Plane Universe

Chapter 1906: Hit you suspecting insects

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The pale green aperture is so intoxicating that it makes many interracials look and feel disappointed.

In the field of time and space, countless powerful people have never seen high-level goods in their lifetime.

I was fortunate to witness this time, and many people were emotional.

The control of time and space in the great existence can not be seen, and the simplified space and time field can be seen, and it is worthy of this life.

Of course, some people admire, and naturally some people are jealous.

"This is a simplified version of controlling space and time, the space and time domain? I don't think it's okay, it's only 50 meters away? Ridiculous."

"Haha, in such a small area, humans have been blowing their wits, which is enough. Human words are really unreliable. I have been looking forward to it. I want to see you once. It really disappoints me!

Some strong men opened their eyes and talked nonsense, and did not blush.

Knowing that Cheng Buyun was suppressed by Maha Venerable at this time, it only led to the loss of power in the realm of time and space. They even talked nonsense,

Denies the power of space and time.

Yes, Cheng Buyun's situation at this time is very bad.

That was the result of being suppressed by the Mahjong Venerable Treasure Realm.

Again, who made Cheng Buyun the real master.

Without him, many treasures have great restrictions on him.

Not even qualified for use.

Typical ones are domain treasures and palace treasures.

"Okay, the final hole card has also lost its effect. Time and Space Master, take me a sword, I hope you can give me more surprises." Venerable Maha laughed, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was in the peak of strength The sword has been swung out.

Jianmang was like a phantom running through the void, and he reached him in the blink of an eye.

Very fast.

"How about picking you up with a sword!" Cheng Buyun, who was already prepared, also quickly danced the club in the middle of the week, slamming a shot in the void, and finally chose to hit hard.

The countless strong men took a breath.

I am not a fool.

The cosmic supremacy that burns the divine power, and how violent the arcane power is, the people of the same level want to take the next move, all have to pay the price.

What's more, you are a little realm without divine power?

I saw that the light of the stick figure swept out by Cheng Buyun was cut off at once, as if it were cut like tofu, and the power was completely lost.

Jianguang shone unstoppably, and immediately contacted the shield around Cheng Buyun at the next moment.

A metallic sound of molars sounded. Suddenly, the sparks flickered. With a snorting sound, Jianguang pierced the shield and ran across the void. Cheng Buyun uttered a groan, and his brows were tight.

Obviously caused by intense attack damage.


Lord Maha was very surprised. He looked at Cheng Buyun very surprised, and his expression was a bit dazed for a while.

This expression also made countless people stunned, not understanding why.

Only some super powers understand what it means. Like the Maha Venerable, they stare closely at Cheng Buyun and open their mouths silently.

The overlord of the universe burned a divine blow and hit it, but Cheng Buyun's loss seemed not much at all.

How can this be!

Crystal Emperor Armor, the weakening effect is only one-thousandth, the general treasure defense power of the ordinary level, such a blow, even not much consumption.

Dare you believe it?


Thunder Island, Chaos City Master and others sighed with relief, turned their heads to glance at each other, and then all laughed together.

If you look at it carefully, you can still see the faces of some great beings reddened.

Rare scenes.

"We seem to have forgotten a fact." The Lord of Dragons smiled in disguise.

"Indeed, we forgot that this kid has one of the biggest cards." The Frozen Lord also laughed repeatedly, and said a little embarrassedly: "Height."

"It's true that I forgot this." The Lord of Chaos also shook his head, his expression a little embarrassed.

With a body size of 100,000 kilometers, he does not move where he stands, and he can fight for a long time.

Normal normal life, body size is limited.

Such as Venerable Maha, who is also a hundred meters long, can burn vigorously, and want to consume the energy stored to complete the height of 100,000 kilometers in Buyun, which is undoubtedly a joke.

Ordinary life is difficult to grow in size. As far as humans are concerned, humans on earth are normal but more than one meter or two meters tall. Most of the human races are no more than ten meters tall, which is the highest.

The stored energy is very limited.

In contrast, Cheng Buyun, a height of 100,000 kilometers, is equal to 100 million meters, which is equal to 50 million times that of normal people.

Fifty million times as much as 100 million divine power, one can imagine how ridiculous it is.

The energy stored in the body has simply broken through the sky!

Maha Venerable's blow, but consumed his one hundred millionth of the power of the landlord.

Nine cattle are not counted.

However, the other party is already proud of it. A sword can destroy the power of the landlord who is one hundred millionth of Bu Yun, which is very powerful.

But this kind of powerful, of course, Maha Venerable is not willing to admit, nor to believe.

One hundred millionth of shit.

"Impossible, why haven't you consumed it?" Venerable Maha stunned, his face sullenly shouted: "What treasure are you carrying? Has my attack weakened to this extent?"

He didn't believe it.

Everyone was very ignorant. Cheng Buyun's stroke was witnessed by everyone, but his breath was no different than before he was hurt.

No, it's a little different.

Immortality may not be felt, but how powerful the soul of the Universe Lord can be felt with a little bit of detail.

Cheng Buyun has lost, but rarely, slightly to several breaths, has recovered.

"I don't have any other treasures on my body. The only defense is the armor." Cheng Buyun said with a faint smile on his face, sincerely said: "It can't cause harm to me, it's because you are too weak. The secret power is not enough. "

I believe in your evil!

The level of cosmic supremacy, burning divine power, exerting the top-level peak learning, weapons are also advanced to baby swords, how big is the power, who has no point in mind?

Also, the secret power is not enough to deceive children.

Suddenly, the expression of Lord Maha suddenly changed and shouted: "I remember, you are Orteau, and I have shown a thousand kilometers of height in the battlefield outside the territory before."

At this time, everyone remembered that Cheng Buyun is not an ordinary human being, but a special life. What is Ultraman, height of thousands of kilometers, millions of meters, and the power of the storage master is at least 300,000 ordinary human universe respects The sum of those.

The sum of 300,000 ordinary universe sages, this level of energy, scares the dead.

"I don't believe it, even if you have a height of a thousand kilometers, I don't believe that if you go down with a sword, you only suffer a little bit of loss." Venerable Maha was a little crazy. This result was something he did not want to see.

In other words, he is not Cheng Buyun's opponent.


Another sword flashed, but this time, Cheng Buyun was too lazy to stop it.

After all, it is useless to block, the mystical power of Burning Divine Maha, the mysterious power is unstoppable.


Sword light flashed, Cheng Buyun flicked his chest, smiled and looked at the other person with a smile and said friendly: "Come and come, I will stand here today, let you fight, and hit you suspect worm!

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