Plane Universe

Chapter 1756: A glorious victory

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The Immortal Mother Emperor of the Zerg immediately issued an order, and the First Legion immediately separated a part of the position, and most of the remaining insect warriors were all surrounded by the gas mother nest.


Catherine instantly saw the intention of the opposite, and wanted to run.

"Want to put away your soldiers before retreating?" Catherine's voice spread out, echoing in the area. "Here, how did you not hold me in your eyes?"

You can't stand the temper if you are heresy.

What's more, you are still a mother empress!

"Dammit things, don't give me a chance, otherwise I swear, it will tear you out of the shameful shame of your mother emperor group!"


Catherine sarcastically said in a light and indifferent tone: "You have such a chance? You are defeated by me now, let alone in the future?"

"If my state is the same as yours, you would have been killed by me."

Such disregard for the sarcasm directly made the immortal emperor of Zerg a half dead, and his face was purple. The unique and charming face was distorted.

Today, she even made a stepping stone to another empress, losing so badly.

She was not defeated by strength, but by the shameless financial resources of the other party.

The quality gap between the soldiers of the two sides is too great.

The humanoid warriors on the other side have very strong defenses, and it is difficult for the self-defeating warriors to destroy. The gap is reflected here.

"How can there be such a strong defense, fast speed, strong power, and long-range law attacks."

"so perfect."

"No, I have to grab one to study."

The beautiful eyes of the Zerg immortal empress are all longing. Although she lost the battle, she also lost miserably, but if you capture the warrior made by the other party, the result will not be too bad.

Such a perfect warrior, winning contributions to the ethnic group, that is a huge record.

She was quietly planning, while commanding the elite warrior to contend, while silently adjusting the blocked forward worm warrior, slowly retreating.

Catherine was very happy at this time. She was able to defeat an immortal empress who was a veteran emperor, and it was a proud achievement. The joy in her heart made her beautiful face blossom like a smile.

But she did not know that the other party would think of robbing her Titan warrior to study.

"Haha, heretics, what else do you have to do, make it out, what is it that makes you dare to run into my master! Hmm?" Catherine laughed and teased.

Although she was teasing the other side, she actually wanted the other side to take out the family and fight with her, so that the soldiers under her own opportunity had the opportunity to rush over and entangle the other side.

There is no chance for the other party to escape.

Once the Titan warriors rushed over by her and disrupted the camp, then he can direct the Titan warriors to use the secret method to bomb the opponent directly.

If you kill an immortal empress at the extreme level, then the owner should be very happy.

The host is happy, and Catherine is naturally happy!

The mother of the Zerg didn't pay attention to Catherine's provocation, and she was silently preparing.

It's coming!

Come closer.

When the front was tens of thousands of kilometers away from the headquarters, the Immortal Queen of Zerg suddenly put away her mother's nest and officially appeared.

Twenty-two meters high is covered with a layer of tulle like a graceful body, looming, conveying the ultimate charm of temptation.

"It's King Luan!"

Countless strong men who saw the appearance of the Immortal Empress, all shocked fiercely. This is a top immortal Empress of the same level as Xingluan King, which has the power to threaten the universe.

Legend has it that news is circulating that the two are sisters of the same generation!


As soon as he appeared, the Green Luan King flashed immediately, like a phantom fluttering, and even appeared in the forward position.

Then he flipped his hand, and a slender and elegant gold sword was pinched between his fingers, and he chopped directly towards the unresponsive Titan warrior.

Under the sword light, the space is as fragile as paper, and it is instantly scratched.


The attacked Titan warrior didn't react at all, and he was stunned in a single stroke.

But the damage was not great.

"It's not dead yet? Not even hurt."

Qingluan King is a little dumbfounded. Although her strength is not strong, she is also at the top level, but she ca n’t even kill an elite warrior.

What a horrible thing.

"Ha ha!"

Cheng Buyun saw the movement of Qingluan King and shook his head secretly.

So many Titan warriors do not pick, they have to pick an elite class Titan warrior, the result will naturally not obey Qingluan's wishes.

Elite Titans, each with a golden king armor, has a strong defense, and can ignore 10 times of divine attack.

Even if it exceeds 100,000 times, it will be weakened by 90%.

It is impossible for an extreme level of King Feng Qiang to think of killing a Titan warrior wearing this kind of equipment.

"Damn, you heretics want to **** my soldiers." Catherine suddenly awakened, her angry voice filled with coldness.


The attacked Titan warrior immediately exploded in his body, and his physical strength was climbing, directly reaching 100,000 times, and several elite Titan warriors nearby behaved exactly the same.


After the outbreak of several elite Titan warriors, the King Luanluan secretly panicked, the greed in his heart immediately converged, his body was transformed, and he retreated, and at the same time, the numerous insect warriors around her were also taken away by her.


Suddenly, a large group of worm soldiers next to them released an attack with the result of sacrificing themselves.


In the aftermath of the energy explosion, there was a vague body walking.

"Damn, heretics, you dare to rob my Titan warrior, put it down, otherwise you will be killed." Catherine was furious and shivered with rage.


Countless Titan warriors with red eyes stared at the Blue Luan King together, and a secret attack attacked out. As for the worm warriors in front of them, they no longer ignored it.

King Qingluan succeeded, snatched a normal Titan warrior, immediately backed away, hidden in the protective fist of the worm warrior, and then continued to go away.

A small number of Titan warriors combined to attack, and there was no way to take the Blue Luan King. She had a heavy armor to protect her, and ordinary attacks would be ignored.

At the level of the Qingluan King, the ordinary treasure has been able to fully drive and exert its maximum power.

"Hugh wants to run away, heresy, what about your pride, don't you want it?" Catherine saw that the blue luan king was about to run, immediately shouted and laughed.

King Qingluan, who decided to retreat his mind, ignored it. After putting away some of his men, he quickly returned to the middle of the formation. Finally, he commanded his men to blast out an attack and quickly put away the most important group of king warriors. Run away without going back.

Catherine could only watch, but couldn't stop her.

Her rule of law is so far away that the Titan warriors under control can't catch up.

King Qingluan fled with a part of his wife.

The battle is basically over.

It is only a matter of time before those worm warriors left without the command of the empress.

Catherine only manipulated a few times carefully, and the insect warrior left behind by the million-dollar king was wiped out.

A brilliant victory!

The disadvantage is that the main opponent escaped.

This is understandable.

It is very difficult to kill the emperor-level strong.

Especially at the levels such as Qingluanwang and Xingluanwang.

With a large number of subordinates, he is also a strong man, has no weaknesses, and has a super fast flight speed.

In the end, although Catherine was a bit depressed, she could still clean the battlefield with many victories in front of her, with more than one million Zerg high-level corpses.

Moreover, some of the corpses of the thunder beetle and the blade mantis are part of which can be reused to make the materials needed by the Titan warriors.

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