Plane Universe

Chapter 1850: High-end King Ten Team

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The penalty this time was almost a word.

The result is extremely outrageous.

It ’s just a failure to monitor, and what a crime? Even the punishment of the party to serve 10 billion years in prison in the Ninth Star Territory, in anyone's view, the penalty is too heavy, too heavy! ! !

The other four immigration managers next to him were cold from head to toe, trembling and pale.

They are also dereliction of duty just like Wang Wang. Will they not be punished in this way?


Very frightened.

They now have the heart to kill Wang Wang.

Damn things.

They regret very much in their hearts. Why didn't they stop it?

If it is stopped, no such thing will happen.


I really shouldn't let Wang Hu come to be cut off, and regret my unstoppability at the time.

"I'm not convinced. Why can't a supervisor be able to condemn me for such a serious crime? I am not convinced." The interception Wang yelled, his eyes red and blushing, and he struggled with his face. The field has power. "

Such a felony, let alone he will not admit it, nor will he admit it to anyone.

The tens of billions of years of prison law is a nightmare.

"It's your turn to deny it. Is there a place you squeaky?" Xiaohong slaps straight away, intercepting Wang even without dodge, and his head explodes immediately.

Then the whole body was extinguished, and in the face of everyone's horrified eyes, it fell into an immortal **** crystal.

The power of one blow is extremely powerful, and the strong men at the level of the king are all disabled.

"I don't know life or death!" Xiao Honghou yelled at the immortal **** crystal, and then waved her hand. A slap-sized silver box scattered on the edge of the cyan armor fell into her hands.

This big silver box with a slap in the back of Xiaohong's hand is the intelligent life that intercepted Wang's carry, and it is also the biggest evidence.

It contains all the evidence that intercepted Wang's crime.

Once its remarks are made public, it is estimated that the penalty is not 10 billion years.

It must be a criminal law for life!

Cheng Buyun used to look at the Lord of the Void Gold, and still left a little thin noodles.

But it ’s too bad to cut off Wang.

"Leave me off right and left." Xiaohong stared back, and immediately ordered.

Fengchen Wang and others looked at each other, quickly stepped forward and held the interception king, and then said softly: "Interception, I can't wait."

The interception king, who recovered from time to time, weakened his breath for more than one chip. Just now, Xiaohong shot him with a palm, and he nearly fainted and slept.

Now let's not talk about resistance, it is estimated that a small seal can hammer him.

"Cut off Wang seems to be cold!"

"It was 10 billion years after being sentenced to 10 billion years, and there is hope left after all. Now it is annoying His Royal Highness Cheng Buyun. He will no longer give his family face, and he will die."

"It's a fool. A person who used to look very clever, looked away!"

"Everything is jealous, original sin!"

"He himself is not valued by his family very much, and he is usually hypocritical. It is good to see people who have no foundation."

"The Earth is out of several His Royal Highnesses, and it hurts his arrogant heart, so when dealing with the people of the earth, the brutal behavior can be understood."

"Think of a noble fool."

"Not to mention him."

"I don't know how many Fengchen King will be punished. Very good people. Alas, the gentleman is weak, but he can't help."

"Sin is not dead, but punishment is inevitable, and the position of manager seems to be lost."

"It looks like how His Royal Highness Bu Yun was fined."

No one who has blocked Wang Qiang said two good words for cutting off Wang. In fact, many times in the past, they were also a bit indifferent to the matter of the earth.

It's a pity that the accusations are different and they can't say anything.

It can only be a slight warning, but Wang Yixin is cut off to death, and he is also one of the five leaders of the immigration administration.

What can everyone do?

I think I am backed by my family and have a strong background. I really think that Cheng Buyun can't take him?

Think too much.

A heir who hadn't even seen the face of the Lord of the Void Gold, ran to provoke a demon who was always valued by the great existence to fight against it.

Who will die if he doesn't die?

In the outer space shrine, the transmission area, the huge transmission array belonging to the virtual universe company lights up.

Soon, the light dissipated and a team of more than a dozen people appeared.

However, Shuying Wang, the peak of Feng Feng's strength, started, followed by a team of ten strong Feng Feng Wang.

Over the years, the space-time palace's development momentum has been very rapid, relying on the huge prestige of Cheng Buyun, nearly 10,000 king-level immortal gods, and millions of Fenghou-class.

The military master and ordinary immortal gods are even more unknown.

More terrifying than the power of any old universe.

"It's the powerful king of the space-time palace."

"It has been a team of high-ranking ten-man kings, and the leader is Shuying Wang."

"It's really enviable, the golden armor."

"Unfortunately, we can't buy such powerful warships. If we can have one, we really don't know what kind of state and how prestige it is."

"Shu Ying Wang, please make a few words before your house. Could you let me have the authority to buy golden armor?"

"Yeah, they are all human beings. The golden armor blockades us and weakens the overall strength of humanity."

"Yeah, it's not me who's wrong. I still ask Shuying Wang to help me wait for suggestions. Thank you in advance."

King Shuying walked all the way, nodding her head and saying hello, while saying, "It's not that I don't help everyone, but the command of your Highness, and I have no way."

"But please rest assured, if you have the opportunity, I will mention it on the premise of the temple."

"Shuying Wang can help, it is enough, thank you very much."

The seal kings of the virtual universe company smiled straight and looked down at them, then looked down at the armor and gently wiped it on the armor without any dust.

The team of ten high-ranking kings behind Shuying Wang was all gazed at, and he glanced up at a group of earth buns, not to mention how cool it was.

Shu Yingwang and others left in a teleport, and everyone shook their heads again, "I really don't know why the intercepting king would dare to provoke the people of the earth. Just sending a high-ranking king in the space-time palace can hammer him."

What exactly do you rely on?

What a silly hat!

Or as everyone said, because it is not valued by the family, the heart is distorted!

Floating city.

As soon as Shuying Wang and others arrived, Xiaohong immediately intercepted Wang with one finger and said, "Trapped him to me, and he will serve the ninth star area prison for a while."

"Yes, Master Xiaohong." Shuying Wangwei nodded, then gestured to the side, and behind him, the two high-ranking Wang Qiang immediately stepped forward, with a grinning expression, "It's your **** mother star in my house. Messing on dereliction of duty! "


One left, one right and two slaps went down, the intercepting Wang immediately issued a scream, almost kneeling down.

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