Plane Universe

Chapter 1800: Powerful visit

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The palace has just been built, and many of the space lords have flown over, smiling with a smile.

It is undoubtedly the oldest guy who came to do the lord of the witchcraft.

Except for almost nothing to do in practice, he is almost going to grow hair, and he shouts exaggeratedly in the distance: "Haha, Brother Buyun, you are finally here. This can make me wait for a good meal!"

"No, it's been more than ten years, and it's punishable to come here today to build a palace on the mountainside!" Eight meters tall and handsome, with six pairs of blood-colored venerable blood winged Venerable Lord haha ​​behind his back haha The interface smiled warmly, "We will have a few drinks later."

That kind of expression seemed to be very respectful of Cheng Buyun, as if they were friends before.

Although Cheng Buyun's strength at this time was only the realm master, he could build a palace on the mountainside of Thunder Island, and there was no objection from any Universe Venerable.

He did not dare to object and accuse him of not being qualified.

If even Cheng Buyun's record is not qualified, ask the countless palace owners in the entire Thunder Mountain side, are they qualified?

Who dares to oppose the accusation, it is estimated that it will immediately provoke public anger, and the opponents will be packed up.

"Blood Wing is right, it should be punished." Venerable Thunder Thunder with a majestic body, an ugly and fierce face, and a radiant body also laughed and said: "After showing that strength from His Royal Highness, I have been waiting, looking forward to coming Seventeen years have passed since the palace was built here on the mountainside, and it can be said that the neck has grown. "

Cheng Buyun has a tremendous record, and has been recognized by all cosmic Venerables, and even respected.

The Venerable Lord of the Universe hailed His Royal Highness and was fully affordable.

The record is too dazzling.

King Rhinoceros has a great reputation as a special life. Although the realm of law is not very high, even the Supreme Universe Venerable cannot win him.

Can be defeated, almost impossible to kill.

The divine body is huge, and he escapes with all his heart, and the Supreme Universe Venerable cannot keep him.

But what about Cheng Buyun?

He even enslaved the soul of the rhinoceros king in his peak state.

This is more terrifying than killing.

Now some of the alien cosmic Venerables mentioned Cheng Buyun, and they all looked a little scared, and they fell into a panic on the spot.

None of them come from normal human beings. How can the mystery of the soul be so terrifying? Barely the Rhinoceros King with the level of the venerable mid-cosmic universe is enslaved without consuming power.

Cheng Buyun's current strength and level are at that step, and everyone has a conclusion.

It can almost be said that once any cosmic Venerable at the same level as the King of Rhinos encounters Cheng Buyun, there is basically no possibility of escape.

Very horrible thing!

Seeing that they had just appeared, these cosmic Venerables came to visit. Cheng Buyun smiled slightly in his heart, and said with a happy smile: "Welcome everyone to come here to visit me, everyone please!"

"Just don't bother us!"

"Then I'm going to nag!"

"Haha, please, please."

Everyone said with a smile.

Cheng Buyun brought several Venerable Universe into the magnificent grand, the door plaque above the palace is the gate with the three golden characters of ‘Time and Space Palace’ written on it.

Walking in a lifeless and quiet palace, everyone didn't care. After all, the palace was built, and the servants were transferred in a hurry, and they came too soon to visit. This scenario makes sense.

Guide them all through the hall, walk towards a long corridor next to it, and soon reach a huge square.

Everyone knows what a huge square is for.

It is a place where your disciples or warriors practice.

Under the leadership of Cheng Buyun, a group of people talked and laughed, soared into the air, flew towards the side of the palace, and came to a platform.

The platform stretches and hangs in the air, below which is the lake, overlooking the beautiful scenery below, sparkling with the color of jasper.

When he looked up, there was a huge waterfall hung in front of him, like the water of the Tianhe dumping and ramming into the lake.

It's refreshing to watch.

"Come and come, please sit down." Cheng Buyun took everyone to the huge long stone table and reached out to please.

The long stone table is very long, tens of thousands of meters long, and only the inward side has a seat. After sitting down, you can look at the scenery outside.

The look and feel is very good!

"It's relatively poor recently, please don't mind if the drinks are not good." Cheng Buyun waved his hand, and hundreds of bottles of wine fell on the long stone table one by one, laughing: "Please feel free!"

Everyone looked at it and saw the words Jasper Blood written on the bottle, and his eyes lit up.

"Huh, such a good wine, even though it is not good, I can't drink it right now." The Lord of the Witch Lord glanced at Cheng Buyun and said with a smile: "Pretend."

"That is, with such a hundred bottles, half of the treasures are gone, too polite."

The jasper blood wine is extremely precious, and the real universe is worth 50 treasures.

The price of one ten thousandth of the virtual universe is 100 billion, and most of Wang Qiang ’s full net worth is just that much.

Ordinary cosmic lords can't afford extravagant drinks.

Just taste it in the virtual universe, you can't drink it for a long time.

A bottle is a catty.

Just kidding!

"It's rare for everyone to visit me, be humble." Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "Come and come, don't be polite, please!"

Pick up a bottle of jasper blood at will, flick the finger gently, the wooden stopper flew out, landed on the ground, and then slowly disappeared.

"Haha, it's rare that the host is polite, so today is a luxury." The Lord Wu Wu laughed and reached out, and a bottle of jasper blood was also held in his hand.

Seeing Cheng Buyun's movements, that unpretentious expression, everyone is free.

Drinking fine wine, everyone chatting happily, Bloody Sovereign heroic said: "Your Highness, congratulations on your standing in the Supreme Council and becoming one of the cornerstones of our human alliance."

"Yes, yes, I haven't congratulated you for so long, haha." Lord Gan Wu laughed.

Venerable Lei Ming, Venerable Jinyue, etc. also shouted loudly: "His Royal Highness, congratulations on being the cornerstone of our human alliance, and a great congratulation for me and the human alliance."

"Thank you, everyone please!" Cheng Buyun also smiled and held the bottle.

Suddenly, a thick voice roared outside the palace, covering the whole palace: "Brother Buyun, I'll wait."

Then another clear and sweet voice echoed: "Not yet to greet the guests."

"Ha, Nine Swords and Lan Yu are here." The Lord Gan Wu smiled.

"Brother, don't hide it. Brother knows you inside." The voice of Zuiyi Zun also rang.

"Heavenly Lord also came, it's really hilarious!" Blood Winged Lord said shockedly, but this is a cosmic overlord, usually does not show up easily, many of the universe Lords have no chance to see the previous side.

I didn't think I had such an honor this time.

At this time, the outside of the palace was lively. Hundreds of strong men all stood in front of the palace gate with a smile on their faces. From time to time, they said a few words to the people next to them and waited.

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