Plane Universe

Chapter 1917: The part after the red is thin

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After all, the price of cosmic crystals has soared, and the price is still the price of the past, so naturally it feels worthless.

A cosmic crystal can buy more things.

As a result, items will become in short supply.

It is estimated that even aliens will come to share a piece of soup.

It's cheap to buy aliens.

"So much?" The Lord of Dragons also frowned. Five thousand treasure points were exchanged for the universe crystal. This is not a joke. It is easy to collapse the entire financial system.

The wealth held by the lower levels of humankind is less than one percent of the entire high level of humankind. The five thousand Yuzhi treasures that have become a step cloud can already be ranked in the top ten.

Few people can crush him.

Of course, this is not to say that Cheng Buyun's family is really comparable to the master of the universe.

You must know that every lord of the universe is fighting for the ethnic groups outside, consuming the **** body all the time, and a large part of the wealth is used to restore the **** body in order to exchange for human prosperity.

Cheng Buyun only has no income to consume, of course it looks much.

The Lord of the universe consumes one battle, and that time does not consume dozens or hundreds of treasures!

If it is seriously injured, it will be even worse!

Representing several pieces of the pinnacle treasure.

"Teacher, I don't need so many at once, but slowly let the following people gather. The cosmic crystal I need is a long-term project. In many places, I can't save resources like the cosmic crystal." Yun helpless said: "Unless another day I have become the master of the universe."

Regarding Cheng Buyun's remarks, Chaotic City Master waited a lot for thinking, but it was the key to failing to figure it out.

Why are there so many cosmic crystals?

What secret is Cheng Buyun hiding?

But these are not easy to ask.

Who has no secrets?

Even a teacher ca n’t get to the bottom.

Right, if it's embarrassing, do you answer it?

No answer, it is against the order of the teacher.

Answered, it must be uncomfortable!

After thinking for a while, the chaotic city master said: "There is no time limit, it is easy to lay out, but I have not thought about it. You can gather these wealth so easily because you have emptied all potential customers in one go. A. The magic recovery kit, these two treasures, will no longer have customers. "

"Once you have spent this wealth, what will you do in the future?" Chaotic City Lord looked at Cheng Buyun and said with a long-term focus, "The external force is always the external force, don't look at how strong you are now, in fact, it is still far away. In the eyes, it can only be regarded as a small incident. "

The Lord of Dragons also nodded.

Do n’t look at the whole primitive universe shaking, it ’s just shortsighted.

Most ethnic groups in the primitive universe existed great, and even the universe sea has never been there.

Only dare to lay off in his three acres of land.

Because they can't lose.

Once it falls, it means that the entire ethnic group will collapse in an instant.

Emperor Yan is strong enough, you ask him, after betraying the human race, has he left the original universe?

He must blush!

Because he knows that once he dies, Yan God Clan will become the meat in the mouth of the universe, and eat whatever he wants.

"Teacher, rest assured, I understand this truth, but I'm still young and I don't need to think too far. It's not my pride, my progress is endless." Cheng Buyun said proudly: "I can't build a treasure now, but It ’s not enough strength. When I become immortal, I will definitely try to build the treasure. "

In fact, Chengbuyun can now create more high-end treasures, but treasures are not very profitable, and there are many strong people inside to create such treasures.

Once he enters this market, he will rob a large part of the strong business.

Within human beings, the strong are the ones with limited customer base and a perfect cycle.

Once it's built in large quantities, it's amazing.

People cannot live alone in this world!

It's hateful to pull everything into his arms.

Today, his status is different from that of the past. Every action needs to be prudently stopped.

The so-called desire to wear a crown must bear its weight.

Although Cheng Buyun has not yet reached that step, but belongs to the human race, internal harmony is very important.

"Teacher believes." The Lord of Chaos nodded his head, and did not think that Cheng Buyun was arrogant and arrogant, and he looked at his growth. At this time, he was a little crazy and it was the young man's behavior.

Too mature and steady, in his opinion, it is not good.

Young people should be energetic, and when they are arrogant, they should be arrogant.

"Okay, just leave it to the teacher. You can rest assured that when you need it, you can send a request to the company." The chaotic city master finally made a decision. He just mentioned it as a step cloud, but it made him want to understand.

"Thank you teacher." Cheng Buyun said happily.

Cosmic crystal.

Or in the eyes of great existence, the universe crystal is nothing but useless.

It is very important to him.

Whether it is copying or manufacturing, it is necessary to apply the universe crystal to the birth of avatars.

What treasure material is most important in his eyes?

Many treasure materials are only formed by cosmic energy, and then used to melt into cosmic energy?

This is not superfluous!

"What are the requirements?" Said the Lord of Chaos with a smile: "With your credit this time, it's great, as long as you don't embarrass the teacher, just mention it."

"Teacher, don't, I don't need anything now, and the strongest treasure can't be used by me." Cheng Buyun said modestly: "It's a duty to kill aliens as a member of human beings. Dare to make credit. "

What's the reward, what's the use?

Everything is still troublesome.

Without immortality, there is no divine power, and there are too many restrictions.

But the breakthrough to achieve the immortal god, the time is too far away, he is too far to be sure.

"So, go!" Chaos City Lord smiled lightly.

Cheng Buyun looked stunned and couldn't help saying: "Does the teacher have nothing to ask me?"

Before he came, he had done well the consequences of being asked by Chaos teacher, but now, the shield teacher asked nothing, and nothing happened directly after Xiaohong.

He was directly surprised.

"If you want to say it, you will naturally say it." Chaotic City Lord smiled lightly and said very indifferently.

Cheng Buyun thought about it for a while, and understood the meaning of it, even laughing: "Teacher, Xiao Honghou's body is not a puppet, nor is it a simple manipulation, but her body, and the height is not only seen Point, her height is very high, the height of the eyeball is beyond the height of imagination. "

The Lord of Chaos heard the gaffe directly.

One of the three Lords of the Dragon, the Frozen Family, and the Lord of Darkness is also counted in surprise.

What did they hear, it turned out not to be a puppet, but real mechanical life?

Are you kidding me?

The guardian of the mechanical family-the mechanical father.

The height of the body is not higher than tens of thousands of kilometers. It is not that the ‘mechanical’ father God does not want a larger body, but cannot.

The limitation of individual strength, once used beyond its own height, has a great impact on strength.

As Cheng Buyun said, the mechanical puppet that appeared before was the body of Xiaohong, and he said more than the height in front of him. Isn't it a joke?

But Cheng Buyun's determined expression, Chaos City Lord, etc. instantly recognized.

In this matter, Cheng Buyun will never deceive them.

After all, even the biggest secrets on the body have been revealed, and will they still fake on these small problems?

Not at all!

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