

"Return to Sirius, after analysis, as well as the information previously queried, there is a 50% chance of being confirmed, and Cheng Buyun is in that huge battleship." The human man said respectfully: "But not sure, but Only after a detailed investigation. "

"Very good, let's go!" The white wolf's voice was very indifferent. The human man stood up respectfully and turned around, slowly exiting the palace.

"Cheng Buyun?"

The white wolf's skin muscles were shaking, and his heart was violently fluctuating. Finally, he yelled softly: "The moth."

"Lord of Sirius." As the words fell, the space in front of the white wolf fluctuated slightly, and a figure appeared without warning. It was actually a strong monster with a huge wolf head and a human body.

Members of the demon clan, while contempt for the weakness of human beings, all kinds of despise, while the habits of one side are extremely inclined to human beings.

The so-called ear-hidden bell is nothing more than that!

The humanoid body is recognized as sensitive and convenient by all races in the universe, and the members of the demon race are also convenient for their usual life.

Good to learn, bad to abandon!

"What do you think should be done to force Cheng Buyun out?" The white wolf's eyes looked a little unhappy. He is a racist and has never liked changing members of the human body.

But this is the trend, and he cannot blame.

"Step by step, slowly push the opponent's bottom line out." The moth reverently suggested.

Very simple operation is also the most effective way!

In addition, other conspiracies are difficult to carry out.

Send a slave hidden in the human camp to come in contact?

One hundred percent will be exposed and caught.


"As a result, it is inevitable to sacrifice many resources." White Wolf said lightly.

"In order to get rid of the strong men who threaten our family in the future, some necessary sacrifices are worth it." The moth said indifferently.

How can the life of some powerful Wang Feng be compared with Cheng Buyun.

"Well, let me do this for you, don't let the ethnic group down." White Wolf nodded.

"The task must be completed." The moth agreed to resign with respect.

"Humanity is a step cloud? Huh, when determining your position, it is your death."

"You must die, how can my family feel at ease without dying!"

The deep voice shook slightly in the palace, and the eagerness of the voice's master tone could be heard by anyone.

The two major ethnic groups, the mechanical tribe and the zerg, are arranged almost like the demon tribe, and they are all tentative to determine the location of Cheng Buyun.

Then start!

In the future, Cheng Buyun's situation is quite dangerous.

Being stared at by the three pinnacles of high-level aliens, the Venerable Universe will also be scared to death!

Cheng Buyun can also predict the means that can be used by aliens.

And he deliberately gave the other party an excuse to act.

Therefore, when Xiaohonghou passed through the shuttle point and entered the secondary main battlefield of Yan Ji Mainland, he was immediately stopped by two powerful kings.

"The Heart Eater and King Liyun of the Zerg Alliance." Cheng Buyun looked at the two figures outside, and said with a smile in his mouth: "It came so fast, it seems that the Zerg wants to force me out!"

"Master, let me go out and kill them." Alice said indifferently, her eyes not even feeling any emotion.

It would be as if there were nothing in the two kings and aliens who stood in the way!

"Kill is to kill, but it depends on how to kill." Cheng Buyun laughed: "Senior softness, aliens should have some guesses, but if there is another you?"

"Then what should Alice do?" Alice's relationship with the world is weak, but it does not mean that she is stupid, and she immediately heard something in the host's words.

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