Plane Universe

Chapter 1736: Gossip

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Tens of millions of years ago, the strongest genius of mankind came out in a thousand years, was trapped by the Zerg, stepped in, and then fell.

Entering the trap, he did not explode in a hurry, and even the distress signal could not be sent out, and then he was suppressed, and the Zerg strong were taken away.

After all, as a child of Chaos City Lord, it is very difficult to kill.

Once signaled by the decree, or shattered the token, with the strength of Chaos City Lord, it can come within a few seconds. If you want to take his disciples away, the ordinary Lord of the universe can't do it.

Therefore, the death of the Department of Zerg, the Zerg was paying a huge price.

After consuming a treasure, overlapping the traps, Kedi had no way but to wait for death.

"You need to find a safe way." The bronze giant made of metal looked calm and the alarm clock thought carefully.

Suddenly, the space behind him was swaying slightly, a metal man a dozen kilometers tall, with purple light flashing all over his body, hurriedly fell down on his knees and shouted: "God Lord God, the Zerg sent a message saying something happened Merchant, let the Lord God go to the border of the Oster Star Territory within a month. "

"Zerg? Huh!"

The bronze giant chuckled, and his low voice had a mockery, saying, "It seems they are more anxious than us!"

There was news from the Zerg at this time. Needless to say, he knew what was going on.

Within the mechanical tribe, the name of the Lord of the universe is more specific, and it is generally the Lord of the name, which is very uncommon.


Extraterrestrial battlefield.

After ending the encounter with the strong Wang Fengqiang, Xiaohonghou continued to fly towards the mainland of Yan Yan Lord, as if he had not put the battle just in his eyes.

In the lobby.

Zhongrou looked at the owner in a puzzled expression, his lips moved a few times, and in the end he said nothing.

How the master does it naturally makes sense.


Cheng Buyun seemed to know what she was thinking, turned her head and said with a chuckle: "Do you not understand why I let go of those two low-ranking kings."

"Yes, master." Chongrou smiled softly and said softly: "The two emperors, how can they have billions of dollars in wealth? I don't understand why the master let them go and let them escape. "

Cheng Buyun smiled faintly and said: "The other party came so brazenly that they intercepted and waited, they would not carry any extras on their bodies. After all, they are still not very clear about our details, and the naturals are also equipped with 200 billion yuan of equipment. Military merit given by ethnic groups. "

"I don't think about this thing. I want to kill them. I want Alice to reveal some cards. It's a bit of a loss, affecting the subsequent plan."

"The big head is behind. I hope the three pinnacles and aliens don't let me down." Cheng Buyun looked at the simulated scenery outside, and there was a little anticipation flashing on his face.

The temptation is just the beginning, there is more to come.

He also wanted to see what the three pinnacle aliens will have, and look forward to it!

When Xiaohonghou flew towards the mainland of Yan Yan, a rumor appeared from time to time.

In a hidden place, a gathering place of several alien kings and strong men, everyone is talking about the battle between the two human feudal lords and the zerg kings and strong men with emotion.

Suddenly, a blue-skinned king with a bone spur on his exposed arm raised his head and said, "What?"

Several other Feng Wangqiang were fooled by him, turned their heads one after another, and their eyes motioned to ask what happened.

The blue-skinned Feng Wangqiang took a deep breath and said with a trembling and excitement: "A friend just revealed a message to me that the spacecraft on which the two human female masters were riding was a G-class spacecraft, and at the same time The armor worn is also a treasure. "

"G-class spaceship?"

"Heavy treasure armor?"

"True and false, is the information certain?"

After receiving this news, Feng Wangqiang, who was sitting, was shocked, and his expression was very excited.

In the universe, the lowest G-class spaceship has trillion trillion yuan.

The ancient yuan is a unit of currency within the demon clan, and its value is not much different from that of the human hybrid.

The value of other heavy treasures is even more exaggerated, much more precious than the G-class spaceship.

Once you have a treasure at the immortal level, where does your strength soar?

They dare to fight against a king of limits, and can move forward and backward freely.



At this moment, I saw these few strong Wang Fengs, their eyes were covered with a layer of **** light, and their greedy desires could not be suppressed, and broke out.

"Have you heard?"

"Are you trying to tell me that there is a treasure for the human female realm, right?"

"Oh, you know."

"Yes, Chongbao, excited when you think about it."


"No wonder they can easily resist the next fierce King Fengqiang, even the burning of one-third of the gods can't help but turn out to be a treasure armor."

At this moment, everyone only recalled the details of the previous battle. At that time, the Bokong Realm Master received an unreserved blow from the Heart Eater, and even his breath did not weaken.

They are still sighing at each other's strength, and now they know what **** strength is not bullying people by relying on treasures.

damn it.

It ’s just a real master who has a treasure protection, hum!

How much power can a real master play?

If you change yourself ...

Countless Wang Qiang's hearts are moved.

As for the truth of the information, they will not control it.

The so-called no wind and no wolf, if not, how can there be a message?

Just like the human sword river king more than a thousand years ago, he got the treasure of the sacrifice tower.

It was n’t hiding, but he finally became famous before acknowledging it. At that time, Wang Qiang did n’t dare to provoke him.

And the most important thing is that they have battle videos for comparison. This cannot be denied!

A real master faced an attack that burned a third of a strong Wang, and his breath did not weaken much. Are they really blind!

There must be treasure!

Rumors abound, and the entire battlefield outside the territories is full of turbulence, and the strong are gathering in the continent of Chaoyan.

Even a part of the King of the Forbidden King who was adventurous and experienced inside the Star Tower was also moved, and he directly retreated and came toward the mainland of Yan Yan.

The storm will start.

This time, it is estimated how many strong men have fallen for the real treasures.

Xiaohonghou Hall in flight.

Xiaohong turned her head and said with a chuckle: "Brother, something happened, I don't know who the guy is, said Alice and Chongrou had heavy treasure armor, and said that our car is a G-class spaceship, shit, but also use Rumor? We are the G-class spaceships we are sitting on, and Alice and Chongrou's body, that one piece of treasure, really has no eyes, this is not to laugh at you, you are a poor ghost! "

Is Xiao Hong's comfort?

Are you certainly not fanning the flames?

Fear of chaos in the world?

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