Plane Universe

Chapter 1866: Glory the world

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Zhongrou is also an enlightened beast god's artistic conception. Like gluttony, it is mainly based on soil attributes, but the former is faster in understanding and much faster than gluttony. The first level is already fast.

The understanding of the beast god's artistic conception is not easy, it is very difficult.

Even when Luo Feng changed from a named disciple to a personal disciple, Chaos teacher gave the first weight of understanding the spirit of the beast.

One can imagine how difficult it is.

Generally, you need to reach the level of the universe Venerable.

Of course, the Supreme Master of the Universe can understand the first level of the beast god's artistic conception. Natural talent is not high, and they are all immortal strongmen who rely on a lot of time to accumulate and break through.

The first kind of beast **** mood, the law is already in a combined state, and it is very difficult.

For ordinary strong people, most of the secret methods are mixed and combined, but not combined.

Need to figure it out here.

The difference between the words makes the difference.

Just like the fusion of laws, once the laws are merged, the laws will not be separated from each other.

Just like a pot of porridge, just rice and water are mixed, and it becomes porridge, but water is water, rice is rice, it is clear and distinct.

But when the rice is ground into powder and added with water, it can become a paste and a dough.

Return to the Bauhinia Palace.

The palace has changed its appearance at this time, the entire hall has become magnificent, the decoration is very high-end, the walls on both sides are carved with numerous sacred murals, various birds and animals.

At the same time, the large hall is supported by 108 golden dragon-shaped pillars, and the top is polished with expensive crystals. A series of golden soft light is transmitted out, making the hall magnificent and extremely sacred.

That kind of luxury came over.

Cheng Buyun was very satisfied.

As the first portal of the palace, the main hall is justified in its luxurious construction.

"Your Highness."

The deacon of the palace, a figure with a good figure and appearance, and a human woman with an immortal feudal rank, quickly bowed respectfully.

"Very good, this palace will be left to you to manage." Cheng Buyun nodded and said lightly: "But the outside is not our own place, the soldiers are prohibited from leaving the palace."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Although you can't leave the palace, it doesn't affect your cultivation. In the palace, you can feel the outside world with consciousness, and watch the laws of enlightenment on the sky.

It is a very good resource for cultivation.

A typical one can get it, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven!

Every strong man who comes to the ancestral religion to accept the inheritance of beast gods can cultivate a good group of people for himself.

After passing through the main hall, I came to the backyard. At a glance, it was a huge garden with flowing water and a small lake with a diameter of 100 meters. The water pavilion was built on it.

The mist rises, hazy, under the extreme light of the sky, it looks elegant and beautiful.

In the surrounding garden beside the small lake, there are more than ten houses with white bricks and red tiles. The combination of the two is extremely harmonious.

The style of the earth garden in one's hometown is elegant.

This is Cheng Buyun's private place.

At this time, in front of the water pavilion in the middle of the lake, Alice sitting on a bluestone also opened her eyes and looked over.

Cheng Buyun smiled and waved his hand, and the figure came to the bluestone in a moment.

Alice leaned back slightly, not waiting for the master to speak, she said: "Master, my third beast **** concept has been fully understood."

"Very good, are you ready?" Cheng Buyun asked with a smile.

He didn't ask Alice if she had any doubts. With Alice's ability and understanding of the third beast god's artistic conception, the mystery is definitely the most invincible among the third inheritors.

In the eyes of the master, Alice nodded proudly and said: "As long as it is the third heir, Alice must be the most powerful one."

Such confidence is of course due to its own trump card.

"Very good, let's go and provoke trouble, I will let Xiaohong help you." Cheng Buyun smiled, looking forward to Alice's next earth-shattering journey.

Absolutely can shock the eyes.

Alice said that she immediately sat on the bluestone and immediately connected the ubiquitous signal in the void-the world of glory through the consciousness-sensing receiver.

log in!

A newcomer of inheritors-Alice is also coming!

Cheng Buyun also smiled and sat down, comprehending the mysterious laws of the universe above the sky.

The extremely mysterious and elaborate rules appeared, and he instantly immersed in it.

Flow through the ocean of laws and feel the power of the great shore among them.

The Glory World is just a small virtual world. The main function is just to enable the inheritors to have a solid place to communicate with each other. The function is also very simple, with only two spaces.

One is the open-air plaza and the other is the fighting space.

Compared with the virtual universe of human beings, the gap between the small hut and the skyscrapers.

At the moment, on the side of the open plaza, a graceful figure appeared, with a fine appearance, but the black combat suit he wore on his body stopped the scenery.

It made his people reveal a clean and neat, but also a heavy sorrow.

A beautiful face is also cold and firm.

Alice, a typical female man image.

At this time, Alice raised her right hand, and there was a black book on it. It was the virtual assistant of Glory World. With this black book, many functions of Glory World were realized.

First of all, under the reminder of black books, we must choose a name for ourselves in the world of glory.

This is the first step that no one can avoid.

The name is already planned before logging in.

Female God of War!

After choosing the name, the black book can continue to turn pages.

The second page is a map that introduces the Glory World. The two main spaces are the open-air plaza and the battle space.

It's incredibly succinct, and I remember it in my mind almost instantly.

The third page introduces the glory world rankings, such as the number of glory points redemption inheritance, etc., and the additional inheritance opportunities require 100 glory points redemption each time.

The introduction is over here.

Simple, the function of Glory World is like a toy made by a small workshop, no playability.

Continue to turn the page, which is the Glory World Rankings, divided into seven lists, namely the first heirs, the second heirs, and the seventh heirs.

If you fully understand the inheritor of the seventh beast god's artistic conception, you have graduated from the ancestral religion, and the name is not in the list.

As a newcomer, Alice has not fought with other inheritors. Of course, the ranking is in the end position, showing 0 wins and 0 losses.

Of course, there are also inheritors worse than her ranking, all of which are 0 wins and 1 loss, or 0 wins and countless losses.

Looking briefly at the third re-ranking list, Alice hides the black books.

The open-air plaza is actually an open-air bar. There are countless varieties of food, wine and food. Placed around the plaza to be enjoyed by the inheritors, there is nothing to pay.

Free, ancestors do not need to rely on these to make money.

The creation of this virtual world is just to give the inheritors a place to communicate and fight.

The virtual world wins in safety, and the fall will not really die.

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