Plane Universe

Chapter 1914: Sure enough, there was meat to eat with your highness

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In a quiet and beautiful mountain, Cheng Buyun and others flew here and then landed.


Venerable Black Feather stood still and couldn't help but laughed happily and said excitedly: "Shuang, I was so happy to see this group of aliens lose so much, I was so happy and happy, haha, so good, cool!"

"It's not, it's so gratifying, and I'm still involved in it. I'm extremely happy, haha! I die well, I hope that such joy will come a few times." Venerable Dark Voice also said loudly, the whole The whole person shivered with excitement, and the whole beautiful face turned red.

Filled with a look of color, as if painted with rouge!

A pair of eyes looked at Cheng Buyun with admiration, the fiery look in his eyes, as if he saw a great existence.

"Why, this time is very happy. The demon, mechanical, and zerg can be said to have suffered heavy losses. Especially the demon, once fell three cosmic overlords, plus the rest of the universe lords, etc., most of the peak treasures are gone "Venerable Dragon Lord grinned at his big bald head, raised his left hand towards Cheng Buyun and gave a thumbs up, said with admiration:" His Royal Highness, you are this, digging a good hole for the aliens, I thought before. You're too arrogant to end up. I didn't expect that there is such a super 'strong man' hidden around me. "

He didn't dare to call Xiaohong a mechanical puppet.

This sturdy presence that could hold the demon clan Venerable Bone Bone in his hand and knead it in his palm, he didn't want to become the next Bone Bone Reverend himself.

"A group of interracial garbage, dare to bury the master, can't kill them." Gourmet till this moment, still indignant, cursing towards the interracial.

"This time the alien race was pitted badly by you." Venerable Doufeng also sighed. He received a message from his teacher and tried his best to cooperate with Cheng Buyun and let the latter pit the alien race once.

I did not expect such a great record.

The opponent was pitted once.

Together, the three pinnacle alliances lost at least one pinnacle treasure.

It's not a big deal!

One peak treasure is equivalent to ten top treasures, one hundred superior treasures, and one thousand ordinary treasures!

Of course, the peak-level treasures are very precious, and there is no price in the market. No one is so stupid to take a peak-level treasure to exchange for ten top-level treasures.

The general third- and fourth-order universe masters may not be able to have a peak treasure protector, as strong as the top universe master such as the chaos city master, there is a great existence, and the three bodies together can barely achieve five.

Three avatars, it is impossible to hang the treasure of the highest level.

Regardless of how it is said, this time the three pinnacle alliances were taken by Cheng Buyun, the kind that was fierce.

The interracial fear of Cheng Buyun also soared to the extreme.

"He who wants to kill me is too strong and underestimates me too much." Cheng Buyun smiled lightly, Shen Sheng said indifferently: "They want to make me, why don't I want to make them? I was pitted, that's what they did to me I don't understand. "

"Haha, can they think of your presence with such a presence next to your Highness?" Venerable Mu Lin secretly peeked out in awe and narrowed his body while standing aside and talking coldly with a red face.

This is a mechanical life that transcends cognition and is comparable to great existence.

Under the ordinary surface, endless power is hidden.

On the surface, Xiao Hong is really ordinary enough to be ordinary.

Just like an E-class robot, you can't see through her surface.

Can't control time and space, how to see the hidden details behind Xiao Hong?

Xiao Honghou said coldly and disdainfully: "The aliens are stupid, I really treat my brother as a genius with no foundation, thinking that he can be killed at will, naive, hum!"

Indeed, Cheng Buyun's background is too strong, and the growth rate is far faster than the so-called peerless genius.

Rise in a stunned way.

The aliens thought that Cheng Buyun had exposed all the cards, but at the next moment, the things he got out of them exceeded their estimates again.

Just like this time, they were miserable in one go.

"After this time, if you are not sure, the aliens will not move you."

Venerable Yun Yan's eyes twitched, ignoring Cheng Buyun and reminded: "The next time, the aliens must be the most powerful, probably ... the top-level existence."

"Well, the strength exposed by His Highness this time is too strong."

"Your potential is indeed terrifying, and interracial people must be shameless. You have to be careful. It's better to be low-key and insecure. It's better not to go."

"Relax, I will." Cheng Buyun nodded and smiled, accepted everyone's opinion, and said with a smile: "Don't say this anymore, this time I have gained a lot, come here, everyone has a share, don't say I'm stingy. "

Cheng Buyun turned over the room and took out ten treasures.

Then handed over to everyone one by one and said: "See those who share, don't be polite."

"How can this be done? We didn't have much effort. It's your own ability to have such gains. We can't take it." Venerable Dark Voice quickly raised his hand to push Cheng Buyun to the high treasures in front of him, some benefits. I can.

The immediate benefit is not

If it is accepted, how do the strong men in the ethnic group look at him?

Shouldn't someone else say "greed"?

This battle, to put it nicely, is to help Cheng Buyun fight against aliens.

Actually not much credit.

After all, even if they don't show up, Cheng Buyun himself can wipe out all the aliens.

"Yes, you can't accept it." Venerable Dragon Venerable also nodded and smiled, although the Highest Treasure is expensive, close to tenths.

But still that sentence, how much effort to get the benefits.

"Hold it."

Cheng Buyun smiled generously: "You also burned the **** body before, you can't let me owe it."


Venerable Black Feather, Venerable Dark Voice, etc. frowned.

Indeed, although there are not many burning gods, you can recover with a little rest, but ... Cheng Buyun owes them.

Everyone quickly glanced at each other, and finally the Venerable Yin Yin said: "Then we will be cheeky."

The level of cosmic overlords and peak Venerables are all high-level treasures as a thank-you gift.

The gift of the Supreme Sovereign is lighter, and it is an ordinary treasure, armor type, which is more valuable, about 15 treasure points.

Just dispatched once, I was scared a little, and finally I got an ordinary treasure of armor, and several high-level sages laughed together.

Sure enough, you still have meat to eat with "His Royal Highness"!

This time it was finally my turn.

The value of an ordinary Arcana armor is enough to keep them busy for a long time.

Even the rate of earning wealth of the Supreme Sovereigns will take billions of years.

This is not a joke, it is really difficult.

Sometimes when you go out on an adventure, you do n’t necessarily make money. You may lose your pants.


Venerable Dragon Sovereign collected the assigned high treasures, and repeatedly praised Cheng Buyun.

The treasure that is just for everyone has exceeded hundreds of treasure points.

This kind of courage, they asked themselves, never met in their lives.

It is indeed a great local tyrant within the ethnic group. Without blinking, he went out after a few hundred treasures.

All of the people present admired Cheng Buyun's daring behavior.

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