Plane Universe

Chapter 1758: Cheng Buyun this bad embryo

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Yan sacrifices to the mainland.

After Cheng Buyun came up with the ace of the immortal mother Catherine, the plans of the three pinnacle aliens were interrupted directly.

The raid squads at the level of extreme seal kings directly retreated, and no team dared to ambush human warships.


The human warship has an immortal empress who can be crushed even by the king of blue luan.

Let them go up, isn't it death?

It is estimated that they are not the best dishes in the eyes of the other party.

The Immortal Mother Queen commanded her soldiers, and a joint attack on them in the front would obliterate them.

In this way, fear is justified.

The line of defense shrinks again.

The force began to shrink towards the most core area and concentrate!

Even the Star Luan King no longer pursued the Alice to the Golden Horned Beast, and backed away.

With the retreat of the three major ethnic groups, the other ethnic groups joke.

Started to make that kind of momentum, but in the end it was an anticlimax.

It's a joke!

The three cosmic Venerables who commanded the encirclement and suppression had no light on their faces, and were strongly accountable from ethnic groups.

But they have no choice.

There are so few people under his hand, what can they do.

On the human battleship, there is only a female emperor, there are 20,000 elite Titan warriors under her command.

That is a monster that can resist the ultimate seal king level without dying, even without serious injuries.

The elite Titan warrior equipped with golden evening armor on a large scale is itself a powerful fortress and turtle shell!


Very remote and remote territory.

Belonging to the mysterious existence of the Yan God family, in the towering palace in the depths, the figure of Wei An, who was in deep contemplation on the large throne.

Perceptual oppression enveloped the entire palace, although the breath of Wei An's majestic figure did not erupt or reveal any point.

But the invisible coercion belonging to the powerful still affected the space in the palace.

The air is twisting, the law is winding.

The mixed body is covered with dark red scales, and the exposed skin is also a light red figure. It is the Lord of the Yan God family-Yan Emperor!

For a long time, the emperor Yan on the throne slowly opened his mouth, and the thick and oppressive voice filled the palace. "That golden armor is the golden king armor of my family, but it can give any life to wear. Even me Things you can't do with a 'robbery' master, teacher, you are too eccentric! "

"All the good things are left to him, even this pinnacle of my body is prepared for him, too eccentric, how can it be-so to me." The selfish Yandi, of course, would not stand Think of the position of the mountain rider, he only knows that his own things are about to be taken away.

"However, if you are talented and want to truly be the leader of the earth, how far are you?" Yan Di said with a light smile, teasing and whispering: "To **** my peak treasure armor, you have to pass the stars It ’s only about the tower. "

"It wo n’t take long, I know, you will fall, like the pre-selectors of the previous earth, will no longer leave traces in the universe. Ha ha ha ha !!!" Emperor Yan laughed wildly, invisible The powerful force shook the entire palace.

The people who lived outside looked at the direction of the temple with fright, and their expressions were frightened and they moved away quickly!

The leader is going crazy again!


Emperor Yan thought wrongly that Cheng Buyun was the leader of this session of the earth chosen by Mr. Shanshanke.

In fact, mountain riders have also secretly wondered.

This Cheng Buyun didn't know where the human popped out from, even the core of the treasure he forged could be changed, giving any blood-flesh life to use.

Fully play!

In the primitive universe, is there any stronger person than himself in the refiner?

Totally impossible.

It's not that he was proud of himself. The life born in this primitive universe overflowed with genius in the refining machine, forging some ordinary treasures.

Once they reach the treasure above the higher level, they are blind.

It is basically impossible for a strong ethnic group without any inheritance to want to forge a higher treasure.

But what did Cheng Buyun come from?

Like yourself, was you reincarnated from the outside to the primitive universe?

Not very similar.

Acting as high-profile, and at this level, even knowing his own existence, and pulling his own banner.

It's so courageous!

However, mountain riders have been thinking about how to find an opportunity to contact Cheng Buyun.

Of course, before contacting, he still needs to observe carefully!

And thousands of years ago, he also went back to the Milky Way-Earth!

Going back in time and space, I want to find out what happened to Cheng Buyun in time.

But the sight of going back in time and space surprised him.

In Hanoi, there is no such person as Cheng Buyun.

As if all actions of the other party were covered.

The strength of the method frightened him.

At that time, he was so scared that he immediately fled the earth and flew away from the Milky Way.

Finally figured it out, that is the means of the rules of the universe, old face reddened, ridiculed.

Fortunately, no one knows, otherwise this old face will be lost!

As for why the rules of the universe obscure everything that Cheng Buyun has done in Hanoi for a long time, he has some speculation.

But not sure.

This is also the result that he did not dare to deliberately approach Cheng Buyun.

A life attached to by the rules of the universe will be very troublesome to deliberately touch.

The more you know, the more you worry!

And the mountaineer himself knows his own things, he has already been remembered by the rules of the universe, and he has also contacted the people who are attached to it.

Can't afford it!


The battlefield outside the territory has been a full month away from the battle between Catherine and King Luan.

The entire Yan Ji continent was calm and peaceful, and no small wars occurred.

Everyone is waiting, the result of the matter develops.

Xiaohonghouhao, wandering in the blocked space, only a lot of cracks left on her body, let people know what kind of battle she has fought.

"Master, the Star Luan King doesn't know why, he has stopped chasing me anymore." Alice said with a puzzled expression, not understanding what the other party meant.

"Hey, pig brain, just look at the star chart, you know, the three major ethnic groups are afraid of us, they have no cards to play, so the forces naturally shrink and concentrate, ready to start a war with us." Xiao Honghou Teasing and teasing.


Alice sighed in anger.

"It's kind of interesting, the idea of ​​aliens is really novel, how can they be sure, I will go to their dragon gate array?" Cheng Buyun applied for a smirk, mocking the tone, but the words changed, saying: "I will love as others wish ! "

"My person, my life is not to be disappointed."

Cheng Buyun laughed, "Let's go and see what the aliens have prepared for us. It's been nearly six years since I came to the battlefield outside the territory. It's also time for me to formally show my face and pit aliens!"

He can definitely think of the crazyness of the aliens once he shows up.

I'm also ready to be attacked by alien superpowers.

Pit alien strong, is his favorite thing to do.

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