Plane Universe

Chapter 1763: Special Life from Rhino King

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A sneer appeared in the corner of Alice's mouth as a group of aliens walked out of the space mezzanine again.

A bunch of fools!

I really don't know how to practice to this point.

Such common sense can be ignored.

Space blockade not only blocks normal space, but even the space mezzanine is blocked.

Unless you fly away from the blockade of space.

Otherwise, the immortal gods who have the power to tear the space will not fall.

In case of danger, he directly enters the space interlayer and teleports away.

"Haha, it's really stupid to the extreme, let's die!" Catherine continued to command the Titan warrior to make an attack, as if fearing that the aliens would not die.

"Oh my god!"


Seeing Catherine's move, all the aliens are going crazy, and they flee to the space blockade.

Leave this place that is about to be destroyed.


At this time, the core of the blockade space, the central location of the tribal station, the sky shone a beam of light, and the fluctuation of the kingdom of God began to diffuse.

A huge phantom came down, with a strange and unique shape. The grisly head bears two huge horns that are slightly curved inward, thick like a hoof of a heavenly pillar, and like a pregnant belly. It's really unusual.

Thousands of kilometers in length, dark skin, and patches of dark red scale armor that are huge and close to a hundred meters square. It is known that this sudden giant monster is not easy to mess with.

After all, as soon as the monster came out, it carried unparalleled strength, and the invisible pressure crown was the whole game.

Such a domineering momentum, everyone can experience it only in the presence of the Universe Venerable!

"It's the king of rhinoceros, that's great, we're saved!"

"Leaving the king of rhino, help!"

A group of aliens seemed to be crying for pain as if they were expecting a savior.

Just now, they have all fallen into despair, thinking that today is more and less fierce, and the fall has become a fixed number.

That knows that the big savior from the rhinoceros finally popped out.

They are grateful!

"Humans stop."

The beast roared, his eyes looked down, stared fiercely to the side, his breath spread outwards, his front hooves were lifted immediately, and a huge beast **** shadow enveloped him.

But everything was late, the first blow from Catherine's bombardment had already arrived, and it was hundreds of thousands of kilometers in front of the strange monster.

As a singularity erupts--


The extremely intense power exploded in the range of tens of thousands of kilometers, and the invisible wave spread. All the things on the surface, including matter, were all transformed into nothingness by this violent power.

The entire void is full of colored particles.

In addition to being able to protect himself from accidents, the ending of other aliens is very bad. Most of the aliens are basically reduced to nothingness, only some luck is better, relying on their hidden cards, or heavy treasure armor, or special defense treasures Asylum can escape this heavy blow.

But even so, there are a few aliens who have not fallen, and all of them have no strength.

All suffered heavy damage, and the body of the **** was reduced by more than half.

In the space mezzanine.

"It broke out, ah!"

"Must resist, **** it!"

The three aliens Bai Yuwang, Gu Li Wang and Xing Luan Wang are invincible and immortal. They sensed the instability of the space and the fierce energy shock wave. Almost all the energy of breastfeeding was used.

Desperately rushed deep into the space interlayer.


There was a huge explosion from behind, and I felt terrified when I heard it in my ears.

Pieces of small space debris passed by light waves, all exploded and annihilated.

However, these small space debris became three amulets at the moment, helping them resist part of their power.

"Come on, resist!" Bai Yuwang's wolf face was bloodless, and some of his pale green eyes were full of fear.

But the speed of the light wave was so fast that it immediately passed the bodies of the three of them and continued to bombard forward, annihilating where it could reach.

However, in the end, the three still resisted.

Able to reach the invincible immortal level, there are still many treasures under his hand.

Like Bai Yuwang, he took out a metal box and guarded his whole body, forming a small shield to protect the whole body up and down.

But even so, he was still able to survive. The little shield was shattered at once, and then his body flew up, rushed to the distance by the energy light wave, and crashed into three small spaces Only debris can stand firm.

It's just that the image has been miserable, the cyan selling method has become trivial, and the whole body is covered with blood.

"My **** body was annihilated twenty-one percent." Bai Yu Wang was very pleased in his heart. Sure enough, it was still necessary to buy a life-saving item.

Otherwise, this time I estimate that I have to retreat for hundreds of millions of years.

Although the twenty-one percent of the **** body was annihilated, the result was still within.

Star Luan King continued to fly, while saying: "I am annihilated nine percent of the body, hurry to fly, do not stop, the blow will continue."

"Star Luan King, save me!" King Guli's weak voice sounded, and the two quickly turned their heads to look. At a glance, they quickly shook their heads. Bai Yuwang shouted, "Please forgive me for my powerlessness, King Guli Just ask for blessings. It ’s not that I do n’t save you, I ’m really incapable. ”

The situation of King Guli looked very second. One thigh was blown away, and his left hand was not seen in half. He was covered with potholes, and he could not see the original look long ago.

Xing Luan did not return his head, so he didn't even say much, so he ran away.

In particular, Bai Yuwang, his protective baby has been consumed, if he is still in the range of attack eruption for a while, he will definitely be hit hard and even fall.

The next attack, but no small space debris covered him.

"Damn humanity, I'm going to kill you!" Li Rhino roared and roared, his expression very angry, and watched a group of alliance comrades die in front of him, how to make him not angry.

I hate to tear all the opposite human beings.

"Kill us?"

Catherine didn't fear the threat of Li Rhino at all, and calmly shouted: "Who wouldn't say big words, wait until you can resist my attack and come to us, you can say this again!"

"It's you alone?"

After the rhinoceros raged into the sky, the huge figure moved, and the blast rushed with endless power. Its speed was soared to the speed of light with the help of powerful strength.

Moreover, Li Rhino directly ignored Catherine's second blow and rushed forward. He could no longer blast the other party's attack just now, otherwise, only a small part of the remaining survivors would have to fall.

And at this time.

In the battleship hall, Cheng Buyun ’s virtual universe kept sending out prompts: Venerable Lan Yu sent video call requests, Venerable Guangyu sent video call requests, Venerable Muhai sent ... Venerable Nine Swords, Lord of the Witches ... ... waiting for the senior executives of the virtual universe company who cares about Cheng Buyun, all are calling Cheng Buyun crazy!

In addition, the prompts from the emails were also ringing densely, and it seemed that it would not stop for a while.

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