Plane Universe

Chapter 1802: Venerable Reception

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But the top of the top cosmic overlords, the celestial eclipse palace master and the tree demon Venerable, they dare to shake the first- and second-order cosmic masters directly, and even have no emotion of fear.

The other party can't take them too.

The special life is so scary.

Fearless in the universe.

"Brothers, don't compliment me too much, now I'm all flirty, don't make me think that the world is invincible, then it will be big." Cheng Buyun joked.


Several brothers also laughed out loud, the atmosphere was quite warm.

The cosmic Venerables next to him were also laughing with their eyes warm.

Unfortunately, their status is not enough to intervene at this moment.

If you don't reach the point of friendship, you will be considered uncultivated and unpretentious.

"Okay, don't make fun of it, let the younger brother receive the guests first." The venerable one quickly smiled and said: "When there is time, our brothers and sisters are slowly gathering."

Venerable Yankong, Venerable Starry Venerable, Venerable Golden Axe, Venerable Fifteen Senior Brother Sky Sword, Venerable Eighteen Senior Brother Yuheng quickly smiled and stepped aside, giving respect to the honorable One.

"Brother Jiujian and Sister Lanyu, neglected." Cheng Buyun looked at the two old friends, said apologetically, and then looked at the surrounding Lord of the Universe, slightly bowed his fists and turned around. Said: "I'm sorry, I'm neglecting everyone, Bu Yun is here to compensate everyone."

Although Cheng Buyun at the moment is the main level of the world, his strength is no less than that of any cosmic venerable. His apology immediately made everyone feel that he was greatly valued. In addition to his excitement, he also responded with a smile.

"Where! Where!"

"The three respected ones, the Venerable Venerable and the Starry Venerable face to face, why are you negligent!"

"Your Highness is polite, let me wait for shame!"

"Welcome everyone to come, let's talk in advance, please!" Cheng Buyun quickly invited with a smile.

A bustling group of people, led by Cheng Buyun, jokingly entered the Palace of Time and Space.

"Qianwu, your old kid is really not a friend, and he came alone without waiting for us." Venerable Jiujian changed his flight and accused the Lord of Ganwu.

"That's right, there is no friendship in the eyes, don't do human affairs!" Venerable Lan Yu said with a smile.

"go with."

The Lord of the Witching Kingdom even hummed and shouted, "Why am I not a friend enough? Can you give me a word? It's already a deep feeling for me."

"Oh, the old thief is abominable!" Venerable Nine Sword raised his hand with anger, and had the guts of letting go.

"Don't be angry and hurt your body." Lord Gan Wu laughed and glanced at the former, said: "I'll just take a quick step, this is also accused? Who makes me light and nothing, naturally run fast Now. "


Venerable Nine Swords scolded, this old thief's thick skin is really beyond imagination.

You can come up with such words, isn't it shameless?

It seems not ashamed, but proud!

When not the Son of Man!

"What's so proud, this kind of thing, what's the matter of running fast?" Venerable Lan Yu said with a look of contempt: "Can I eat single food?"


Hearing and laughing at the three of them, the cosmic Venerable next to him laughed a lot and envied their friendship.

In just a few thousand years, through the important bond of Cheng Buyun, the friendship between the three of them was so deep that even such jokes can be opened.

This illustrates the problem.

"The witch is free during this time. The cosmic kingdom is out of the High Court and waiting for several super geniuses. The ethnic contributions are all soft. Unlike me, I am busy and have no money." A body is a little fat. The Venerable Human Universe laughed.

This is indeed the case. The world is the territory of Qianwu universe, Cheng Buyun, Luo Feng, Alice, etc. are all geniuses from Qianwu universe.

Behind them are Hong, Thor, Chen Zhen, etc.

These contributors were not discounted at all, and all were given to the dry lord of the witchcraft.

As the status of Cheng Buyun and others becomes higher and higher, the contribution of this contribution will increase.

For now, the contribution of the ethnic group to the Lord of the Witches has been comparable to several treasures.

It's almost sitting and you can divide the money.

Soon, Cheng Buyun took everyone to the lobby platform.

But here has changed a lot. There are several long stone tables in the wide hall, and the long stone table is filled with a bottle of expensive wine.

The grades are quite high, and the lowest grades are 500-600 billion Yuan per bottle, good ones such as jasper blood and Yunhuo Jiu.

In addition, round tables are placed throughout the hall, filled with a variety of drinks and food for everyone's enjoyment.

Everyone entered the hall, and at a glance, they saw the full of expensive wines on the long stone table, and took a breath.

Just put a large number of drinks in the hall, after a little calculation, it is estimated that there are no more than a thousand treasures.

It's amazing.

How rich can you be so arrogant?

Directly put out thousands of treasure points to entertain guests?

"Because I have just completed the construction, I have no time to arrange anything, and please don't be surprised if you greet me badly. If you want to drink something, just feel free." Cheng Buyun said with a smile.

In fact, these drinks are not as precious as everyone thinks about. What do virtual universe companies do?

It ’s all virtual stuff.

Each year Cheng Buyun has a fixed free quota, which is probably a hundred treasures.

As for the excess, it is not too expensive. The virtual universe system only charges him a 100% fee.

The head of the virtual universe company is the master of the old city and the teacher of Cheng Buyun. The virtual universe is equivalent to his own industry.

I still have to pay for using my own things?

This is not a joke!

If it were not to be responsible for the entire human race, it is estimated that even that one-hundredth of the cost would not be used.

Shocked by the wealth of Cheng Buyun, the guests were all a little bit back.

It's too extravagant to drink a peak treasure in one meal!

Even the three lords of the Wu Kingdom, Venerable Nine Swords, and Venerable Lan Yu, the expressions are a bit dazed.

The one-of-a-kind person and others smiled slightly, without talking, and picked up a bottle of wine directly from the long stone table, then nodded toward everyone, went to the edge of the platform, and sat down on a chair .

Others do n’t know. As their proselytized disciples of Chaos City Master, Cheng Buyun ’s brothers, do n’t they know the situation?

Like Cheng Buyun, they also have free quotas, and food and drinks can be discounted by 0.1%, even if they lie down and drink every day.

Not worth a few dollars.

"You are welcome, please please." Cheng Buyun greeted again.

Then everyone took the drinks in twos and threes, and then came to the edge of the platform together, looking at the scenery below and laughing.

As if it were a cocktail party, everybody walked around from time to time, talking with other people who looked at each other, and had some friendship.

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