Plane Universe

Chapter 1848: Just intimidation?

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Floating city.

Very quiet.

Waiting for the arrival of immigration managers from two other major forces.

The powerful Wang Fengqiang, who belongs to the Universe Galaxy Bank and the Universe First Bank, dare not come.

Upon receiving the message from King Fengchen, they immediately flew towards the Pacific headquarters.

This incident is too loud. If they do n’t show up, God knows how the angry Cheng Buyun will get himself.

The punishment is light, so I am afraid that life is better than death!

"Damn Cheng Buyun, dare to forcefully intervene in immigration matters, I will never bow my head to you." The blue armored winged man standing on the side, the king seemed to be gnawed by the snake, especially the two outside Feng Wang's strange look made him ashamed and dying.

Immediately log into the virtual universe.

After logging into the virtual universe, Wang Lian's beautiful maid didn't respond to her favor, and immediately left her palace and sent it to a place.

In front of the extremely magnificent temple, he adjusted his clothes and shouted respectfully: "Sovereign Xunying."

The cosmic venerable he sought was a high-ranking venerable cosmic venerable member of the family. He could have a distinguished position in the battle of the giant axe and he would not believe it. With the power of the family, he could not win a Cheng Yun .

Others are afraid of him, and the great Xujin family is absolutely not afraid.

"come in!"

A sympathetic voice came out, and King Gu Li quickly and happily walked into the temple.

In the majestic hall, there is a man with white hair on the throne who looks at the intercepting king with a smile.

"Uncle Shadow Clan." Incomparably grieved shouted, kneeling down in tears.

"What's wrong, small separation, what makes you so wronged?" The old man stood up kindly and came to the interception king step by step. "Aren't you an immigration manager in the galaxy, are you angry?"

"Uncle Shadow Clan." He who cut off Wang Sheng's tears and said things selectively, of course, he did not mention the things he did in the wind and rain, only said the decree issued by Bu Yun, and Xiaohonghou Rush into the floating city and hurt him.

Xunying Venerable frowned when he heard that it was Cheng Buyun, a figure in the sky.

How fierce is Cheng Buyun, and the level of immortal gods may not understand. Isn't his level clear?

He didn't take me at all for such geniuses.

It's really evil.

At this time, Venerable Xun Ying frowned, and he felt very embarrassed in his heart. Cheng Buyun was absolutely unwilling to provoke him, and he could only feel wronged.

He never knew that the king was cut off, and he still gave Xunying Venerable eye drops. He said indignantly, "How dare he do that, he just didn't put any of our major forces in his eyes, especially not us. The giant axe martial arts field is in your eyes. You ca n’t let the virtual universe company squeeze us. Uncle Shadow Clan, you must talk to other Venerable big figures to see the face of the virtual universe company. "

"This is not easy!"

Venerable Xunying sighed and said with a complex face: "The earth still has half of the management rights belonged to the people of the earth, and there were also provisions in the previous contract that did not allow immigrants to disturb the lives of the people of the earth. The decree issued by Cheng Buyun was reasonable. Is indisputable. "

"Could he be left alone?" It was rather reluctant to cut off Wang Wang, which was not the result he wanted.

"Cheng Buyun's status today is different from the past. I have to give it three points. He issued this decree. No one would trouble him. After all, he didn't drive out immigrants. . "Xunying Venerable said.

Wang Wang was dumbfounded.


Earth, the floating alien immigration headquarters of the Pacific Ocean.

The immigration managers of Universe First Bank and Universe Galaxy Bank have arrived.

A man and a woman, very humble salute to Xiaohong, maintaining awe of enough.

That is awe of the strong.

"The ceremony has also been seen, so we do n’t have to come here. The reason I came here today is to make sure you all know it, and do n’t say that I bully you. What I want to tell you is that my brother has happened to the earth. Everything is very angry. "Xiao Honghou's deep eyes swept across the faces of several people, and the words she said were so shocking that they all changed their faces." No matter what the reason is, but since things happened, they will only ask Responsible for several of your managers, now it ’s time for you to struggle for your own survival, and each will make explanations to prove that the matter is not related to you or report it to each other. "

Intercepting Wang Leng's eyes, he really didn't believe it, and Cheng Buyun could punish him regardless of his family's power.

How big is it?

By this time, he didn't think he was wrong.

The earth people are just trash natives. If they bully, they will bully. What can they do with him?

"My brother said, no matter what background you are behind, any forces, there is no room for struggle on the earth." Xiao Honghou's expression was very cold, staring at several people and saying, "If you can't prove it for yourself , Then ... death punishment is the easiest, it is possible to stay in Star Hell for life! "


The five alien immigration managers heard threatening words from Xiaohong, all of them were shocked, and their faces were incredible.

Then the whole body trembled violently, his expression full of fear.

Not only the parties, but also the countless people in the temple where outer space is stationed, are also surprised.

Xiao Honghou's words are too amazing, can it really be a member of other forces to handle the power?


Many people do not believe it.

The virtual universe company is strong, but at most it is equal to the giant axe martial arts arena.

And the other three forces do not eat dry food. How can they be punished by their internal members?

It should be intimidating!

A hall in the shrine, Venerable Penghua and others are also paying attention to the changes in things and watching what happens in the floating city.

"Impossible." Venerable Penghua's most invincible invincible Feng Qiang, whispered a little unbelievably.

Even how many people do you want to punish?

Whether it is Wang Wang, Fengchen Wang, or Biyu Wang, etc., are all people from several super large family members of human beings, disposal?

Those super big families don't want to save face!

"Jun Yi, you are too young to be regarded as Bu Yun's energy. When dealing with such a few talented people, he really doesn't need to worry about the family behind the other party." I met Bu Yun and formed a confrontation with him, because it was not good for my own side. "

Venerable Penghua is a man who understands how fierce Cheng Buyun is in the sky. These Venerables have discussed it in private.

The monster is perverted and has high potential. It is estimated that the top cosmic overlords are unwilling to match up.

Such a genius, with which you are confronting, is not annoying higher-level characters, such as Chaos City Lord?

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