Plane Universe

Chapter 1769: Dominate

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Of course, the Lord of the Universe cannot operate in the extraterritorial battlefield, but it does not mean that it cannot be operated in the universe.

There will be a lot of such opportunities in the future.

Unless Cheng Buyun does not come out afterwards, he will always live in seclusion in the core territory of mankind.

How to become a super strong without going out?

How to become the cornerstone of the ethnic group?

Continue to consume resources within the ethnic group until becoming the master of the universe?

No matter how genius, other people will have complaints!

The reason why the chaotic city lord must come to the battlefield outside the territory into the clouds, this is the reason.

Regardless of genius, everyone is worried and will not directly do it.

Even if it must be attacked, it is also below the level of the Lord of the universe.

Once the Lord of the universe is dispatched, the nature changes.

It is equivalent to slapping directly at the four pinnacle groups.

Even if it is the core of the Zerg, such as the Lord of Dreams, it will not be so good in the end to deal with Cheng Buyun.

Unless it is directly face-to-face with humans, but also need to appease the other two peak groups, demon alliance and mechanical alliance.

Of course, the war between humans and Zerg, the other two pinnacle groups are naturally happy.

But who is so stupid?

The main reason is that humans have the initial universe.

The last bastion.

If you can't break it, you can't destroy humanity completely. Once you hit it to the end.

If human beings lose too much, they will definitely avoid it, then ... their three pinnacles are miserable.

Crazy humans will definitely take their territory, and there is no worries about the strongest in the universe, how destructive it is, that is devastating.

The founder of the giant axe still exists for a day, and no one dares to take humans.

The same is true for demon, zerg, and mechanical tribes. Their guardians have not fallen, and humans dare not treat them.

So the proposal of Sirius died directly.

Foreign battlefield!

"Damn man, you leave my back!"

The tail, which is more than 30 kilometers away from the king of rhinoceros, is constantly striking, and the wind is roaring. The thick and curly tail is like a whip, and it is pumped on Cheng Buyun.

Punt! Punt!


Feeling the powerful power slamming between the necks, the painful teeth grin suddenly, after all, the king of Rhino has burned divine power, and the mystic power has increased thousands of times.

Cheng Buyun was also angry, yelling and shouting, "Huh, dare to resist? Do not give you a good look, you really can't do anything when I take you?"

As he said, he loosened the corner of his right hand and punched his head against the head of the rhinoceros.

Sensing that Cheng Buyun let go of his hand, the King of Rhino certainly knew what the consequences would be, he immediately revolted, and his body flipped violently in the air.


"Aooo." The fist smashed, and the head of the rhinoceros was a little faint, the soul was shaking, and he couldn't help howling, and his heart was a little bit veiled. This human being has such a powerful penetrating power.

If it was not for him to have the treasure defense, it is estimated that it will really be contained today.

Although Cheng Puyun's sulking punch didn't use the law, it was powerful enough and used advanced application skills. The power was still terrible.

"Humans, we will see who can persist longer! Roar!"

Of course, the king of rhinoceros will not admit defeat. The tail's continuous whizzing turns into a whiplash bombardment.

"Come on, hurt each other!" Cheng Buyun smiled disdainfully, and his huge fist lifted up and down again.

Keep punching and laughing, as if fearless and Li Xiong consume each other.

"Oh, go die!"

Consume each other, and are not afraid of the rhinoceros. Fortunately, he is also an immortal god. He possesses divine power, which is more pure than the power of the realm, and he has more storage of divine power. Will he be afraid of spending?

It's almost impossible to read.

It's like fighting on the street!

There is no subtle and mysterious method to show that you are punching me and kicking you, it is extremely arrogant!

The divine power of the two and the power of the realm are constantly being consumed in this kind of wild competition.

In general, however, Li Wang is more disadvantaged.

While he wanted to burn divine power, he had to resist Cheng Buyun's attack. The divine power was naturally consumed faster than the latter.

It can only be said that his law is too bad.

Cheng Buyun is far superior to him in terms of energy except for its lower purity than him.

Regardless of the state of the law, as well as the storage of the power of the landlord, he has pressed him several levels.

"Damn, **** human, even so shameless, riding on my back." The King of Rhino also found something wrong. In the competition, he consumed his magical power much faster than the abominable human.

He didn't understand that even Cheng Buyun was as big as him, but why was he more than him in terms of quantity storage? Isn't the crystal armor on his body not the top treasure but the highest treasure?

He was really skeptical.

After all, the realm of law is even lower, but with the divine power burning, the power has risen more than a thousand times, how can you not fight it?

"Who made you a monster, your body is not flexible enough, you can't blame me." Cheng Buyun sneered and said: "I'm not taking advantage of such a big flaw, you really treat me as stupid!"

Is it a flaw to be riding on the back?

You ask, there are several aliens in the universe who dare to ride on my back.

Dare to ride on his back, the enemy can be pulled with a whip.

But the power that had not been looked at in the past was not working at this moment.

Because human power is more terrifying than him.

"Damn humanity, you die for me, roar!"

It is shameful for any particular life to be ridden on the back by human beings.

Afterwards, he almost didn't see anyone.

If you are fighting with an enemy, the other party suddenly comes up with a sentence: What ... what does it feel like to be riding?

Think about it, the heart of the rhinoceros is rushing, and the tumbling and slamming can't get the humans riding on his back down. With a ruthless heart, he fell directly in the sky and then hit the ground.

At a height of hundreds of kilometers, free fall, of course, is very slow, but under acceleration, pushing with divine power, the speed is still quite fast.

"Yohe, it's a bit interesting to give me this hand." Cheng Buyun sneered, but didn't immediately let go, but continued to punch.


Suddenly, an extremely huge deep pit appeared from the point where the rhino king fell, and a crack around it spread to the distance until hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

The fierce cracks on the surface of the earth seemed to be **** mouths.

Floating on the side of the sky, Cheng Buyun looked at the earth pit with a faint expression, his eyes showing disdain, "You said you are stupid away from the king of rhinos, and finally buried yourself."

At the last moment of the fall, although the King of Rhino was prepared and paid attention, he was still escaped by humans.

The opponent's body style was too flexible, and he turned over at once, kicking on his stomach and escaping with strength, although he immediately slammed a paw, but it was useless.

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