Plane Universe

Chapter 1903: Genius overflowing

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One move made countless people's eyes burst out of their forbidden voices!

The billionaires present at the scene all looked at him in horror, incredible.

One is counted, and all are stupid on the spot.

This scene not only deterred the scene, countless powerful people who watched the text broadcast, or watched the video broadcast, all seemed to be forced, and their faces were shocked.

Zerg, mechanical race, demon race and other great existence, while darkened, also have a deep sense of fear.

They have determined that the other party is Cheng Buyun, very sure and sure

In the realm of the realm, it is a terrifying event to blow a high cosmic sage to death with a stick.

Things that have never happened since the birth of the universe!

The landlord has such a strength, and they dare not guarantee in the future, what a great existence Cheng Buyun will become.

If he is allowed to grow, they dare to determine that Cheng Buyun's future must be the level of the founder of the giant axe.

Once the future is such a result, then ... the result is that none of their ethnic groups can bear the disaster.

He must not be allowed to grow and must be eradicated!

No matter the cost, it must be implemented!

On the human side, the great beings who are concerned about the occurrence of this incident have also been greatly shocked.

This is true for the Lord of Virtual Gold, the Lord of Qingfeng, the Lord of Famine and the Lord of Peng Gong.

One of the great human beings exists, even if the deity is not in the original universe, the energy avatars left are also concerned, and all are directly shocked.

Even the energy avatar left by the founder of the giant axe was shocked. There was no action for a long time, but he stared at Cheng Buyun on the virtual shield.

In an instant he had a decision.

go back!

At this time, his deity had no intention to venture out.

The Lord of Dragons even whispered: "Fake?"

"This kid hides so tightly." The Lord of Chaos couldn't help grinning. The disciples he taught had such a skill. As a teacher, of course, there was light on his face.

"It's unbelievable, a real master, how is it possible!" The Lord of Darkness also looked shocked, but while looking at the virtual screen in shock, why was there a feeling of extreme excitement in his heart?

"It's really incredible, but according to our estimate, the secret method exhibited by Cheng Buyun should have no such power." The Frozen Lord whispered, shaking his head in a low voice, regretting not being on the spot, otherwise I can feel the difference between the secret methods exhibited by Cheng Buyun.

The secret method that Cheng Buyun blasted out has increased through the authority of the universe, so I do n’t want to rely on video broadcasting to see through and feel it.

Basically unlikely.

Even at the scene, they still can't understand.

What Cheng Buyun has already belonged to the rules category.

It is a kind of cosmic authority granted by super powers, which is equivalent to a proof of identity in any universe.

Can exercise a certain right.

The more power, the higher the status.

The essence of life is not the same as three, six, nine, but the acquired efforts can win power for yourself.

Having said so much, it is simple to sum up, Cheng Buyun is a noble, and other lives are civilians.


Thunder beast **** also paid attention to what happened in the ancestral mystery. After all, Cheng Buyun was the person who their ancestors focused on. He was still thinking about it before. Face, the other side is grateful to the ancestral religion, but now it seems that this desire is defeated.

Immediately, he was also frightened, a landlord? After killing a high-level universe venerable, it is still a trick to kill. This is a violation of the laws of the universe.

However, when such a horrible thing happened, the law of the universe works without warning.

In other words, Cheng Buyun's power is reasonable in the eyes of the laws of the universe.



"This is impossible." Thunder's beast god's voice rumbled, looking at a certain position in the mysterious territory of the ancestor, and kept thinking in his mind.


In the end, what means did Cheng Buyun guy use in the end, so that the power of the secret method has increased so many times?



"Impossible, the singular thing is a disgusting thing about the laws of the universe. He can't have it. Even if he has it, he may not be able to exert such strength." Thunder's beast **** has superb knowledge and immediately denies the idea in his mind.

Arcana, too.

Users need strength.

The biggest possibility.

There is no doubt that some kind of increase secret beyond the limit.

And it does not violate the secret law of increase in the universe's laws of operation.

The upper limit of the mystery of the increase is one hundred. He does n’t think it ’s one hundred.

Just like the primitive universe life is divided into ordinary life and special life.

The same is true of the increase in the secret method, he has not seen it, but it does not mean not.

As to which way Cheng Buyun came from, it is necessary to ask him himself.

Although Thunder's Beast God's guess is not correct, the direction is undoubtedly quite close.

The authority of the universe is undoubtedly a secret method of increase.

And it is the most special secret method of increase.

Normal life is impossible.

"This kid era is a little too good, and even I am a little jealous." Thunder beast **** chuckled. "Such talent, I can't let go of the ancestral religion, and later said that there should be more places to rely on him."

A primitive universe life with such a strong background, as the ancestral religion that is responsible for maintaining the operation rules of the primitive universe, will definitely not let Cheng Buyun slip away from his eyes.

I can't grasp the opportunity in my hands, what else can be done properly!


Ancestral mystery, build Yunhu Lake.

The universe is a powerful step cloud, a move to kill the insect clan, a high-level cosmic venerable, the audience is silent.

The ten strong men from both the demon clan and the human race, all of them stopped their hands and looked over there with horror.



On the human side, Venerable Doufeng and others are extremely excited and happy.

Before, they were so worried that they wanted to try their best to fly back here, but because of their worries, they never dared to move.

Well now, Cheng Buyun broke out. One move shocked a Zerg higher cosmic venerable, to see if they dare to underestimate, and want to kill and suppress at will.

There is nothing to worry about being strong like this Chengbuyun.

It is the Zerg and the mechanical races to worry about.

"Are there any results?"

Facing the disappearing enemy, Cheng Buyun looked indifferent, his eyes calm and calm, and said softly, "However, it seems that you can't hear it."


Everyone has fallen, are you still talking cool words here, is it too shameless?

Seeing the lively aliens, they looked at each other face-to-face, and they couldn't say anything.

On the other hand, the strong of the Zerg and the Mechanical Clan's two pinnacle alliances are so dark, they are all shiny.

His eyes were also resentful, and he swept viciously into Bu Yun.

If eyes can kill people, I don't know how many times Cheng Buyun will die.

Cheng Buyun glanced around. Although the resentment on the face of the foreigner was indignation, but the indelible fear in his eyes made him chuckle and said, "Why, nothing happened? You did n’t call me before. Is it shouting? Will it all be dumb? "

Many powerhouses in the two pinnacle alliances were ashamed by Cheng Buyun, but they were extremely angry, but they just couldn't say anything. This human being is terrifying.

Even the divine power did not burn, and a high venerable person was killed and dismantled in one move, at least the level of the universe is overlord.

If the ordinary Lord of the Universe dares to refute into Bu Yun at this moment, once it is stared at, it will be sad in the future.

Although the two sides are competing against each other, some things cannot be done.

For example, offend some powerful people who far exceed their own strength.

Once the other party shameless, it is a disaster!

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