Plane Universe

Chapter 1921: World tree

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Nine Nine Space Time, according to the data, is only 12 light-years in diameter, which is not much.

But what is concentrated is the essence.

There are many special lives living inside, with a few special lives comparable to the main fighting power of the universe.

Among them, the strongest is undoubtedly the master of Nine Nine Time and Space, the Lord of Nine Nether!

The Lord of Nine Serenities is very famous in the universe.

But in terms of strength, it is not much stronger, which is the main strength of the fourth-order universe.

Caused such a result, because that is not the body of the Nine Nether Lord.

Greatly reduced strength.

If the seawater at your feet can move freely, it is estimated that the strongest in the universe will have to run.

The magical ocean with a diameter of nearly one billion light years is even more outrageous than the small universe with the strongest universe.

The energy absorbed at every moment is so amazing, who will fight desperately with this kind of existence!

However, these things are too far away from Cheng Buyun, and the things in front of him are enough for him to have a headache.

Flying over the secluded and gray barren mountains, Cheng Buyun flew towards the coordinated land very quickly.

In Nine Nine Space Time, there are many islands, large or small. Among them, the islands with super survivors are more famous. For example, Tree Island, in which nine world trees live, are listed as one of the ten most dangerous islands by inheritors.

The tree island is exactly where Cheng Buyun is going.


After Cheng Buyun landed in the Nine Nether Space and Time, he was immediately noticed by his master.

In the gloomy palace, there was a towering figure sitting around, and suddenly his closed eyes opened, and his expression looked very unexpected.

Then a smile spread across his face, "I didn't expect it!"

"This kid came to my site."

"Haha, funny, really funny!"

"It's not that I'm going to grab it, but don't blame me."


The figure of a middle-aged man in a gorgeous black robe showed a smile of joy, and saw that the black lines on his white face also moved at the same time, showing a strange charm.

"Think of a way to get this kid in his head." The middle-aged man mused, and after a while he looked up and looked into the void. "Let's see what this kid is doing for me, and then I will talk about it according to the situation."

No one will let go of a great genius.

Especially for geniuses such as Cheng Buyun, the level of the realm can resist the hegemony of the universe without violating the laws of the universe. He cannot be indifferent.

If there is no ancestor order, probably many 'masters' have already fought for Cheng Buyun!


Cheng Buyun, who was heading to Shudao, didn't know that he had become the target of the Nine Serenities.

Of course, even knowing that Cheng Buyun may not necessarily be the pit distance.

As long as it is good, it is not bad to join a leader.

It is better to have a strong person to take care of than to come.

Flying, flying, flying for several days, plus the means of determining safety before teleportation, Cheng Buyun finally came to the outside of Shudao and officially logged into Shudao.

Facing the world tree directly.

"Where did this kid go to Shudao?"

In the palace, the middle-aged man with black lines on his face looked very happy. "Oh, I am afraid that this kid's ambition is indeed a bit big. He even wants to get a branch of a small tree to stabilize the kingdom of God.

"Since there is a demand, there is a way for him to enter the library."


In the island of trees, there are more than a single plant of the world ’s trees, among which there are many types of plants, almost all kinds of plants, star-level, cosmic-level ... realm-level, immortal, just Even the Venerable plants of the universe.

But the world tree is the most famous, so everyone only remembers it.

As soon as Cheng Buyun stepped into the tree island, a thick blue tree immediately moved, waving his branches to whipping, and shouted: "Aliens, this is not the place you should come, leave quickly!"

"Go, go and play." Cheng Buyun waved his hand lightly, and a great force suddenly condensed around, directly solidifying the space, making the blue tree that attacked him stand still, and it was difficult to move.

The realm is too far apart.

Cheng Buyun can fix the opponent with the power of time.

Leaving step by step, Cheng Buyun didn't care to hurt the opponent. After all, this is a tree island. He came here to ask for people and hurt the plant life in the opponent's island. That seemed a bit too much.

Walking towards the depths of the island, while browsing the scenery.

When he passed by, many plant life did not dare to act rashly, because the big blue tree that attacked Cheng Buyun before was regarded as the gateway to the tree island.

Immortal seal king-level strength, can't treat him like anything, natural, plant life below the strength of the blue big tree, certainly will not ask for boring.

Deep in the tree island, the most central place in the entire tree island, there are nine incomparably huge green trees, the strongest universe Venerable world is established in the center, and the other eight world trees of varying levels, or immortal level , Or the main level, all around it.

The nine world trees alone occupy a quarter of the island's territory.

Apart from the nine world trees, there is no other plant life here, and some are just some young flowers and plants without awakening wisdom as embellishment.

"An outsider has logged into Shudao."

An old voice suddenly sounded.

For a time, the branches of several big trees were swaying and moving, hehe, haha, bursts of laughter, or mature, or old, or crisp.

Another old voice laughed and said: "It's so miserable, the aliens are ready to grab the seven or seven branches again."

"Um, always bad luck, favored by the eyes of foreigners."

"Poor Qiqi, you just have to come to me and let the third brother protect you."

"Shut up."

I saw the outermost tree of the world, as if rushing to the crown, countless branches and leaves trembling and waving, a young man's voice roared and snarled, very roaring with anger, "Damn aliens, if they dare to rob me of the branches, I will kill they."


A burst of laughter sounded.

"The 777 will have a good show, the comers are not to be underestimated, they are very powerful." A gentle voice echoed through the world tree, encouragingly said.

Cheng Buyun stepped into the tree island, and the strongest tree in the world was already known.

After all, the talent of the world tree is to control time and space, the magnificence of the power is extremely magnificent, the will is extremely powerful, and it is easy to monitor the whole island.

At the same time, he also received the soul transmission from the Lord of Nine Nine, who is a genius member who attaches great importance to the ancestral religion, and can teach, but cannot kill.

In this way, the strongest world tree understands that the Lord of Nine Nine clearly wants to recruit people.

In fact, the Lord of Nine Nethers does not say that the strongest world tree will not kill Cheng Buyun.

The strongest world tree is not a fool. A genius such as Cheng Buyun must be recruited.

"It seems that I can make a contribution to the leader today." The strongest world tree smiles lightly. Since coming to Shudao, it is natural that it will not come to see the scenery.

When coming to Tree Island, what is required is not easy!

His leaves!

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