Plane Universe

Chapter 1919: Dai Luofeng

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Cheng Buyun ventured into the mysterious realm of the ancestors, always trying to kill his three pinnacle alliance ethnic groups. Naturally, he received unprecedented attention and received intelligence from him.

"The human space-time realm has gone to the ancestral mystery. This time is an opportunity to talk about what to do." The demon territory, thick and long, and the body gently exudes a shocking demon ancestor. Asked for the great presence that shot a breathtaking glare and stared at the scene.

The assassination operation failed again and again, and the task leader who assassinated Cheng Buyun has become one of the two guardians of the demon clan.

The black python circling the throne of the palace, the body looks gracefully three to fifty thousand kilometers long. The black scales hanging on the body are each as big as the body of the car.

And on the large scales of these cars, some patterns with purple light can be seen vaguely, making people look strange and sullen.

There is also a feeling of disgust.

The demon ancestor who was lying on the pan, his head slightly lowered, looked down at a dozen figures below, and the powerful majesty exuded, so that the great existence of the demon clan did not dare to speak out at will.

The Sirius, who had white hair, also shrank his head, and his figure was a little trembling.

Because the cold eyes of the Zhen Yao Clan were fixed on him from time to time, it made him feel terrified.

Unlike the human race, the demon clan is a human society. They believe in the respect of the strong, and the words with big fists are heavy.

A long time later, a voice sounded, "Yaozu, to deal with the human Cheng Buyun, not only the demon tribe, but also the Zerg and mechanical tribes need to contribute. Now the human Cheng Buyun is no longer a threat to our family, but us The common threat of the three pinnacle alliances. "

"Yeah, only the demon clan is going to deal with human Cheng Buyun, and the other two peak groups don't contribute, and our price is too high."

"You must pull in the Zerg and the mechanical race."

"Humans are extremely cunning, and no one can judge, this time there will not be a trap."

The sound of one after another sounded, various discussions and suggestions, Zhen Yaozu nodded again and again.

Indeed, dealing with mankind's Cheng Buyun is not their demon clan's business. It is necessary to contact the other two pinnacle groups.

"However, before the attack, it is first necessary to figure out where Cheng Buyun is. Intelligence is very important. After all, the superpowers from outside who want to go to the ancestral realm of the ancestral religion will inevitably be discovered, and there will not be much time for the actors. The Zhen Yao tribe looked at the Sirius Lord and said in a low voice: "Sirius, the information of human Cheng Buyun is your responsibility. I hope you will not let me down again this time, if you can't do anything about this little thing , It ’s too useless. "

"Yes, demon ancestor, I will definitely understand Cheng Buyun's whereabouts." Sirius quickly answered.

Ancestral religion is the largest power organization in the universe. Generally, there is a great drag on it, and it is not dare to go in at will.


In the vast universe, in a quiet starry sky, three powerful wills penetrated the endless space and came here.

Indistinctly, three towering figures appeared.

One of them is incomparably beautiful, full of endless gorgeousness and temptation, surrounded by multi-colored lights, and it is fascinating to look at her graceful and graceful figure alone.

And not far from this graceful figure, there is a phantom of a huge black oval sphere, where it is suspended, just like a huge black hole.

The last one is the demon prince prince.

As a result, the identities of the other two figures can be vaguely predicted.

It must be a great existence at the same level as Zhen Yaozu.

Suddenly, a tempting voice sounded, "Shock angle, call us to come?"

"It's nothing more than dealing with human Cheng Buyun, right!" The black sphere suddenly replied.

The sounds made by the two were almost instantly transmitted to each other's side, as if the limitation of the universe space had lost their effect around them at the moment.


The figure of the demon ancestor shakes the void around him, "The human race guarded by the giant axe is now emerging as a little guy named Cheng Buyun, which is growing too fast. A little realm can be compared to the cosmic overlord, let him be like this Ascension, I am afraid that it is another ancestor. The two ethnic groups you lead do not want to return to that dark age and look up to the human breath to survive. "

"Naturally unwilling." The black sphere and slim figure even shook their heads. "Even if it is not the level of the original ancestor, it may be the level of the giant axe. The talent is amazing."

In the era of human ancestors, almost all races in the universe survived with trembling. Even if they were the strongest in the universe, they would not dare to offend humans, fearing that the ancestors had an excuse to kill them and eradicate them.

"While there is still a chance, eradicate it as soon as possible." The black sphere Shen Sheng said, "He is growing too fast and terrifying."

"It should be eradicated this morning." The slim figure also spoke, unifying this opinion.

In this way, everyone has common goals and topics, so it's easy to say.

"It's just ..." The medicine figure opened again, and the figure was filled with endless charm and sorrow. "The little guy has been in the territory of human beings, and he is now in the ancestral site, even if some information is sent back to his ancestral mystery That ancestral mystery is also a very important site for ancestral religion. Without the permission of ancestral religion, our lord of the universe cannot enter. "

"So, I think, is it possible to invite some lone strong people to do it." Zhen Yaozu said the final meaning.

"Lone traveler?" The slender figure was filled with joy.

"This is a good way." The black spheres nodded and said, "It's expensive. Humans have founders of giant axes, and there may not be a lone person willing to offend."

"So to invite a lone traveler who is not afraid of human power or giant axe, it also needs to be the strongest level in the universe." Zhen Yao clan said: "We have concerns, solo travellers do not have such concerns, that is Not so good please. "

"It's better to be a lone traveler who is proficient in the mysteries of the soul. I'm afraid that Cheng Buyun still has any means. Like a doppelganger, you won't have a hand when you make a merit." The slim figure smiled charmingly.

"Yes, that's what I thought." The giant black head of the Zhenya tribe tapped lightly. "But there are too few powerful soloists who are proficient in the mysteries of the soul. I don't have much friendship with those strong ones. It's hard to please."

The slim figure is also silent, there is not a great friendship, this kind of thing is really bad please.

"I'm kind of asking for this kind of strong man's grasp, but you have to give me three top treasures in advance, I will please." The black sphere Shen Sheng said, "The cost of approaching the peak treasure, plus my favor, should be able to Please move the other party, just to wait for a long time, the lone traveler is not in the original universe now. "

"This ..." Zhen Yao Clan frowned immediately. He was not afraid of the treasure that the other party deceived him, but time.

Once Cheng Buyun returned to the core of the ancestral religion, it was even more difficult to eradicate.

The core of ancestral religion is really not easy to break through.

The three great ancestors sit in the town, and any one can beat the strongest in the universe.

"Aren't you afraid that I will deceive your treasure?" The black sphere figure was a little dissatisfied.

"Of course not, but time. The angle of shock is estimated to be the same as my concern." The flat figure replied lightly.

Zhen Yao Clan nodded and said: "Yes, time, if it is too long, then Cheng Buyun returned to the core of the ancestral gods, which must be more eradicated."

"Relax, the person I invited is very powerful. In the soul together, no one is right. Once there is a close contact opportunity, then Cheng Buyun will definitely die." The black sphere said confidently: "Don't think too much You can just leave it to me. "

"Forget it, it's up to you to see the machine." Zhen Yaozu nodded.

The slim figure also agreed.

In this way, the matter was decided. The black sphere ‘God of Machinery’ invited the strongest lone traveler in the universe to attack Cheng Buyun and kill him.

Once the problem is solved.

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