Plane Universe

Chapter 1748: Just to die

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At this moment, Cheng Buyun continued to attack the strong aliens, but he did not react at all. The aliens already had plans to restrict and force him.

Even if I knew it, I wouldn't care too much.

He has great strength to guarantee, encirclement and suppression?

Who encircles and suppresses who?

This can be said in advance!

"Haha, kill, okay, Alice, good job." Xiao Honghou continued to exclaim, pointing to Jiangshan.

Alice held a silver ribbon in her hand and flew back toward the battleship.

Behind her, however, are three powerful alien kings with sad faces shrugging their heads.

The strength of the first-time Feng Wang and the lower Feng Wang did not have the capital to resist in front of Alice.

After two strokes, the **** body was halved, and then suppressed by the law of space, and became a prisoner of the sword.

Alice's law is very strong, behind him.

Even if you don't deliberately display the artistic conception of the gods and beasts, relying solely on the law realm can be in the limit level of ordinary kings.

Luo Feng has been more than a thousand times stronger than the Luofeng who has come to the battlefield outside the territory before.

In Chengbu Yunyupei space, there are the Law House, the Time House and the Law Stele, the three top-level cultivation resources, and the resources Luo Feng can rely on are just a Chaos Stele.

So in terms of law perception, too much loss to Alice.

Although Alice is inferior to Luo Feng in perception, in a thousand times time house, a thousand years is millions of years.

Up to now, Alice has been cultivating for more than two million years, and Luo Feng's cultivation time can't even compare to her fraction.

It should be much stronger.

It can only be said that Alice has a good owner.

Even now Luo Feng is not as powerful as she came from.

After all, Luo Feng is too far behind Alice.

He was still weak, unable to go to many places, the resources he obtained were leisurely, and he was unable to catch up in the early stage. In the later stage, Alice is probably not comparable.

The later it is, the less important the resource aspect is, and the important thing is perception.

The stronger the perception, the further away!

But these are off-topics. Only one important thing for everyone to know is that at this stage, Alice is stronger and much stronger than Luo Feng.

Little red back hall.

The three captive kings of the aliens involuntarily involved Alice, and were thrown into the ground again.

The **** body rolled a few times on the ground, and the three aliens climbed up angrily, their expressions looking very angry.

They are noble feudal kings, but they are treated as such.

"Welcome to my battleship, aliens, how are you!" A gentle figure rang from the high throne on one side, then echoed in the battleship hall.

The three captured aliens couldn't help but turn their heads to look around, and at once they saw a gentle smile looking at Cheng Buyun, who was waiting for himself and others.

"It's you, the most genius of mankind, with the evil spirit that came out of hundreds of millions of times-Cheng Buyun?" The three aliens all squinted their eyes, their faces full of surprise.

It turned out that as everyone judged, this battleship was really his car.

But now that I know the news, it is useless to them.

Because they are already prisoners of the ranks, all their emotions have been blocked, including logging into the virtual universe.

Unless they have the ability to doppelganger, this news cannot be revealed back.

"Am I surprised?"

Cheng Buyun's face was gentle, as if he was talking to relatives and friends.

But in the eyes of the three captured aliens, it was a false face that made them hate.

"Damn man, you shameless man, the insects under the ground, the dung of the oil pigs, it should be a thousand knives."

"It will only attack the weak, such as me. Humans are really useless. Are you afraid of the power of our clan, so you can only take our breath? Damn humans, you will die on the battlefield outside the territory, and the Yan sacrifice continent is yours. Hiding place. "

"The two-legged beast, what I am waiting for today is the appearance of your future."

The three aliens roared one after another.

"shut up!"

The heavy soft wind generally rushed up, and the fierce heavy fist immediately blasted on the stinky mouth of the alien, and then the fist swept the alien head next to it, continued to roll over and kicked, and the last alien also wailed and fell to the ground.

"Kill me, **** delicate human female biped, but the taste of your human female biped is really good, I regret it, why haven't you arrested more human female bipeds before? Have fun. "


It was Alice who heard these indecent language, flashed her body in a rage, and made the other person shut her mouth.

You can't stop talking.

The angry foot has broken up the alien **** body, and almost died like this.

The broken cells wriggled on the hall deck, slowly assembled, and slowly restored the shape of the **** body, but it was almost impossible to maintain the changing human body.

A huge fang-filled mouth with a drop of blood flowing down.

The shape is very miserable!

Looking at the companion's miserable side, naturally there was fear in their hearts, but they continued to laugh and curse, and then shouted: "Haha, the human female biped, really, the taste is very good, especially the delicate flesh. , I think I will have six sips of water. After enjoying my happiness, I will eat up the human female biped. I think it would be so wonderful to live like this. "

"I have a chance, I will definitely let you try it."

The sober two aliens, with a wretched look on their faces, looked at Alice strangely.

But there is some kind of expectation in their eyes!

"Damn, shut up." Alice was furious, kicked, kicked the other side down, and then madly stepped on the two aliens, "I let you say, go die!"

"All right."

Cheng Buyun spoke lightly, and the mad Alice immediately stopped the stepping action, and took a few steps annoyed, but the expression was very cold, and looked at the two aliens.

Seeing that the human female biped stopped the attack, the two aliens were very disappointed in their hearts, and were preparing to continue to curse, provoke each other's anger, and kill themselves.

But Cheng Buyun said at this time with a mild chuckle: "They are cursing indiscriminately at this moment, but they want to irritate me and wait for death, two poor ones."


The two aliens were speechless and guessed what they were thinking. They were naturally very angry and did not admit to shouting: "Huh, this is your idea. I am just telling you that I have done the most brilliant things before. thing."


Cheng Buyun looked at them lightly and said with sneer: "If what you have done is this glory, then I am really pitiful for you. A strong Wang Feng has no achievement worth mentioning, is it pitiful?"

"Shut up, want to irritate me, curse me, then you will save effort, after a while, you will stand humblely beside me, leaving me the last bit of blood." Cheng Buyun smiled gently, stimulating The nerves of the two aliens, "Again, you have been captured by my warriors. Under the eyes of all eyes, many members of the demon clan have seen it. Do you still have a chance?"

"The demon clan high-level will give you a chance to be resurrected? Think too much." Cheng Buyun's expression was indifferent at this moment.

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