Plane Universe

Chapter 1750: Immortal Emperor Star Luan King

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What the **** are they doing?

Is it afraid?

Cheng Buyun sneered in his heart, only to die more than a dozen Feng Wang pinnacle strong, will the aliens be afraid?

If you are afraid, you will have to teleport away from Yan Ji Mainland.

Estimate what plan is being arranged!

"Don't worry about the team of extreme seal kings chasing behind you, now it's not time to deal with them." Cheng Buyun looked at the star map and issued a more conservative command: "Fly towards the core position, look first See what the aliens want to do. "

"Okay, brother." Xiaohong responded with a loud voice and shouted: "Oh oh ~~ Go to the target core position, go forward at full speed!"

The battleship suddenly turned around, adjusted a flying attitude, and then flew towards the center of the Yanji mainland like crazy.

"Damn humans, relying on their powerful spaceships, makes us exhausted." The chasing Feng Wang Squadron, the immortality of the mechanical tribe in it, seemed very annoyed.

The performance of his car is not comparable to that of Xiaohonghou, the acceleration of the spacecraft is pitifully slow, and it takes at least three seconds to enter the speed of light.

Therefore, only the companion next to you can take the flight.

It's so tiring to be so exhausted.

After flying for a long time, but no hope of catching up, anyone feels suffocated and annoyed.

Suddenly, Cheng Buyun's soul consciousness sitting leisurely in the hall felt that the space in front seemed to fluctuate slightly.

"Someone teleported."

Cheng Buyun's soul is powerful, and has the authority given by the rules of the universe. Although the tentacles of consciousness cannot reach ten million kilometers, there are still some delicate feelings.

And it's still far away.

"It's an alien who came to intercept." Cheng Buyun quickly got the answer, and then said: "After Xiaohong, turn on the powerful scan and compare the monitor with the difference in the first two seconds."


The battleship was running, and the energy was dropping rapidly. After comparing the data, Xiaohong immediately said amazedly: "Brother, there is an ordinary immortal **** here at a 60-degree angle on the left side of 150 million kilometers ahead."

A point in the virtual star map is constantly flashing, and in the first few seconds, the previous star map shows that there is no such point.

Suddenly an ordinary immortality came out, no need to ask, it was definitely an ambush.

"Trap, brother, shall we jump in?" Xiaohong said with a teasing smile.

"Since I knew it was a trap, I jumped in. You are my fool." Cheng Buyun smiled and continued, "Turn around and play with aliens."


The warship turned directly at 60 degrees and flew towards the side.

"Damn, human warships already know our intentions, it's a terrible reaction."

"It's too close. As long as the star charts are compared, the interception will be nothing."

"But how did they know I sent someone to intercept?"

"Isn't there really a Venerable Universe in town?"

"So what, do you dare to gamble?"

"But now they have changed their flight direction and are in the middle of their arms. It seems that this time, luck is on our side."

Xiaohonghou flew 360 million kilometers away, in a hidden spot in the woods, a human feudal class immortal complex lurked peacefully in the mound, waiting for instructions.

And this immortal strong man who was a feud of humanity, in the monitor of the Little Red Battleship, showed the relationship of allies.

No one has thought that this human lord is immortal and has already been enslaved by aliens, rebelling against the glorious human camp and becoming an alien spy!

Cheng Buyun didn't notice it.

Xiaohonghou did not adjust the direction.

The two sides are getting closer.

Yan sacrifices on the other side of the mainland.

Alice ’s golden horned monster avatar was also caught up in the chase.

"Silver Wing King, you can't get rid of me. Those who want to continue to attack us, you have no hope." The star luan king with the most tempting face gently patted the misty transparent wings behind him, up to 1,200 Mi's body will fly like a welcome, flying forward a long distance, and the language threatens: "If you don't leave the Yanji Continent, once you are overtaken by me, this place will become your burial place."


The golden horn beast laughed and mocked, and replied disdainfully: "Mother Emperor, Hugh wants to intimidate me. For my family of golden horn beasts, it just takes a little energy to resurrect."

"Damn things." Star Luan King cursed secretly, the golden horn beast is really difficult to entangle, the cost of survival is too rich.

It has a huge advantage over their mother emperor.

"I know your skill of the golden horn beast family, the avatar is not afraid of death." Star Luan Wang Jiaomei continued the soul transmission, "But what about the treasure you have? Don't you think about it, if your avatar dies, the treasure will be Lost. I think the silver wings on you are very extraordinary. It ’s a treasure. The king ’s limit has a treasure. You are really powerful, but ... in front of me, your strength is still not enough, leave. ! "

"So what, if you want to kill me, you can catch up." The consciousness of the golden horn beast is Alice. The ability to say so much this time is already based on the strength of the other party, which is more respected.

"Damn Silver Wing King, don't catch up with me, otherwise I will let my subordinate warriors eat you alive." The star Luan King's face is a little distorted, and it looks really scary.

The golden horn beast no longer ignored it, patting huge wings, breaking through the space in front, flying fast, trying to get rid of the powerful chaser behind him.

But it is almost impossible.

This is not a dark universe, nor a space interlayer.

No matter how fast you fly, once the distance exceeds 10 million kilometers, the other party will chase and chase, unable to get rid of it.

The Alice ’s golden horn beast, although powerful, has a huge body, but it is difficult to deal with an immortal empress and an immortal empress at the limit level!

Very difficult!

The immortal empress in the extreme realm is truly invincible at the immortal level!

Compared with the invincible and immortal King Zhenyan, it is too powerful.

The immortal empress at the extreme level is capable of threatening even the life of ordinary cosmic Venerable.

One can imagine how outrageous the strength is.

However, each immortal empress has such strength, which is all piled up by wealth, and consumes more resources than any immortal life.

One chase, one escape, entangled.

Battleship hall.

Alice suddenly said: "Master, I was chased by an immortal empress of the Zerg, there is no way to get rid of it."

"Immortal Empress?"

Cheng Buyun stunned and quickly asked: "What strength can the other party be in danger?"

Although Alice has the ability to resurrect and has a large number of treasures on her body, she is naturally not afraid of the immortal empress of the ordinary level, but the top immortal empress is very terrible.

The higher the immortal empress, the more terrifying the strength.

After all, he owns an immortal empress, but only a high-level king, and Alice can't deal with it.

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