Plane Universe

Chapter 1874: Invincible Alice

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I have to say that Meteor King is the strongest opponent Alice has encountered today.

The mysterious attack is fierce and violent.

The two kept fighting, roaring.

The ground is cracking.

One after another, huge barren mountains were crushed by their power.

"Damn, how can this human Alice be so strong, the beast **** phantom formed is more powerful than my beast god's artistic conception, I have been bombarded so many times, and there is no tendency to collapse, which is a bit outrageous. "The meteorite king was more and more frightened.

Thousands of collisions in one minute, the breath of the beast god's shadow did not consume much.

But his own body is not exhausted.

If this continues, he may lose in the end.

Alice calmly controlled the phantom of the beast god, the divine power was constantly poured, and the corner of her mouth was smiling.

It is worthy of being the third heir to the 100th rank, and his strength is really strong enough.

If your third weight is not understanding, it is estimated to win the other party, it must expose the master's trick-Yudun Guardian!

The guardian of the shield, the ultimate secret method copied from the gluttonous body, naturally has no power to say.

With this powerful and secret method to ensure the bottom card, Cheng Buyun was so confident that Alice was invincible.

This secret method was copied to Alice's cultivation. Since the attributes are not suitable, it has been cultivated and turned into a trick.

Attacks are improved, and of course defenses are not abandoned.

It's a combination of offensive and defensive powers.

However, this is not the time to show.

The other party does not have that qualification to let Alice play!

"Damn, let me die." The king of the Meteor star had a wing, the blade of light rose, the thunder and lightning flashed, and the wings with feathers spread wide and huge. It looked extremely sharp, and suddenly cut the huge head of the phantom of the beast **** Next, the eyes bigger than the wheels burst out of killing opportunities.

This trick is the pinnacle of his own creation based on his body shape, lightning knife.


Alice's vision is not bad, and the power of the secret method of the meteorite king has risen several levels at a glance. His will was quickly shaken, and he directed the beast **** phantom to turn flexibly, and the long tail swept away.

The beast **** phantom doesn't look like it's huge, it's inconvenient to turn.

In fact, the beast **** phantom is nothing more than a void body composed of artistic conception and divine power, and the flexibility is very high.

In the case of turning around at a rapid speed, the long tail has resisted the light of the thunderbolt cut off, which made the peak of the Meteor King's style a must.

"How can it be!"

In the shock of energy shock, the king of meteoric retreats again and again, and his face can't believe the expression.

Alice is only the Lord of the World. Why would the will be so strong and the reaction is so fast? !

Once the formula just hit, it is estimated to be able to annihilate Alice's third body.

As a result, the Victory Balance naturally turned towards him.

But now, it's gone!

Alice's state is even higher than him, and her will is so strong.

It is hard to win!

Up to now, the two have known each other's strength.

Naturally clear.

Unlike Alice ’s relaxed mood, Meteor King only has a heavy mood.

68 glory points.

What a special place!


He already regretted it.

However, he will not admit defeat, 68 glory points, that is, he spent a very long time to store.

In order to break through, he will never admit defeat.

"Oh, you still want to rebel?" Alice sneered. The other party couldn't help herself even if she showed the best cards. Just want to rebel?

"Go to die."

Suddenly, silver light flashed on Alice's right hand, and a shadow of sword attacked at a rapid speed.


The Meteor King simply didn't expect Alice to be so capable, even with the remote control of Beast God's Shadow, there was still time to spare and wave his sword.

Although the power is not too strong, it is enough for him to be shocked.

"Come again, I see how many moves you can resist."

Alice was covered with golden light, and a huge phantom with golden armor had covered her body, and this figure wearing a golden phantom was similar to her.

Titan God of War!

The talent that Alice had originally, after time and space improvement, combined with the beast god's artistic conception, formed a unique artistic conception-Titan God of War.

"This is impossible!"

The Meteor King screamed, his mouth trembling, and his face cramped.

In the end, what kind of evil is it? The two beast gods have cultivated their artistic conception, and they have all realized this situation.


Alice showed another kind of beast god's artistic conception cultivation, which was covered by the body, directly crushing the last point of the Meteor King's heart of struggle and disappearing.

The sword flashed, and the exaggerated silver war sword carried in the hands of the Titan God of War.

With a knife, he cut off three percent of his body.

There is also the beast **** ghost shield, if you change the normal limit of the king, such a knife method, it is estimated that the entire person must be annihilated.

While the Meteor King was hit, the huge beast **** phantom flew up and down again, lying on his body and arching and biting, stomping on all fours.

At this point, the Meteor King has given up his fight.

He simply couldn't win this insanely human woman.

Now it's equal to two dozens.

Under the realm of the same level, he can be remote and melee, what else can he do?

"Damn human, if you change it outside, I will definitely kill you." Eventually, the King of Meteor made an unwilling cry, and was kicked out of the fighting space.


Alice sneered, and a special immortal life of the meteorite king really meant to say this, she was only the realm.

It is useless to say that there are so many people who succeed in defeating the king.

The open plaza side.

The victory of Alice has been increased once more, and the name of the Glory World leaderboard is also rising.

Countless alien inheritors smiled bitterly.

"Won again, I don't know who lost this time."

After all, the entire glory list has more than 100 million inheritors, and the third level is close to 90 million. It takes a little time to find out who will lose a new one.

"Oh no."

A panic cry directly attracted the attention of countless inheritors. They turned their heads to look at the screaming inheritors, and saw a fierce and ugly demon inheritor with a look of horror: "Look at the ranking Top 100. "

As soon as this remark came out, countless people had thought about it, and they looked at it with frightened expression.

"Ah, the Meteor King actually fell out of the top 100 and dropped three nouns. How could this be possible."

Meteor King, but the strongest among the third heirs, is so insignificant from the third heir, even unexpectedly defeated.

That human Alice is so powerful?

Can even such strong players as Meteorite King be defeated?


"It's finished!"

The entire Bauhinia Island was exploded.

Explosive kind.

Nothing is more important than the loss of the King of the Meteor to Alice.

A third-ranked top 100 inheritors have lost, this news is extremely crazy and shocking.


Not even dare to think about it.

In the end, how much glory human Alice can reap is no longer necessary to calculate.

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