Plane Universe

Chapter 1877: Dazzling record

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Even, he will deliberately give aliens the opportunity to assassinate Alice.

Without giving them a chance, how can they pit aliens!

The interracial movement is very fast.

It only took a few days for Cheng Buyun to vaguely feel that there were several particularly powerful strong breaths around the mansion.

Although the other party is hiding as much as possible, and hiding very well, but with his strength of will and soul, he still felt it.

Judging by several breaths, it is all of the Universe Venerable Class, and it is still a relatively powerful Universe Venerable Class.

According to his estimation, the weakest are the mid-level cosmic venerables, the strongest, with a breath comparable to the high-level cosmic venerables, and not far behind the nine-sword venerables, the blue jade venerables, and the dry witch lord.

Handwriting is really big.

In order to assassinate Alice once, even such a strong man was sent over, showing how strong the alien's heart was to kill Alice.

But all of this is worth it in the eyes of aliens.

With tens of millions of glory points, there are as many as hundreds of thousands of times for the chance of inheritance. That interracial dare to let Alice live steadily in the ancestral gods?

Hundreds of thousands of inheritance opportunities will benefit not only Alice herself, but the inheritors of the entire human race.

Glory points can not be traded, but can be exported to battle.

Just thinking about the results, the aliens shuddered.

Feelings of fear in my heart.

Even if an inheritor needs thousands of inheritance opportunities to break through, hundreds of thousands of inheritance opportunities will have hundreds of immortal breakthroughs.

One ethnic group, a pinnacle ethnic group, counts 30 thousand or 20,000 venerable universes, hundreds of them, already one-tenth.

How can aliens not get excited and go crazy!

In particular, the other three pinnacle groups competing with the human race are even more crazy.

If you are not concerned about the prestige of the ancestral religion, you must kill it and suppress Alice on the spot.

It is a pity that the ancestral religion cannot afford to offend, and no force dares to offend the ancestral religion.

On the hillside hundreds of kilometers to the left of Cheng Buyun's mansion, there is a strong man sent by the Zerg Alliance, Venerable Jueguang.

An inheritor who came to an end in the way of the beast god.

At the end, it is not because it has reached the end, but that the potential has been exhausted, and the progress of the Beast God is extremely slow and I have to give up.

The Zerg Alliance sent Jueguang Venerable. First, his potential will be exhausted, and secondly, because he has the ability to do so, he needs to pay the least price, so it is the best choice.

Venerable Jueguang sat on the hillside, overlooking the mansion with the red walls and blue tiles below. His eyes showed a calm look, and he looked very calm.

The heart is choppy.



"I can't think of a day when Jue Kwong had even needed a sacrifice to change a realm."

Jueguang Venerable is extremely sad, but unable to resist, they are only attached to the Zerg group, not to mention his little cosmic Venerable, even the entire group, including the great existence in the group, can not resist the Zerg order The command.

"Once the human genius has been killed, I will always live in the dark and never show up again. The ancestral gods do n’t even want to come again, or even go out for adventurous battles.

Venerable Jue Kwong knew that the assassination was of great significance. Once it was successful, although it had completed the task assigned by the Zerg.

But he himself could not have the opportunity to turn over.

No matter how much the Zerg compensated, he could not make up for his loss.

But he was powerless to resist all this.

How ridiculous is the genius who kills mankind with light.

It has become impossible to continue to live smartly in the universe.

As long as he dares to show up, leave the Zerg territory, or even appear in the Zerg territory, he may be suppressed by the great existence of mankind.

This conclusion is not possible, but a certain result!

And above the mountain on the right.

A strange beast gathered like mud, prone in the mountains, a pair of big eyes staring at the quiet mansion below, calm expression, and his heart was rolling.

Just like that ocean wave.

Many ideas came to mind, but there is no way to talk about it.

It finally turned into a faint sigh.


Although the demon promised to reverse time and space to resurrect him and give him a lot of compensation, but those compensations can never make up for the losses he suffered in the future.

Once such an important genius who assassinated mankind, he must be on the blacklist of the human race.

The alien who kills quickly.

The most hated life.

He is a little bit of life with a moderate universe respectable level, and human beings can't fight against a powerful universe respectable person.

He even saw his own desolate figure in the future.

There was a layer of mist in the eyes.

He cried!

The weak, without their own voice!

The assassins were sent by not only the Zongzu and the Demon Clan, but also the Mechanical Clan.

A living body cast as if made of metal, but not mechanical life, but metallic life.

It is impossible for the three pinnacle ethnic groups to openly send members of this ethnic group to make trouble in the ancestral religion.

And after sending out aliens, after the assassination, the ancestral gods questioned, they can also push two five six, denied.

Anything that doesn't concern them is an alien behavior.

This is not only true of the three pinnacle groups, but human beings are not.

If you want to let the aliens contribute, you can't squeeze too much, and you must always give enough compensation.

In the battle space of Glory World, Alice ’s journey of engagement continues.

The soaring victory, dazzling to the shocking, dizzy huge points, so that anyone who sees it has a breathless feeling.

There are too many.

In the total standings, Alice is far ahead with more than 700,000 points, which is one hundred times the second place.

And the winning rate is also extremely unbeatable, 0 defeats!

Such a terrible inheritor has never happened in the history of ancestral religion.

As time goes by, the pressure of the alien inheritors is increased.

The incomparably dazzling record has made the three pinnacle groups crazy.

There are also countless inheritors who are extremely jealous.

But the thought of Alice's powerful beast **** realm finally sighed softly.

This kind of genius, they really can't compare.

"Damn man, it's too cunning."

"It's also shameless, it is estimated that provocation and insulting us is just to get our glory."

"It's too late to say this, so I asked myself, Alice insulted us and got angry, if not greedy, how would she challenge her!"

It's too late to know that I'm being fooled now.

Invitational battles cannot be cancelled.

Even if you want to lose the glory point of your body to other inheritors in the family who have not challenged Alice, it is impossible.

The engagement mechanism is first come, first served.

Even if the challenge is very long, there will be no loopholes after 100 years.

Once the last point of the glory point is left, if the challenge book that has been challenged before is also accepted by the challenger, then this last glory point cannot be used.

The challenge bet is at least a glory point.

There are no holes at all.

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