Plane Universe

Chapter 1775: The Lord of Dragons was shocked and stunned

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Who am I, where am I, what should I do?

The Lord of Dragons was in a daze.

Is there such a secret code of perversion in the universe?

They have been searching for countless times in the past, but have never been able to find the secret code or secret method in this area, and even the materials that simply describe this content cannot be found.

Today, the chaotic city master told him that Cheng Buyun was born with a secret code for practicing life genes.

This is why he is not shocked!

The whole consciousness is in a state of ignorance.

It's almost the same as when the chaotic city lord just knew the news.

The Lord of Chaos also stopped at this time, giving the Dragon Lord time to recover.

After all, the news is too shocking.

It took a long time for the Lord of Dragons to recover, with a very excited expression, and said seriously: "Really, didn't you lie to me?"

"When did you hear me tell a lie, after all, with the strength that my disciple revealed at this time, you can also guess." Chaotic City Lord smiled and said: "A realm has burst out of the power of the Venerable universe, who I ca n’t think of anything. But the aliens will definitely not think about the genes of life. It is estimated that my apprentice only has to rely on some extremely powerful treasure to wear the crystal emperor armor to have such strength. "

"I started to guess that Cheng Buyun was not a normal human. I thought he was a special life of the Ultraman tribe." The Lord of the Dragon nodded and smiled. "It is estimated that the aliens will not understand if they want to break their heads, but the reason is in this way."

"So, it's difficult to guess the real reason without saying anything!" The Lord of Chaos chuckled: "I actually do things sometimes, and I have a lot of ideas."

"I'm not afraid of ideas, as long as it's easy to use." The Dragon Lord smiled weirdly and then frowned. "However, I still don't quite understand how he is the legendary crystal emperor of the Yan Clan? Ten million times the **** body, Not so easy to achieve. "

The Lord of Dragons still doesn't quite understand how this is getting on the ground. Is there really a very strong treasure in his body, so he can afford it?

Still that sentence, if you do n’t say it, even if you think about it, you wo n’t understand it!

"It has to be said that he cultivated the talents attached to that secret code." The main character of Chaos City was very sighed. It was a great honour to be a teacher of Buyun and to include him under the door.

Hearing the unclear words of the Lord of Chaos, the Lord of Dragons was too anxious,

"A few years ago, he had reached the limit of this secret code, and even I was shocked." Chaotic City Lord sighed.

"Don't talk about these things, don't talk about it, I'll die in a hurry." Hearing his emotions, the Lord of Dragons was anxious.

Do n’t look at him as a great being, but curiosity will exist in any life, especially when it comes to some secrets.

"Guess what, the life genes of my disciple are so much." The chaotic city lord said very calmly, in fact, the inner waves were fierce and fierce.

Secretly emotion.

The gene of life is 10081 times higher than his great existence, and he can't look directly, which makes him feel ashamed.

People are more angry than people.

It can only be said that this disciple is unique and favored by the rules of the universe.

Can't compare!

Fortunately, this is his disciple, who is also human, and these are the two most important points!

There are two points, no matter how they change in the future, they are indelible connections.


The Lord of Dragons didn't explain to the Lord of Chaos. Instead, he asked this question. He thought about it and said in a joke: "You don't mean, I don't know, Cheng Buyun is not my disciple! If I guess, it ’s special. Even you are shocked. That ’s definitely a big deal. Would n’t it be more than 10,000 times? ”


The Lord of Chaos nodded solemnly and said seriously: "To be precise, it is 10081 times, the limit of the Lord of the universe!"


The Lord of Dragons was once again blinded, his heart rolled, and his face was shocked.

He almost turned the river into his heart, and almost said it was impossible.

Still in that sentence, it is the chaotic city lord who tells the secret, so there will never be a fake.

If he didn't arrive, he would never say so. If he said it, it would be 100% true.


This is too shocking.

10081 times.

What a joke.

He has practiced for hundreds of millions of years, and the life gene is now less than 10,000 times. The number he prepared is only more than 8,000 times, and the difference is 107 times to 9000 times. The master of the fifth-order universe is in the middle.

This is already very powerful.

The thing of life genes is getting harder and harder to improve.

Countless hours and effort are required for every step forward.

He has had billions of years, and his life gene points have not moved.

Cheng Buyun, just for thousands of years of checkpoint practice, the life gene has reached the top, reached the limit, if he is the master of the universe, he can break the law at any time and become the most precious universe in a universe. Strong.

Ethnic Guardian!

"I'm not shocked, really." The Lord of Dragons swallowed and said calmly, "I'm just scared to death!"

"Is this foolish?"

The Lord of Chaos smiled and said with a smile: "Where is the place, and he cultivates the talents given by that secret code, I feel the most powerful. After all, this thing of life genes can be freely promoted after becoming the master of the universe."

"It's easy to say, you can raise me to see." The Lord of Dragons despised. Although the Lord of the Universe said that after the breakthrough of the Universe Venerable, there is no limit to the improvement of life genes, but it also has to take the opportunity to start the two or three It ’s a thousand times easier, but it ’s harder later.

It's not easy.

If it wasn't for the special Yanbalong life that he captured in his youth, it is estimated that his strength is not so strong.

May also struggle with the Lord of the third-order fourth-order universe.

"Hurry up, tell any secrets. I'm curious how he got this step." The Lord of Dragons was very anxious, but said calmly.

"The biggest capital of my apprentice is the two talents bestowed by the secret code." The chaotic city lord said with a very flat expression: "One is one hundred thousand kilometers ..."

The Lord of Dragons was ignorant.

One hundred thousand kilometers?

The height of his body is more than ten times that of him, almost 12 times, and the ‘quantity’ that can be stored simply breaks through the sky.

What a joke, the universe has such a perverted life?

And still a human!

Changed the person and told him about it, it is estimated that he would be angry immediately, and he punched him directly, and what kind of calf did I pull with Laozi!

The Lord of Chaos didn't look at the expression of the Lord of Dragons. Although he didn't look, he already knew his inner thoughts. It was estimated that he was as scared as before.

"Second, the power has increased by 10081 times." The Lord of Chaos smiled and turned his head, looking at the extremely shocked look of the Lord of Dragons, and his heart felt uncomfortable.

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