Plane Universe

Chapter 1840: Back to earth?

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Since the ability of the avatar is so important, why does the chaotic city master also say that Luo Feng's seizure of the golden horn beast is only a middle-up encounter in the universe?

Very simple, level!

How did Chaos City Lord think of Luo Feng's future achievements, can it be so strong?

If you do n’t become the master of the universe, the power of the avatar will be no less powerful.

Falling down, the chaotic city master can't reverse time and space, can't resurrect his own disciples?

Therefore, the effect is undoubtedly extremely weak.

Different levels have different perspectives on issues.

If Luo Feng is the master of the universe, the avatar ability is not the chance of encountering the upper middle class, but the best and most powerful ability.

none of them!

Any lord of the universe desires to have the power of doppelganger. What talents and secrets are put aside, they will not go, if they have a choice.

All the net worth will be exchanged for such a powerful ability.

The power of avatars ranks first in the universe, and there is no strong man who will refute.

The Lord of the universe who is not afraid of death is extremely difficult!


Practice is boring, no!

There are two kinds of cultivation, the law of enlightenment is wonderful, all minds are placed in the enlightenment, and the time cannot be felt at all.

Studying secrets and creating secrets are the most boring.

It can even be annoying.

He came up without knowing his temper.

Because researching secrets and creating secrets is mostly fruitless, and it hits the wall all the time, so it ’s strange not to be annoyed.

The law of enlightenment, no matter how fast or slow your practice is, being surrounded by the source of the law is like being in your mother's arms, making you fall in love with that kind of motherly care.

Happy mood makes you not want to wake up, just want to continue to do so.

Indulge in cultivation can't extricate yourself!

Of course, the improvement of strength is obvious to all. Compared with the past, Cheng Buyun is more powerful, and various arcane powers have doubled to jump up.

As far as the secret method of attacking with the Void Shock is concerned, once fully exerted, the middle-level esteemers will definitely die.

High Venerable can't resist many moves.

With pure mystic power, it is estimated that many cosmic overlords are totally inferior to Cheng Buyun.

The power of the fusion of laws is too powerful.

The time of cultivation is always very fast.

When Cheng Buyun opened his eyes and withdrew from the cultivation state, time had passed nearly a hundred years, and one perception was a century.

At the same time, for a hundred years, the turbulent events he made out of Zhiqiang gradually subsided, and the exchange of Chongbao Points to Treasure Points also fell, lying at the price of 3712 points.

Cheng Buyun didn't pay much attention to the decline in the exchange price. In terms of his wealth today, he doesn't need to care about it.

Treasure, he is no longer needed.

"Om ~~"

The battleship Xiaohong Hou shuddered into a stream of light away from the Chaos City and flew towards the cosmic passage.

As when he came, Cheng Buyun's departure did not attract anyone's attention.

However, in the void, a face formed by Zhang Yi with a light air flow appeared, and the outline of the face was very similar to the chaotic city lord, especially the eyes that looked extremely divine.

In his eyes, there was a lot of mixed emotions.



Xiaohonghou stopped over Chaos Square, and Cheng Buyun landed on the top of the Palace of Time and Space.

A hundred years is actually a very short unit of time. For practitioners, yes.

There is not even enough time for some strong people to learn the law retreat once.

"Brother, what's next for us?" Xiaohong looked at Cheng Buyun expectantly.

Cheng Buyun, of course, is clearly aware of her thoughts. Isn't she just trying to venture out and drive her new body?

If you can meet the main hit of the universe, it is undoubtedly the best.

With this invincible body, Xiaohong is not afraid of any lord of the universe.

It's just the heat.

What level is the Lord of the universe?

No matter how strong she is, she is only strong in defense. When she meets the Lord of the universe, she can only be a target.

"Next I want you to go back and lie on the earth." Cheng Buyun said with a slight smile.

"Go back to earth?"

Xiaohong's sense of anticipation quickly subsided, her expression seemed so unwilling, but Cheng Buyun had to stop.

Can be wronged!

Cheng Buyun blinked and said with a smile: "You can fly back alone."

Without teleportation?

Xiaohong's eyes lighted up, all the grievances on her face were gone, and she quickly agreed.

At the same time, for the purpose of going back to the earth, Xiao Honghou also knew.

Bring soul treasures back to several sister-in-laws.

In fact, Yu Pei World has a teleportation array to connect to the earth, but there are some things after sale that must be kept secret and cannot be done in secret.

No one has ever been sent back, and Wang Ya's daughters have used the soul treasure, which will make people doubt.

Why didn't Cheng Buyun go back to Earth to see several wives in person, but he couldn't move.

He is already in the eyes of aliens, and he cannot do any activities that may expose his tracks.

The earth is very important. Once he appears on the earth, God knows what serious accident will happen!

When the earth was attacked, there was no place to cry.

No matter how strong the protection is, the earth does not have the master of the universe stationed.

"Brother, then I will go back and wait for me." Xiaohong later blinked his big eyes, and said very cutely, "It is not allowed to play alone."

Cheng Buyun smiled and waved his hand, beckoning her to go back quickly.

Xiaohong laughed with a grin, and immediately released the red Xiaoqianghao that was put away, and the figure jumped up.


Xiaohong Hou hurriedly accelerated his flight, the space was like a wave of water, but when he looked at it, he disappeared on the spot.

Shaking his head slightly, Cheng Buyun quickly left the top of the palace and returned to the main hall. Another upper body disappeared, and the person entered the world of jade wear.

"Gourmet, Alice, Zhongrou, come out to see me quickly." Cheng Buyun shouted.

The three people who were shouted into the name by Cheng Buyun during the practice did not dare to neglect, and immediately left the original place and quickly reached Cheng Buyun.

"the host."

The three people who arrived in succession saluted Cheng Buyun.

"Calling you to come, there is something for you." Cheng Buyun smiled slightly, turning his hand, the Void Soul Bead that the Chaos teacher gave in his early years was lying in his hand, and then he had reached Alice in a wave and said: "This is the treasure that my teacher gave me to protect my soul in the early years, and I will give it to you today."

"Thank you Master."

A treasure of soul, Alice is naturally very happy. With these treasures in her body, she will not attack the strong soul in the future.

Seeing Alice was rewarded with a soul treasure, his gluttonous face was shocked, and his eyes showed a strong desire.

He was trembling all over. Will the master also give me a soul treasure?

But he is not sure, because the time to join the master is too short. Without any credit, how can he be entitled to be rewarded with a soul treasure by the master?

Nodding, Cheng Buyun looked at Zhongrou again.

Zhongrou's eyelids drooped slightly, where she stood quietly and calmly.

Cheng Buyun also considered the heavy and soft treasures several times, and finally chose the high and low collocations. The weapon is just an ordinary heavy treasure attack sword, a normal acceleration assists the heavy treasure, a superb soul treasure, grade and a few daughters to Wang Ya Almost the same.

It is not that he does not want to give better, but it is not necessary.

At the treasure level, a realm is enough.

After all, her goal is not big, unlike Alice, on the black list of interracial.

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