Plane Universe

Chapter 1868: Laugh heartily

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Many of them have never been as insulted as they are today.

With a buzz in his head, he almost lost his mind and wanted to jump up and beat Alice.

Fortunately, the inheritors of the people next to him still stopped, otherwise it would be a serious mess.

Everyone must be punished by ancestral religion.

Civilization stipulates that open-air bars cannot fight at will.

"Damn man, shut up, you are responsible for your words and deeds, and apologize!"


Countless alien inheritors glared and screamed, and gathered around in groups.

Surrounded by so many alien inheritors, Alice did not panic, and the roaring king as the third beast god's artistic conception was almost at the peak, even more afraid.

He wished that aliens would implicate him and challenge him.

In the ancestral religion, human groups are greatly excluded because they are jealous. Because of exclusion, there is no invitation to fight with aliens, and there is no glory point without invitation stations. Of course, there is no glory point. Of course, it cannot be exchanged for inheritance opportunities.

Like the roaring king and others, they can only rely on time to accumulate glory points. They missed the time of enlightenment and have been unable to break through the third level. It has been a long time since the card was stuck.

"Want me to apologize?"

Alice's expression was cold, she turned her head to stare at a large number of aliens, and sneered and said: "You have this qualification? Get out, don't surround me, I still have something to do."

"Damn it, humans, I am the third heir. I will challenge you here and now!"

"Shameless human beings, I am also the third heir, and I challenge you, and you have the courage to accept."

Countless alien inheritors guzzled and tried to teach Alice to be a man.

Of course, there are also sensible and clear-minded people, as if seeing through Alice's behavior, blocking the challenge of friends.

But only a very small number of people.

"Alice, don't accept the challenge." The roaring Wang was anxious and drank directly, his expression very worried.

In this way, even the alien inheritors have no worries and have submitted challenge letters to Alice.

Cute Lisi smiled coldly and looked at King Roaring, said: "I'm not stupid, rest assured, challenge me will not accept."

Yes, where is this.

The alien inheritors who submitted the challenge letter to her are only hundreds of thousands. Among the inheritors of over 100 million, the sea is a drop!

After all, the number of third heirs is the largest, reaching more than 80 million.

and so……

Alice sneered, looked around with contempt, sneered and said, "Good dogs don't block, let go!"

Her face was scolded and her expression remained the same, making her look embarrassed.

How to say, the typical acting is not online.

In fact, let Alice do such a thing, it is embarrassing her, if there is no Xiaohong after pointing, it is estimated that even ridicule and sarcasm will not say.

Her personality is the kind of character who speaks with strength when there is conflict. It will hit you if you serve, or you will collapse.

The so-called less talk, more work.

"What did you say? Don't accept it?"

Inheriters, all of a sudden can't turn.

Although they seem to be irritated by Alice on the surface, in fact, they are very clear-headed. How many strong people who can cultivate to this point will be irrational?

They just thought Alice was a bully, a newcomer, and wanted to get Alice's glory on herself.

Everything is just due to interests.

Just came to the inheritance of the ancestral religion, and it is the third layer, where can the strength be stronger!

Being able to bully Alice, a peerless genius among human beings, ravaged her, dulled Cheng Buyun's face, and made the human race lose face, a result that many aliens like to see.

As for the defeat, these people never thought about it.

A third person, throwing away the treasure, where can he be stronger.

The fast law enlightenment does not mean that the mysterious power is great.

Are the laws truly combined?

It is impossible for people who have not accepted the inheritance of the beast **** to combine the basic law and the law of space, that is what the Lord of the Universe can only do.

No genius, under the premise that the law does not succeed, it is impossible.

And how long did Alice come to ancestral religion?

Newcomers only, in just two or three years, through acceptance of inheritance, strength growth is there, and that's it.

Taken together, the probability of a rollover is very low!

It's a good chance to win!

"Haha, you are wrong, woman."

"I thought I still had some skills. I didn't expect it to be just a strong mouth. It was really shameful. Human, hum!"

"Where did the prestige on the battlefield outside the domain go, and where did the madness that mocked us just now? Haha, in fact, you should be considered garbage, a woman with a smelly body."

All kinds of mocking words are overwhelming, such as a magic sound, it is called an unpleasant.

"Don't be fooled by Alice, follow me." As soon as King Heng Tian looked wrong, he immediately pulled Alice and wanted to leave, and said with a deep voice: "Everyone, Alice is a newcomer, you can't bully, otherwise we humans are It ’s impossible to watch. If you want to communicate, it ’s not difficult. The 1,206 members of our Hongmeng group are very welcome to communicate with you. ”

"Haha, communicate with you Hongmeng? Really beautiful, when dreaming!"

"Look, the dog of the mourning family is really ugly, and I thought it was a bit capable."

"It's a shame, I'll be here without a face."

The unpleasant voice, Alice's expression looked calm and calm, but his eyes were brewing with anger, but he was suppressed with a strong will.

At the same time, her mouth was tightly squeezed, her face tightened, so that it was an ugly one, which caused the interracial to think that Alice would be on the verge of anger and loss of reason.

But there was a King of Heaven next to him, and the group of human heirs in the distance rushed towards this side, protecting Alice in the middle, and continually raised a light curtain of law, shielding the surrounding sound.

After a while, in a corner of the open square, members of the human community, after a brief brief introduction, the Heavenly King reluctantly smiled and said: "Alice, you are impulsive and hate the mood of aliens, we all know This is true for everyone present here. But sometimes, we ca n’t act on our own preferences. The days of ancestral religion are still long. ”

"It worries everyone, it's mine or not." Alice also pretended to be a bit regretful.

"It's all a trivial matter, just keep a low profile."

The King of Mist also answered: "However, Alice's move just now was just a point of conflict. She is the realm master, and her reputation is not small. Those people just want to bully her."

"It is true."

Everyone nodded their heads, and the glory point was precious.

While they chat, the surrounding aliens are also paying attention. More and more aliens have received the news and logged in the glory world.

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