Plane Universe

Chapter 1786: The highest level gathers again

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All this is due to time and space. In the moment when the gluttonous body collapsed, it immediately took action to suppress it, prohibiting his immortal crystallization into fly ash.

In other words, it is the rule power within the jade world.

Time and space are still working hard to study ‘natural talents’ at that time, then there is time to manage these little things.

Since there were no worries about falling, the gluttonous man finally had no worries. Before that, he was still worried about falling.

After all, he didn't get any credit, and the master gave the invincible secret method, and then the practice fell.

Blush at such a price!

The gluttonous man with ease of mind began the journey of practicing the Nine Tribulation Secret Code again.

The life gene is increasing a little bit, the strength is rising, and the smile on the face can't stop.

A point of life gene growth, that is, 100,000 times the ascent of the body, a huge stock of more than 1,000 kilometers of divine power.

It's just the pervert in pervert!

Back to Cheng Buyun, what is he doing?

Nature is also practicing.

The root of strength is strength, and the root of strength is law.

This is basic and as important as the body.

Cheng Buyun's body is temporarily complete, but the realm of law is still far away.

Golden wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, space, and time, and the hidden ‘darkness’ law.

Cheng Buyun is very clear, there is light and there is darkness, don't think that the laws of the original universe are complete!

No, the pinnacle is the main state of the universe, and the rule-hidden route of each universe has become an instinct.

After all, the strongest of the universe, which is too powerful, will make the rules of the universe feel a great threat, and it is inevitable to hide a law.

It's all for survival!

Not only is life for survival, the rules of the universe are the same, and it does not want to be enslaved by life.

Or it is control!

The two laws of gold and fire have already been achieved, but because the shackles inside Cheng Buyun's body are too strong, they can't be broken at all.

Achievement of the immortal level is still a distant matter.

At the same time, Cheng Buyun did not immediately become an immortal spirit.

He doesn't have that kind of qualification yet!

The secret attack power is not enough, there is no way to break it!

As for the law of space, it is at the end, and the law of time is not in a hurry.

Earth's Law House, the grayish-yellow breath is dancing like a stream of air, and the light spots like elves are beating and chasing in the room.

The cultivation of the law is a word of enlightenment, but this process has been omitted, so Cheng Buyun's cultivation speed is very fast.

Or horror!

Almost every second, his achievements in the law of earth will increase a little.

The dense air flow entangled in him, instilling.

It seems like a huge sponge is absorbing moisture.

It is a pity that Cheng Buyun's talent in one of the soil systems is not high. Even if he has the realm of great success of the soil system law, it takes a short time to practice to achieve great success.

It is equivalent to a strong man who has lost his strength. Re-cultivating the past process again, naturally sees the cultivation talent.

However, Cheng Buyun is different from some strong men who have lost their strength, because he has a strong enough foundation and cultivates faster.

Genius is not enough to describe him.

In the words of Chaos City Lord, this is a demon!


Cheng Buyun's expression during training suddenly changed and became extremely surprised. He directly laughed and said aloud: "Oh, the law of the earth of the avatar has been completed, unexpected!"

After more than a thousand years, under the hard work of splitting the body and mind, a series of laws was finally completed.

not bad!

The exaggerated growth of the soul was instantly tossed high, and at this time, even if compared with the higher cosmic venerable, it would not be much worse.

He is the real master!

Zhen Nima's madness!

The 2.3-fold increase in willpower is 2,300 times in conversion, far exceeding the so-called universe limit of 100 times.

Is this a normal person?

Such a terrifying will power can easily crush an immortal deity.

That is to say, within the range of his sense of consciousness, once the intention to kill, immortal gods basically have no chance to escape.

At the same time, as long as he is willing to run the power of will, the secret method of bombardment can also increase by 2300 times.

Normal immortal human burning divine power calculations, each burning 100% divine power will only increase 100 times the power.

"I'm nearly ten times stronger again." Cheng Buyun smiled slightly, and was immersed in cultivation again.

Powerful strength requires foundation.

Without foundation, everything is free!


During the cultivation of Cheng Buyun.

The great beings within mankind have once again opened an independent parliament.

This is the third meeting for one person in less than 10,000 years.

At this moment, all that should have come inside the temple floating in the void, only the founder of the last giant axe came to start the meeting.

Along the long stone table, sit around a dozen of the greatest beings in human memory.

"Chaos, great, your disciples are really eye-opening for me this time. A real master with that kind of strength is indeed one of our strongest men." The master of Peng Gong, who controls the Universe Galaxy Bank, first opened his mouth. Laughed.

Lord Peng Gong is also a Lord of the fifth-order universe, and the top human being is only half as bad as the Lord of Chaos.

The strength is quite powerful.

"A realm of masters has exerted the strength of the venerable universe. Although it is done with the crystal emperor armor of the Yan God clan, it is well-known that there is no strong foundation, and you can't afford to use your treasures. This is the reason." He was also very emotional, and solemnly said: "But Cheng Buyun did it!"

"Chaos, isn't that the crystal emperor's armor cracked successfully ... oh, no, it should be said that the forging was successful?" The master of Qingfeng, who is in charge of the first bank of the universe, smiled.

"Even if the forging is successful, you must have the ability to wear it. I don't look like it. There should be other capabilities." The master of Huang Jian is the master of the mercenary alliance. At this time, he shook his head and said: "Just like the virtual gold just said Like that, you have to use the ground to give you the treasure. If you want to fully use the crystal emperor armor of the Yan God clan, you have to get 10 million times the magic power. "

What he meant was not to look down on Cheng Buyun, but a basic rule of using treasures.

"Chaos, what do you mean? Tell us about it."

Everyone could not help looking at the Lord of Chaos, waiting for him to speak.

The Chaotic City Lord smiled and nodded, "My disciple Cheng Buyun can exert the full effect of the Yan God Clan's crystal emperor armor at the level of the realm master, and he has another ability."

"Very powerful!" The main character of Chaos City looked very solemn.

Very powerful?

Everyone could not help being shocked. Even the existence of Chaos City Lord said that it is a very powerful ability, that is definitely not a lie.



Everyone couldn't help but urge.

They are also angry, what is Cheng Buyun's ability to endure, is it true that as everyone guesses, Cheng Buyun is originally a special life?

Or recently lost a special weak life?

Cheng Buyun certainly can't do this kind of thing. Don't forget that there is a teacher of alien talent behind him.

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