Plane Universe

Chapter 1733: Fighting fiercely

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too crazy.

Is there a more sensational event than a real master who can withstand a strong Wang Feng?


The most powerful genius, countless ethnic groups, generally the strongest ability will kill the peak Fenghou class.

You have to do your best to use countless cards.

When he meets the first-class Wang Qiang, he still has to escape.

But now ...

Can fight back and forth with the lower seal king.

Relying on the body is nothing, special life, we are not without it!

Some strong ethnic groups shouted hard.

Not at all willing to lose.

If you have a body, then you must have that state.

It's not that you are a special life, the powerful master can resist the king, two different things!

Special life, even if there are tens of thousands of times the power of the realm master, even if you encounter the king of the seal, you have to run. There is no realm to fight against.

Feng Wangqiang, the space law or time law he has cultivated has caused a qualitative change, and his power is hundreds of times stronger than that of Feng Hou.

If it is a strong king who is capable of practicing teleportation, this method can make countless weak people dare not deviate.

Because once you can't fight, it's hard to escape!

"Chongrou practice level is still too bad. If you practice Void Wave Boxing to Dacheng, there is no difficulty in killing Feng King." In the battleship hall, Cheng Buyun's expression is a little uncomfortable, and he can be heavy when he looks at a lower Feng King Rou is entangled, not in a good mood.

Even if it is only a small success, one leg will blow away, and the lower king will have to consume one or two percent of the body.

It is a pity that Chongrou's comprehension is a little bit worse, and the top peak is extremely difficult to learn.

"Okay, I have been standing here for so long, you have been performing the Soul Mystery, is it enough?" Suddenly, Alice standing quietly in the void, slowly making a noise, spreading throughout the space, causing a lot of people Turning his head, his expression was full of surprise.

This voice, even the powerful people who watched through the live broadcast, was also amazed.

Where do you start with the secret of the soul?

The previous shot was not without passing the two standing quietly, but Alice's eyes covered with crystal armor did not fluctuate at all, and her body did not struggle.

Soul attack?


Such a result directly exploded!

A real master, even ignoring the soul attack of Feng Wangqiang, how powerful is his will?

Will there be any soul treasure protection?

Ordinary levels of soul defense treasures are rare and rare, all formed naturally.

Because the materials that can make soul treasures are extremely precious, even if the material consumption is no less, the finished product is not affordable at the immortal level.

Generally speaking, it relies on the secret method cultivated by itself to defend against the enemy's soul attacks.

From the King of Clouds, the corners of his eyes were twitching at the moment.

He didn't even think that the other party resisted his soul attack so amazingly easily. Before that, he thought he could succeed with more effort.


It can only be said that he was unlucky.

He even cast a secret **** on Alice, so Alice was too lazy to move, as if looking like a clown, Ren Liyun Wang Shiwei.

If he is using the secret method of soul attack, Alice must condense her strong willpower to shake it up to let the other party know that she is not hot.


Slavery of Alice, this is not to **** in Cheng Buyun and Time and Space!

How powerful is Alice's will power, and is protected by precious soul mysteries, the golden king armor is weakened by half, and finally the soul is treasured.

Not to mention the king, it is impossible for the Venerable Universe to treat her.

"You, it's impossible, your soul can't be so strong." King Liyun was stunned, and he didn't believe in his expression. His strongest method couldn't even be shaken by a realm.

That is the ultimate shame!

I can't hold my face!

After this matter spreads, how will he see people in the future!

Shamed into anger ...

The figure began to tremble, the space was slamming and vibrating under the burning of the king-level **** body.

It's desperate!

At the same time, the Heart Eater, who was fighting with Zhongrou, also burned his divine power crazy, directly burning the 30% of the **** body, and the breath was crazy and amazing.

The space is oscillating, the breath is like a wave impact, and the waves are rushing towards the softness, and the **** body is ushered up with the shoreless power, unlike the previous blind escape.


Countless people have their eyes widened, and the two kings of the Zerg Alliance are dead!

Thirty percent of the **** body is consumed, and if there is no resource to recover, it is just recuperating, and it will take hundreds of millions of years!

The high price is shocking.

Even if it encounters an enemy with great hatred, it is not so hard.


The depressing and crazy roar in the throat of the bite-hearted king, with endless dazzling gun shadow patterns rising around him, armed with a lance in his hand, spanning millions of kilometers, and then from the lance of his hand toward the right of Zhongrou Gently lift up the waist.

The huge power caused a huge crack to be cut into the space, as if it were earth-shaking.

The blow was obviously a fatal jump away.

The audience was quiet, everyone's body was shaking, and they didn't even dare to send out a figure.

With such a blow to the sky, Zhongrou had no fear, but his heart was full of blood, and now it is the real fighting strength of the Feng Wangqiang.

Only if he can resist the crazy Feng Wang strong and stand firm under the opponent, is he able to face the strong wind wall.


Chongrou's slightly plump torso slightly bowed, his left hand was like a shield file in front of his chest, his right fist closed at the waist, and then an unreserved punch violently burst out and shouted: "Let me die, you absolutely don't have that ability ! "


The intense shock erupted at the point where the two touched, and a dazzling wave of energy light exploded directly.

Then the two quickly retreated by the impact of light waves, and could not hold their figure at all.


The Heart Eater King flying in the air couldn't suppress the huge damage in his body at once. He spit out the blood of the boss directly, and the **** body directly reduced by 2%.

And the time to burn the **** body was also forced to be interrupted!


The face of Heart Eater King is full of horror. What kind of attacking secret method is even suppressed by the burning of the Divine Body.


At this moment, no matter where he is, the strong man who saw this scene also widened his eyes.


A low-ranking king will burn a 30-percent divine body without killing him, and the same strong will not feel good. He will definitely pay a huge price.

But what about rejoice?

Such a crazy blow, the extent of the reduction of the power of the realm is not yet 100%, and it has refreshed the world view.

"Is the golden armor worn on the body a treasure?"

No wonder everyone thinks so. Under normal circumstances, even if the high-ranking king meets the mad low-ranking king, he will have to pay the price and will not be harmless!

Only with the protection of heavy treasures can you be so safe!


At this time, Alice also pulled out an ordinary silver sword. The edge of the silver sword was carved with a blue pattern, and the **** groove line in the middle was even more strange.

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