Plane Universe

Chapter 1853: Revealing a bottom card makes the Chaos teacher happy

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In order to become a step cloud, the Lord of Chaos can be said to have taken care of himself.

For countless years, even though more than 30 personal disciples have been accepted, they have never been so exhausted.

Cheng Buyun still vaguely saw the worried expression on the face of Chaos Teacher's face, and he felt a little ashamed.

It's a bit unreasonable to deceive the teacher with lies.

In fact, with his current strength and state, he still has such a two-point grasp to break through, but he has not tried it.

The fusion of seven or eight laws of power, even if it is only a slight, fur-like fusion, the power is very powerful.

The world's bead barriers of hundreds of millions of light years are really so strong?

Even Cheng Buyun didn't believe it.

But ... he dare not try.

Because once you try it, if you blow up the world's pearl wall membrane in one click?

When we cried without tears.

So ... can only deceive the Chaos teacher in good faith.

Guilty Guilty.

After thinking for a long time, Cheng Buyun felt that he should still comfort Teacher Chao ’s anxious mood, so he wanted to reveal a card to Teacher Chao,

With a decision, he immediately looked up, looked at the Lord of Chaos with a confident smile and said, "Teacher."

The Lord of Chaos looked at Cheng Buyun's confident expression and smiled with Xi, beckoning him to say something, don't hide it.

Cheng Buyun said confidently: "Teacher, the disciples go to the ancestral religion, in fact, they also have a survival card, have avatars, and are not afraid of death at all!"


The Lord of Chaos was shocked and quickly said in shock: "You have the ability to avatar? Why haven't you said it before? Don't mention these first, get it out for the teacher."

Excited, very excited.

Doppelganger is definitely the strongest means of survival in the universe.

In the past, he underestimated Luo Feng's encounter with the golden horned monster, but he didn't feel that Luo Feng could become the master of the universe.

After all, the life gene of the golden horn beast is not strong, only ten times, at most it is a relatively powerful cosmic overlord.

The cosmic overlord of dozens of times of life genes, there are very few in humans, which is not how powerful.

But Cheng Buyun is different.

As long as it breaks through the shackles of immortal gods and becomes the master of the universe, it is a necessary process. Therefore, having a doppelganger can only be terrible.

Just like himself, the universe has no fear of life and death, and the enemy is afraid of a few points, because of the ability to doppelganger, it is crazy to fight.

Now Cheng Buyun also said that he has the ability to avail, how to make him not excited.

Looking at the extremely excited expression of Chaos teacher, Cheng Buyun can naturally imagine that the ability of avatar is the most invincible ability in the universe.

Unscrupulous tricks.

Especially annoying.

The Chaos teacher was happy, and Cheng Buyun was naturally happy too, and he waved his hand with a smile, under the gaze of the chaotic city master's extremely expectation.

A figure wearing a crystal armor, which was indistinguishable from Cheng Buyun, suddenly appeared in the chaotic palace hall, and then saluted respectfully to the chaotic teacher, "Teacher, this is my avatar, please see."

The Lord of Chaos naturally didn't need him to say that, his eyes immediately looked at him, and there was no difference in his identity. He quickly laughed and said, "Well, it really is the ability to avail, haha! Great, for you. Safety, I finally feel relieved for the teacher. "

I saw him continually looking at Cheng Buyun's doppelganger, and from time to time he reached out and kneaded it on his body. Here he felt, where he patted, it looked like an old pervert.

It took a long time before the Lord of Chaos looked at Cheng Buyun and said with a smile: "Is there any difference between the avatar and your deity? For example, if the deity dies, can the deity coagulate the deity? Can your deity's talent manifest in the deity? Rule Is the state consistent? "

Several questions have been thrown out and are also the most important ones.

Cheng Buyun also explained one by one, and the result was pretty good. The Lord of Chaos nodded, but said a little inadequately: "It's a pity that the avatar can only have one tenth of your own talent, and it can't condense. Deity. "

"Teacher, it's already very good. There are a lot of great existences. I want to have a split." Cheng Buyun said: "At this stage, there is a tenth of my deity. It is already powerful enough. After all, how to weaken it, put on crystal Warframes have the realm of the deity, and it is not a problem to fight against the high deity. "

The Lord of Chaos nodded, knowing this.

Thousands of times of life genes have been regarded as good special lives.

Coupled with the original two talents, invincibility is still a little bit, but it is a super fierce fighting force.

In the end, he told some things. The Lord of Chaos admonished Cheng Buyun. Even if he had the ability to avatar, he had to wake himself up at all times. Don't be too proud, and to have a avatar, you must have a soul treasure to protect the soul.

The essence of life is the soul.

After leaving Chaos Palace, Cheng Buyun planned to leave.

Go to Ancestral Religion for insights, find opportunities to go to Youhai Time and Space, and get some genes of the Youhai family.

Then study.


Huahai talent, me, Cheng Buyun is here.

The Ancestral Inheritance Order was delivered from Chaos City the same day, and Cheng Buyun immediately set off as soon as he got it.

Ship No. 2 Xiaohonghou accelerated into the dark universe and rushed towards an extremely distant destination.


Seeing Bu Yun's avatar leaving, the chaotic city lord feels a little strange. Isn't Xiaohonghou on the earth? Why is there another ship?

And the appearance is the same, is it refined?

However, these are trivial things, and the performance of the Battleship Xiaohong is quite good, but that's the case, there are still many gaps compared to the Chongbao Flying Palace.

"Longxing, he has already set off. You must lie down for the ancestral goddess. You must let the ancestral godmother agree and take care of Cheng Buyun. If the conditions are not too difficult, you can agree to some."

After a while, the email reply of the Lord of the Dragon came over. "It's just a trivial matter. Anyway, I'm also an idle person."

On that day, the Lord of Dragons also worked hard and went to the Ancestral Church to negotiate the conditions with the Ancestral God.

After all, human beings are the pinnacle ethnic group, and the Lord of Dragons came to the door to ask for their own. Ancestral gods still have to take care of human face.

Of course, humans have also paid a lot of money. In the future, they need to strongly support the affairs of the ancestral religion, such as some combat missions. It cannot be like the past, the powerful combat power sent from the side is paddling to see the excitement.

Ancestral religion is the spokesperson of the rules of the universe. Usually, it is the responsibility of maintaining the stability and prosperity of the original universe. Often, it is not enough to rely on itself. Naturally, it needs the support of many powerful ethnic groups.

Human beings are the pinnacle of the primitive universe, and their power is almost the same as the ancestral religion. It has such great benefits. It naturally promises Cheng Buyun's safety in the place of inheritance and conditions human beings.

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