Plane Universe

Chapter 1742: Frontal charge

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The realm of the realm is so high, and the potential is high. Even the masters of the universe attach great importance and attention. The Venerable Nebula naturally has to consider it. It is inappropriate to establish the enemy invisible.

Even if he is a disciple of the Master of the Void Gold.

"You pass the list to the other few to see, I guess it will definitely be passed soon." Venerable Huiri laughed and laughed.

"I believe this." Venerable Nebula was helpless, but he still did it according to his friend's consciousness and passed the single name on.

After a while, there was a response. Looking at the marks of consciousness that passed, he smiled helplessly.

"No one is a fool." Venerable Huiri laughed with emotion: "The potential of Cheng Buyun is high. As long as it is not really falling, at least it is a cosmic overlord, and there is a high probability that it will become the cosmic master. Under such circumstances, If everyone is too close, it will offend. "

"Indeed, Cheng Buyun's realm is very high, the threshold of immortality and Venerable, can't stop him at all, as for why there has never been a broken picture, I don't quite understand." Venerable Nebula also nodded.

For Cheng Buyun's genius, he admired in his heart.

But admire admiration, what can be done, but annoying.

For example, when it comes to shooting black soldier armor and silver armor, it is really disgusting.


Cheng Buyun wandered around Hongmeng City for a while, and asked the intelligence department to inquire about the movements of the aliens on the battlefield outside the territory. The information he got was similar to that given by Lord Lan Yu, and he left.

But as soon as the front foot left Hongmeng City, the message of King Arthur came back.

Explained that the application has been approved, except that the two human immortal masters need to pay half of the fee for the first resurrection, and the rest must pay the full cost of reversing time and space.

The immortal army leader is worth 1 million yuan, increasing by 100 times the divine power. For every 100 times higher, one million yuan is required.

The initial entry into the Hou class is 100 million yuan, and the maximum is 3 billion yuan.

This level of resurrection costs is really not expensive for some people, but it is a huge sum of money for the poorer immortality.

As far as the immortality that Hu Yanbo and other people can barely be sealed up, after ten thousand years of adventure, the entire net worth is about more than 50 million yuan. It can grow and consume a lot, almost replaced by training resources or equipment.

Once it fell, the wealth he stored in the Universe Galaxy Bank was simply not enough for the resurrection.

After all, he left Luo Feng's Hunyuan with only three million yuan, no one sheltered, he died.

Of course, this also has nothing to do with Hu Yanbo's background.

Generally speaking, the resurrection of the immortal warlord can be recovered by dozens of breaths based on the ability of the cosmic warrior and the consumed energy. However, if the time and space are reversed, the cosmic warrior cannot revive only one immortal warlord.

Instead, they are continuously resurrected in batches, so the Lord of the Universe will continue to be blamed and injured by the rules of the Universe.

As a result, the consumption is large.

Although a lot of money is consumed, in Cheng Buyun's eyes, Jiu Niu and Mao Mao are not counted.

Tens of billions of dollars are nothing.

Comparing the contributions of our people during this period, it was only one-fourth.

It doesn't cost much, and it can buy people's hearts.


As for how much of his past harvest was concealed and not reported, Cheng Buyun didn't let King Shuying investigate too much.

It has become instinctive for each life to hide its gains.

But now with this case, he believes that there is a balance in his mind.

Returning to the Palace of Time and Space, Cheng Buyun shouted King Shuying and said, "The resurrection application for reversing the time and space has been passed. You will be transferred to the Eternal Temple in a while, and there will be soldiers falling in the future. Just apply. If ... "

Speaking of this, Cheng Buyun's eyes flashed coldly and said: "The King Arthur disagrees, you tell me again."

"His Royal Highness, I understand how to do it." Shu Ying Wang's face with a joyful smile was very happy and excited.

Sure enough, His Royal Highness' authority is so strong that even ordinary immortal masters can pass through the resurrection of time and space, and they pass through so quickly.

"Well, practice more in the future, don't put all your thoughts on management affairs, if Xiaohong is in charge, you can manage the general direction. If you are short of cultivation, apply with Xiaohong and I will give you 10 trillion. The help of points. "Cheng Buyun said generously.

Ten trillion points?

Shuying Wang shivered with excitement throughout his body, and he was stunned by this huge fortune.

She is not lacking in talent and understanding, but what she lacks is opportunity.

With this huge score from Her Highness, she has the confidence to impact the Lord of the Universe.

Lord of the universe!

Dream wish.

"Your Highness, your subordinates have nothing to do." King Shuying immediately knelt down, unable to express herself with excitement.

"Practice well, I will leave first, and I will inform Xiaohong when something happens." Cheng Buyun smiled lightly.

Shuying Wang is a very good woman, and her character is commendable. The investment of resources is also his expectation for Shuying Wang.

"Sincerely sent to your Highness."

Cheng Buyun broke away from the virtual universe, and Xiaohong immediately asked, "Brother, what do you want from you, Lord Lan Yu?"

"They looked for me, they gave me information about the aliens." Cheng Buyun's fingers were a little bit in the air, showing the star map of the Yan Continent, and then said: "Look, the aliens have arranged on the main continent, waiting for us. Slammed into it. "

When Xiaohong looked at the star chart, he laughed and said, "Good guys, there are so many strong Fengfeng Peaks. Is this going to make Yan Ji the main continent the main battlefield?"

"No, they put on this position to frighten me. I want to suppress my arrogance, and it will hurt my body and mind. A thorn is buried in my heart." Cheng Buyun saw through the alien conspiracy at a glance.

"Interracial is really abominable." Zhong Rou was annoyed and shouted: "Master, we have killed in the past, let the interracial know that we are not annoying."

"A group of local chickens and dogs, want to scare the master, first of all, I have to ask my knife whether to agree." Alice looked disdainful, did not put this group of huge number of more than a thousand Feng Wang pinnacles in the eyes.

She believes in her strength, and her profound laws and realms cooperate with the treasures given by her master, and she will surely be invincible among the alien strong.

"Brother, we went over and over, slaughtered this group of people, and made the interracials feel distressed. Seeing them would dare to provoke us in the future." Xiao Honghou looked like he was smiling, he didn't even look at the powerful interracial battle. in.


Cheng Buyun sneered again and again, his eyes narrowed when he looked at the star chart, "Since the aliens want to attack my confidence and destroy my will, of course they cannot be better off."

He grew up to today, a proud person in his heart, frightened to a group of immortality and fled, he still shameless.

"Directly rushed over." Cheng Buyun gave orders with a flash of silver.

"Yes, brother, the warship is ready to jump, and the space shuttle!" Xiaohong Houao shouted.

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