Plane Universe

Chapter 1781: Chaos Palace

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This is a person who is active outside, if you count the humans in the building, hes!

"The human life that lives in my God exceeds hundreds of millions. Many human beings have never seen what the outside world looks like in their lifetime. We have been working hard to change this situation. Unfortunately, although I am very strong, But the aliens are not weak. "

"We have too few human territories, and many lives can only survive in the Kingdom of God." The Lord of Dragons said with emotion: "The number of lives that each life planet can conceive is limited, and it is necessary to be strong. This is why we humans have been The situation of competing for territory. "

"The battle has never stopped, but for countless years, the territory has never been able to expand."

"If you want a strong ethnic group, everything is fighting for the chassis and the treasure."

Cheng Buyun looked down at the scene below and listened carefully to the words of the Lord of Dragons. He understood why he wanted to take himself to his kingdom of God today.

Seeing everything in front of him, he was extremely willing to contribute to the ethnic group.

As if he knew what he was thinking, the Lord of Dragons said with a smile: "I tell you this, but you want to remember that there are still some people in the ethnic group who want to be saved by you and go to the outside world to live freely! Early, your current task should be practiced seriously. Only by that day, you will have the strength to wait for us to make a difference. "

"I understand, I dare not forget!" Cheng Buyun answered seriously.

All of this touched his heart.

The condition of human beings in the kingdom of God is the most difficult. If you want to cultivate resources without cultivating resources, even some common secret methods must be obtained through battle.

Only geniuses with outstanding talents can get better guidance.

Ordinary, can only rely on their own ability to fight.

It can be said that almost more than half of the human beings of the Kingdom of God are ordinary life, mostly apprenticeship, not even the star.

Their mission is to pass on the lineage.


The headquarters of the virtual universe company, the core of the original secret realm, on a huge land.

The misty void almost makes people see the unrealistic scenes. In the calm void, there seems to be a murderous moment hidden at all times.

The kind of hidden power, feeling the turbulent shore, can not help but be intimidating.

The power of time and space on one side is very obvious. This giant land is occupied by the Lord of the universe.

On the land surrounded by cascades, there are groups of simple and majestic palaces, especially the giant palace in the center, which is unusually conspicuous and tall.

There is the third avatar of the chaos city master to practice hermitage.

Suddenly, in the huge square next to the immense curing mysterious lines, those curing mysterious lines run fast, and then tremble, with a hum, a huge golden light beam in the sky shines down and communicates the cured mysterious lines.

Suddenly, the Kingdom of God sent attention to countless people in the palace group, protruding from the palace building.

Looking angrily, who is back this time?

Not everyone can use teleport in this huge square.

You know, this is the Chaos Palace, the greatest existence of the virtual universe company, in addition to a few existences, which is also true of the pro-disciples under the head of the master.


The light dissipated, and two figures suddenly appeared in the huge square.

"It's the great dragon lord and uncle Xiao!"

Seeing the two figures appearing, the person peeping from the probe in the palace group came out quickly and respectfully, all bent towards the two.

There are many disciples in the Chaos Palace, and the number of servants overlooking it is not less than 100,000.

Many of the named disciples under the command of the Lord of Chaos City also have a place here.

Moreover, personal disciples and named disciples will also accept disciples.

"Meet the Lord of Dragons!"

"Meet the Master of the Space-Time Palace!"

Countless servants kneeled respectfully.

If you change the past, everyone will definitely not call it the name of Cheng Buyun, the time and space palace, but after the monstrous battle in the extraterritorial battlefield, everyone will admire it.

The name of the palace master is absolutely affordable!

"Get up."

The Lord of Dragons smiled indifferently, turned to look at Cheng Buyun and said with a smile: "Okay, now that it is safe, I will leave, and I can contact me directly in the virtual universe in the future."

"Thank you, Lord of the Dragon." Cheng Buyun said with a little respect.

Before leaving, the Lord of Dragons gave Cheng Buyun a token token.

"Congratulations to the Lord of Dragons."

When the Lord of Dragons left, Cheng Buyun's brothers and sisters quickly came around and all greeted with a smile.

"Brother Buyun, congratulations on showing your might in the extraterrestrial battlefield." A human man said with great humility.

"Sister Pei Luo, hello, I'm just a fluke, it's still far away." Cheng Buyun said with a smile: "Who made me just restrain the other side."

This human man named Pei Luo is a named disciple of Chaos Teacher. He has been under Chaos Teacher for a long time, more than 100 billion years.

Strength is the inferior universe!

People who belong to the same generation as those who belong to the same prince, but unfortunately their talents are a little short, and they are just named disciples.

As for why Cheng Buyun is called Senior Brother, it is a question of status.

He is only a named disciple, and naturally cannot be compared with his disciples.

Therefore, regardless of strength and age, when faced with the disciples, we must shout Brother!

"The younger brother is humble. I can't enslave the existence of the Rhinoceros King. I can't do it." A bald human man laughed and laughed incomparably.

Cheng Buyun, a burly man with a burly and gigantic waist, of course knows that Star Venerable, the eighth prose disciple of Chaos teacher, and the strength of a tyrant is the same as the one who is one.

However, the progress of cultivation is much faster than that of the one who is one. One hundred and sixty billion years ago, the limit of the universe was reached, and he was stuck at the last step and could not make progress.

So later I took the road of the fusion of light and space with a view to breaking through.

But the last step, how difficult.

It can be said that many cosmic overlords are stuck in the last step and cannot be satisfied.

You can only split the road and take the fusion route.

But the integration route is not so easy to go, it is even more difficult.

At the same time, if we take the fusion route, even if we break through in the future, there will be a big gap in strength compared to other normal breakthrough universe masters.

After all, the law of time is not perfect, and the power of the mystery created is quite different.

"Brother, don't praise me anymore, the pressure is great." Cheng Buyun said jokingly.

"Humble again."

The brothers and teachers are struggling to get close to and deal with Cheng Buyun.

After all, everyone knows that Cheng Buyun has a promising future and is one of the most valued by teachers.

It is not so early to reach a point of friendship, waiting for when!

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