Plane Universe

Chapter 1887: The God of War is alive?

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After shrinking the little red that fell on Cheng Buyun's hand, it was not actually collected, but turned into a material atom that is hundreds of millions of times smaller than dust, and then adhered to Cheng Buyun.

In this way, the most perfect protection can be achieved.

It is difficult to observe with naked eyes when it is reduced to a material atom smaller than dust, and the grade after the little treasure of the Treasure Palace is high enough to become an atom. It is difficult for the Lord of the universe to know that this thing exists on his side.

And it is small enough that it is generally ignored.

This is the ability of Mo Fengling itself.

And after the transformation, Xiaohong has three major capabilities, which are expanded to-the appearance of the spacecraft, and the power is also the most powerful, nearly twice the flying speed of the palace shape.

The second is to change shape, robot, with attack ability, the most important transformation effect.

The third is the ability to protect Alice just now, which can be transformed into a piece of armor to achieve ultimate material defense.

Of course, this kind of asylum makes up for the weakness of Cheng Buyun's inability to wear Arcana armor at this stage.

Make his defense strength more exaggerated.

As for the fact that Xiaohong turned into armor and sheltered Alice before, she was beaten and untied, but it was the rare metal that Xiaohong deliberately thrown away, giving the wrong guidance.

Otherwise, how can aliens be fooled and continue to assassinate!

Xiaohong is also damaging and damaging!

Alice waited until Cheng Buyun retrieved Xiaohong from the Treasure Palace, she also raised her hand to recover the lost treasure sword, broken golden royal armor, world ring and other things.

Then he looked around and saw a large number of interracial inheritors at the scene showing a sneer, which was very arrogant.

"It's all gone."

The guardian beast **** floating above the Bauhinia Island overlooked the countless inheritors below, the sound rumbling throughout the island, "remember, time and space and the goddess of war are the inheritors of my ancestral religion. Teach chase. "


Countless heirs bowed down.

The guardian beast **** above the sky disappeared.

Countless inheritors secretly relieved their breath, and they were also very surprised in their hearts, all expressed on their faces.

Such a clear special treatment of two human beings is as good as releasing signals outside, letting everyone know that the two human beings of time and space and the female warlord are already the focus of ancestral religion, and are also the ancestors of ancestral religion, special treatment. .

"What happened today is really hilarious, and the ups and downs make your heart beat faster."

"Three major alliances, this time it was blood loss. Six cosmic venerables, five of them were high venerables. One medium venerable performed an assassination mission. In the end, even the female **** of war itself was not damaged at all and was sacrificed.

"It can only be said that human beings are too cunning, that the goddess of war has avatars and patience, but it has never been revealed. In this way, it is impossible for the three major leagues to be fooled."

"Explore? How do you show that when the goddess of war appeared on the battlefield outside the territory, who had a way to take her? It's a bit of a brain to talk, don't make people laugh for no reason."

A large number of inheritors left the open space of Cheng Buyun Mansion, and then went together in groups of two and three, talking to each other.

"But who is that human youth? Is it really human beings?"

"It's hard to say that judging from the previous behavior of the goddess of war, human beings have a limitless approach. They can do things that are shameless for glory and make people fake their identity, but it's a small thing, anyway. Shameless. "

Listening to these conversations of the inheritors, Cheng Buyun's face also cramped slightly.

My heart sighed secretly.

When implementing the plan, he had expected that his reputation would be compromised.

After all, it's a bit unkind to make something out of glory.

It is said to be normal.

Of course, in order to cultivate resources, if you are scolded, you will be scolded, and you wo n’t lose a piece of meat.

Cheng Buyun felt so comforted in his heart.

The benefits of getting it are real.

Hundreds of human heirs who left last in front of the mansion paid a little respect to Cheng Buyun. After the latter smiled and nodded, they left.

No matter who the young man is, he must be treated respectfully.

It is Cheng Buyun or the true cosmic venerable, and their status is above them, that is, the two ‘Hongmeng’ cosmic esteemed inheritors can deal with the latter equally.

In front of the quiet and quiet mansion, Cheng Buyun also smiled slightly with his mouth closed, his head turned, looking away thousands of kilometers away, watching the strangers who were watching over here smiling.


The gate of the mansion was closed.

In the water pavilion in the garden of the mansion, above the big bluestone, Cheng Buyun sat comfortably, but in his heart was the last words of the guardian beast god.

Also let him know that his master and servant have been on the list of the ancestral gods, and they have been specially taken care of.

Public explanation is nothing more than a means of co-opting.

As for the second assassination operation of the aliens, it is not difficult to understand that the guardian beast **** did not attempt to rescue again.

As the guardian beast **** began to say, he could not be saved for a while but he had to rely on himself.

The strong are all out.

Moreover, the ancestral religion also considered Alice's thoughts, since at this time he dared to leave the mansion and did not feel well about cultivation and breakthroughs.

Instead, they went out to select aliens, which was a bit arrogant. Such a character certainly made them unhappy.

In the end, Alice ’s performance was eye-opening and her ability to avail was very strong, but it was extremely viable and worth the investment.


The joy of the three pinnacle alliances did not last long, but the news that made people extremely angry came back, and the human goddess of life came alive.

Sirius was a little dazed when he heard the news.


What a living method?

Was it resurrected in time and space, or did it not fall at all?

The gap between the two is very different.

Doppelganger skills.


The Lord of Sirius was furious, and the mountains outside the Sirius Hall suddenly shattered into nothingness, and then growled a little hysterically, "Damn things, there is even a doppelganger, is this a means that humans should have? "

Avatar cannot be obtained by cultivation, but it is the ability of the universe to give life to some rare ethnic groups and some special life.

Generally speaking, strong people with avatars are very difficult to kill.

Because one enemy avatar is killed, the other avatars can be used to condense the avatars again, and the destroyed avatars can be condensed back at the cost of a little energy.

It is slightly more expensive than reversing space and time.

It's much better.

To reverse the resurrection of time and space, we must rely on the Lord of the universe.

And there are doppelgangers, even if the killing is not true killing.

Differs greatly.

Just like this assassination mission.

It's almost blood loss home.

He had already thought of the answer. If he only reversed time and space, the people under his eyes would not be ashamed.

It must be the doppelganger ability.

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