Plane Universe

Chapter 1857: Ancestral Power

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Hearing Cheng Buyun's inquiry, the Venerable Fei Cang replied with a smile: "This is not limited, but independent intelligent life cannot be brought out, such as members of the mechanical family."

He responded enthusiastically and guided with all his heart, also because Cheng Buyun came from mankind, a pinnacle ethnic group, so he sold his personal feelings and made good friends.

If you change the inheritor of a weak ethnic group, don't even think about it.

It is estimated that the guide will be finished in a few clicks. Certainly non-existent behavior.

"Understood, thank you for your answers." Cheng Buyun nodded, already knowing in his mind that Xiaohonghou is a restricted type.

It is impossible to take away the palace and follow him on Bauhinia Island.

Of course, after coming out with Xiaohong, you may not be attacked by the colorful Aurora Lake.

The core of Xiaohonghou is actually a treasure, a flying palace treasure. Once it comes out, it is estimated that the ancestors will immediately know that Xiaohonghou is a treasure like a top flying palace.

In the multicolored Aurora Lake, there is no trace at all.

The power of the Xeon Realm Treasure is incredible, and it is much more powerful than the Lord of the Universe's control of time and space. Even the Lord of the Universe can limit it.

It ’s estimated that an oppression would explode in the universe.

So there is no need to show it right?

The less trouble, the better.

"Okay, I'm almost there to lead you here. After finishing the last point, I will leave." The Venerable Fei Cang continued to lead Cheng Buyun and said slightly, nodding slightly: "Come with me. "

His responsibility is to lead. Naturally, he must tell them some basic information and rules so that they will not be taboo at first.

After a moment.

Under his leadership, Cheng Buyun and Alice came to the highest mountain in Bauhinia Island, and above the mountain there was only a majestic palace with thousands of kilometers of palaces.

"There are no exceptions to your inheritors, there are restrictions on the palaces, but there are no restrictions on the island owners who can guard the safety of Bauhinia Island." The Venerable Fei Cang said to the majestic palace: "That is the palace of the owner of Bauhinia Island. . "

The three stepped in the mountains and walked slowly.

"look up."

In the next moment, the Venerable Fei Cang pointed to the sky again.

Cheng Buyun and Alice immediately looked up.

An incredibly gorgeous and incredible scene immediately appeared in front of you. Looking up from this position, you can actually see a gap in the multicolored aurora lake. Along this gap, you can see the deep core of the multicolored aurora lake. The dazzling and splendid palace is surrounded by the palace with a little smaller one around the palace with endless light.

"That is the real core of my ancestral religion." The Venerable Feicang pointed to the palace where the dazzling light was shining, and he was enviously said: "The biggest palace is the ancestral palace, which is where the renting **** lives. I Although there are three ancestors in the ancestral religion, one is usually sitting in the center of the core. "

"And the eight smaller one palaces around the Ancestral Palace are the Eight Beast Temples, where the eight beast gods live."

The eight beast gods represent the fusion of the eight basic laws and the laws of space in the universe.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, and light are the eight basic rules.

As for the law of darkness, it is hidden!

"As for the more than ten palaces around the Bafang Beast Temple, it is the Hujiao Beast Temple."

The guardian beast **** is equivalent to the replacement of the eight beast gods. Since the original eight beast gods are still in place, they naturally cannot take over the eight beast gods.

In this way, although it is the main strength of the universe, it is still one level away from the real Eight Beast Gods.

The strength is generally below the master of the third-order universe. Without the amplitude of the Eight Beast Gods, it is naturally a little worse.

The orthodox octagonal beast **** is very fierce. The top-level lord of the universe is only slightly worse than the lord of the peak universe like the lord of the chaotic city.

As for the ancestral **** level, it is synonymous with invincibility. In the primitive universe, any ancestor **** has the strength equivalent to the strongest in the universe.

Ancestral religion, the strength is really fierce, there are many super strong people, it is worthy of the first force of the original universe.

Back to the rules of the universe!

Dear son!

The Venerable Fei Cang is still talking eloquently, "There are 72 continents on the outer perimeter of the beast **** of protection. Of course, from our perspective, we can only see 63 continents. The continent is a continent of gods. According to legend, each continent is no less than the size of Bauhinia Island. "

When it comes to the continent of the **** general, the eyes of the Feicang venerable people are very bright, as if they are eager to become the master of a continent of god.

The supplementary general, although it is also a general, but does not assume the throne, of course, the combat power can not be amplitude.

Even if a formal **** will fall, it will be impossible to reverse the return of time and space.

A large number of back-up gods will also break the blood for this seat and hit the dog's brain.

"Do you see the densest stars on the outermost periphery? It is a world of 3000 stars, and each star world is also the residence of a deity."

"The ancestral palace, the eight-party beast temple, the guardian beast temple, the 72 gods on the mainland, and 3000 things to make the world, this is the core of the ancestral religion."

The Venerable Feicang sighed incomparably, and envied enviously. He accepted that the complete inheritance of the gods had passed tens of billions of years.

And this kind of waiting, I don't know how long it is.

Cheng Buyun is very clear about this kind of secret. Each kind of **** will make up at least a dozen people. It is difficult to think that one of the official gods will fall.

After all, God will always be God, not the Lord of the universe, and can be resurrected in time and space.

I would like to ask, afterwards, it will be estimated that until the day of death, there will not necessarily be a chance to get right.

Slightly calmed down, the Venerable Feicang said: "In addition to this core place, in addition to your Bauhinia Island, there are islands in the colorful Aurora Lake, a large number of scattered islands, those islands survive Outer members of the ancestral religion. "

"Outside members."

Cheng Buyun nodded and said that he clearly understood that the Ficang Venerable didn't say much. After all, these materials are semi-open. With human capabilities, it is not surprising to have these materials.

The post-successor general and the post-successor envoy are both peripheral members, just as they come here to accept the life inherited by the beast god.

However, there are differences in peripheral inheritors, who have completely accepted the various inheritances, with varying degrees of importance.

For example, the post-successor general and the post-successor envoy, because the accepted inheritance is intact, is actually already a member of the ancestral religion.

Need to do things for ancestral religion.

And no rejection is allowed.

This is the price to pay for inheritance.

And the most important and powerful beast **** heritage is no exception. There is no free lunch.

The weak will not be valued, but a heir who accepts the strong inheritance of the beast **** will certainly not escape the fate of debt repayment.

However, if you want to be eligible to contribute to the ancestral religion and pay off the debt, the beast **** inheritance also has a fifth point.

The beast **** inheritance, which is not enough for the fifth level, does not have that qualification at all.

The weak want to be valued, only strength.

Survival in the universe is extremely difficult and cruel, even if you want to sell yourself, it depends on whether others want it or not.

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