Plane Universe

Chapter 1834: More and more abnormal

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Nine of the ten avatars around him were all annihilated, and the energy accumulated on one. This is his real body.


Suddenly, Cheng Buyun raised a special mysterious aura, a microcosmic figure appeared, and the air trembles violently.

The muscles in Cheng Buyun's body were shaking.

In fact, the microcosmic map formed on the surface of his body at this time is simulating the ability of the Golden Horned Beast to breed.

With this powerful ability, it is the core of the doppelganger secret law.

In the constant buzzing, Cheng Buyun took a step forward.

But his body feels a bit strange, as if it looks many times weaker than before.


When this body receded to the side, Ren stood aside.

Everything is clear.

Because in the place, there is still a body of Cheng Buyun!


I finally saw the true face.

Cheng Buyun stopped when the number of avatars gestated reached three.

It's not that he doesn't want more, but there are limitations to the doppelganger secrets. After all, the core of this doppelganger secret comes from the golden secret of the golden horn beast family.

There are three limits to its occult birth avatar.

The three avatars are basically the same as Cheng Buyun's body except for their strength.

Regardless of appearance, breath, soul, law, etc., there is no gap.

Even if he is the only one who has strength, it is not easy to mess with.

Do n’t forget that the three avatars are all separated from Cheng Buyun and have his own talents,

Even if it is weakened to 10%, it is very scary. It just happens to be at the most basic limit of the crystal armor-10 million times the power of the realm, barely able to condense the crystal armor, so that its strength reaches 100 million times the power of the realm .

The realm of common law, assisted by the power of a hundred million times the realm, is actually not much different from the deity.

If you insist on the difference, it is the battery life.

Because the three avatars only have his own strength, the height of the body is only 10,000 kilometers, and the power of the stored master is very limited.

Compared to the deity, it is much worse.

But it depends on who you compare with.

Is n’t it a super special life, and there are several strong men whose body height is 10,000 kilometers?

The Lord of the Universe dare not think about it.

"Haha, I finally have a doppelganger, and it will be easier to practice in the future." Cheng Buyun said with great satisfaction.


The three avatars also laughed wildly, and their momentum quickly rose.


At the same time, all three avatars wore a crystal armor that refracted colored light and appeared on the surface. The power of the realm directly reached 100 million times.


Distractions are as simple as drinking water for dinner.

"However, the avatars need to spend more wealth to pile up.

Otherwise, there is no protection. Once you encounter the super strong and then are enslaved by your soul, you can play big. Cheng Buyun murmured to himself.

Everyone knows the advantages of having a doppelganger, but if you play, there are no good treasures.

The enemy may not necessarily be able to enslave his deity through avatars, but being enslaved by an avatar is always a big trouble.


Time and space quickly said: "The enemy will annihilate your body at most, or the soul will be killed. It is impossible to enslave your soul. You will know it by sensing your doppelganger's mind."


Cheng Buyun wondered, but his eyes lit up, thinking of a certain result.

Sure enough, when he sensed the soul of the doppelganger, in the void of the whole soul consciousness, there was a phantom of a jade pendant floating.

The projection of time and space hiding Yu Pei, this is amazing.

"Your avatar soul is consistent with the deity, I can easily communicate the projection, it is basically impossible for the enemy to attack with the soul." Time and Space said lightly.

What a terrific thing, how can other people live?

Sure enough, time and space are really abnormal.

In this way, there will be no worries.

The power of time and space is beyond his expectation, but also reasonable.

Time and space itself is something similar to the rules, and the grade of the jade treasure is not low, even if he is strong enough to compare with the universe.

But the effect he can play is only fur.

It's still far away.

With the projection of the jade treasure in the soul, there is nothing to worry about in the future.

When you encounter an enemy that cannot be defeated and cannot escape, you will lose at most one avatar and treasure!

Giving birth to an avatar, the consumption is not much, a treasure.

Do n’t look at the huge size of the avatar, which is tens of thousands of kilometers.

But the realm of the realm is always the realm of the realm, and the purity of power is one level worse than that of the immortal gods, and so is the energy consumption.

If he is an immortal **** level, the cost will be most.

There is no one treasure, if you want to conceive a doppelganger, don't even think about it.

Why do so many immortal deities in the universe need to retreat and sleep if they lose too much divine power?

Just because it takes too much to restore the divine power, I can't bear it.

"With three more avatars, I should practice three times faster than before." Cheng Buyun smiled and sat directly on the ground, starting the cultivation journey.

The four bodies and souls communicate with each other, and the speed of cultivation is really indescribable.

The endless earthy yellow spots fluttered and entangled around, as if the moth threw fire, pouring into him frantically.

If anyone sees this scene at this time, it is estimated to be crazy.

How could anyone practice so fast in the universe?

Don't you need to feel it?

It looks like a super sponge, absorbing seawater in all directions.



The law of the second avatar, Earth, has already been completed, and even completed. The law of Earth has been parsed, and it can be used as the core, and the space law can be integrated to break through and charge the main class of the universe.

What a horror!

In just over a hundred years, the law of the earth is almost at the speed of Cheng Buyun's insane practice.

He even saw the door to the origin of the law, just whether he wanted to push it.

In more than a hundred years, the practice of a series of rules has been almost completed, and the chaotic city lords dare not think about it.

I dare not imagine this when dreaming.

It can no longer be described as demon.

Being able to practice the law of earth so quickly is almost a great success, and it is also a good foundation before Cheng Buyun.

The background is too strong.

The tide of Hongmeng ’s attached universe is far higher than that of the original universe, and the second doppelganger has already become a rule.

With cultivation experience, Cheng Buyun deity only needs to absorb the source of the law and dissolve itself.

Can you practice fast?

It does n’t even need enlightenment, it is much more perverted than the law body.

He is more and more scary.

The background is too strong.

Cultivation used to be scary, but now there are three more avatars. The primitive universe can't accommodate him anymore, just watch him go crazy and make his own voice in the universe.

The future is expected!

The days when the aliens are clamoring for land are not far away!

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