Plane Universe

Chapter 1890: Life saver

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On the bluestone in the water pavilion of the mansion garden.

Cheng Buyun sneered, how could the aliens be fooled if they didn't have a cruel heart.

I do n’t want to see the goodness of mankind. I ca n’t blame him for any big losses.

"That's right, the aliens don't hate that jealousy waits for me. How can they jump down? They should have suffered such a great loss." Venerable Doufeng nodded, and the time was almost up. "Today I come, except for visiting you, the main thing is still with the gift of the ethnic group."


Cheng Buyun smiled and looked at Alice and said, "Alice, right."

Alice still understands the gift of the ethnic group. Only the genius that the ethnic group values ​​can be given a treasure by the ethnic group, which greatly increases its strength.

It may be a life-saving thing, or it may be a great help to cultivation.

In short, it shows the love of the genius.

Even so, she looked calm.

"Well, the ethnic group also sees Alice's affairs. Although she takes care of you as the leader, the gift that the ethnic group deserves still has to be given."

Venerable Doufeng smiled, but his heart was filled with emotion. The wealth of Cheng Buyun was an open matter within the family.

Even he is very jealous, but only without jealousy, Cheng Buyun's wealth comes from his own ability, not by the ethnic group.

Anyone who has the ability admires.

"Oh, a few days after the incident happened, the gift came down, but this time it was very fast." Cheng Buyun's words meant something.

But these words, Venerable Doufeng dare to take it, privately discuss the great existence, don't die.

He is not Cheng Buyun, even in private, he does not dare to arbitrarily talk about the existence of greatness.

I had to laugh and say: "Listen to my teacher, this proposal was passed quickly, and there was no gathering discussion, but my teacher sent a group email to explain, and all other great existences were agreed without consideration."

"Dragon Lord?"

Cheng Buyun looked at Venerable Doufeng, with a grateful expression in his eyes, saying: "The last time you were outside the battlefield, your teacher came and helped me once, so that I would not be bullied by the demon Sirius."

"Lord Sirius, that's a fierce person, there's nothing to do with things." Venerable Doufeng said with a solemn expression: "After you touch him, then be careful and careful, I have touched it once in the past When he arrived, he suffered a great loss. If it was n’t for my teacher, the master of the dragon, arrived immediately, it was estimated that the loss would be great, and it might make me unable to turn over once. ”

If the universe overlord of his degree dies once, the loss is extremely huge. Although the cost of reversing the resurrection of time and space is huge, it can not be compared with the treasures on his body.

He went up and down his body, adding up the treasures of more than one hundred treasure points, once they fell.

That kind of loss can't bear it at all.

Even if the reversal of time and space is resurrected, the strength will also drop very badly. It is estimated that it will take many years of silence to return to the peak.

"Well, this person of Sirius is really a bit cruel and will ignore his identity. If there is no such a flying palace as Sirius Palace, it is estimated that he has already died hundreds of times." Cheng Buyun sneered, according to According to rumors, the top few great beings in the human race have several chances to meet the Sirius Lord in the universe.

It's a pity that because this old guy has the highest level of Sirius Hall treasure protection, there is no way to let these top great existences take him.

Once, the Lord of the Void Gold was not angry and fought around the Sirius Palace for several years, so that the Lord of the Sirius did not dare to show his head, and controlled the fate of the Sirius Palace.

Of course, even if there is no Sirius Palace, it is generally difficult to kill him.

The main level of the universe, it is difficult to fall by fighting.

The opponent's strength is weaker than you, and will not stop at the spot to make a stake for you. Once you escape, the speed is the same, even the Lord of the universe, such as the Chaos City Lord, the Dragon Lord, and other treasures with peak areas, is difficult to hit Kill the Lord of the universe two orders lower than them.

"It's almost time to hand the treasure to Alice, and I have to leave Bauhinia Island." Venerable Doufeng smiled slightly, turned to Alice, who was sitting quietly and silently, and turned his hand, a look like A treasure that exudes a strong soul scent appeared in his hand, and then passed towards Alice, said: "This is a treasure of higher souls, named 'Shepherd', the ethnic group gives you the ability to keep the soul. "

Alice looked at the things in front of her, first looked at Cheng Buyun, and after he nodded, he took it over and said, "Thank you for the tribute given by the ethnic group, Alice bears in mind."

"It's generous, even gave a high-level soul treasure." Cheng Buyun didn't think that this gift was high, and what was realized by Alice was enough to be protected by this treasure.

Venerable Doufeng didn't answer the call, it was about the decision of great existence, he certainly did not dare to guess wildly.

Great disrespect!

"and also."

Venerable Doufeng turned his hands again, took out a treasure like a shield and handed it to Alice: "This is a one-time life-saving thing. When you encounter an irresistible enemy, this treasure can make You form a body of armor to defend the whole body, and the effective time is one day. During the effective time of this life-saving treasure, as long as the external defense is not bombarded, even the strong men of my level cannot take you. "

One-time life-saving treasure, the effect is extremely strong, there are not many human races.

Very precious.

Cheng Buyun did not expect that the ethnic group even took out these life-saving things.

The life preserver at the treasure level, even the Lord of the universe can resist for a period of time.

The premise is that you can resist the soul secret of the Lord of the universe.

"Okay, time is almost up. The main task I came to visit this time has been completed." Venerable Doufeng smiled and turned to look at Cheng Buyun, said: "So, I will say goodbye first, and when there is time, I Come visit you again. "

"No problem, you can come, I'm welcome." Cheng Buyun also smiled and said, "Or you can go to my palace on Thunder Island."

Generally speaking, **** envoys and **** generals will not come to Bauhinia Island if it is not necessary. This is the place where the beast **** inheritors will inherit.

In order to prepare **** envoys, **** generals, etc., if you want to enter Bauhinia Island, you have to apply.

At the same time, the time will also be limited, generally only stay for a little half a day.

"Haha, sure, you don't want me to be bothered." Venerable Doufeng laughed and left.

When Venerable Doufeng left, Alice immediately took out the collected treasure and handed it to the owner.

Cheng Buyun shook his head slightly, but just touched two treasures each, letting the space-time scan record the treasure information, and said, "You can keep it, it will work."

Alice hesitated a little, but finally put it away again.

The host does not lack these two things to use.

The mansion was quiet again.

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