Plane Universe

Chapter 1930: Leisurely journey

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In the vortex, Cheng Buyun didn't have any effort to fight, and he automatically moved along the pulling force, and soon came to the bottom of the vortex.

Then he was dumped.

When breaking away from the vortex pulling force, his feet landed on the thick soil, before he could see clearly the surrounding environment, there was a sudden rant, "Foreigner?"

"It's a foreigner."

"Take him."

Numerous angry rants, Cheng Buyun also clearly see the surrounding environment.

Within a hundred kilometers, there is an alien army with a burly body, blood-red skin, and two **** long horns on both sides of the forehead.

Youhai tribe.

The strange energy group created by the Nine Serenities Lord.

The Youhai tribe itself has a peculiar ability, and is not afraid of any soul attacks, including soul enslavement, illusion environment, and other spiritual secrets.

In other words, the secret law of the soul level has lost its role in front of them.

"Seize the foreigner."

Countless Youhai warriors were excited and inexplicably, quickly came around.

This army is not weak, the number is 300, and all of them are immortal powerhouses. The leading breath is at least invincible and immortal.

"Yuhai Clan's heritage is really strong, and an army guarding the sea eye teleport has this strength." Cheng Buyun estimated the strength of the surrounding Youhai Clan fighters and compared it with his subordinate warriors.

Secretly shook his head.

In terms of details, he is still a little far away.

"Foreigners, immediately put your hands on the ground, otherwise, I'm afraid your life can't be guaranteed." The leading immortal seal king, the invincible Youhai tribe, shouted into Cheng Buyun incomparably.

"Stop it."

Cheng Buyun didn't want to be entangled with this group of Youhai warriors, his body was shocked, and the invisible strange power spread around.

"No, it's so powerful, I'm bound, I can't move."

"Me too, this foreigner is so powerful."

"Damn, it's a venerable alien."

The surrounding space has been confined, and the extremely strong binding power makes it difficult for the surrounding sea-hai warriors to even move.

The king is invincible and fighting, and even the roar is useless. No matter how he fights, the light green light wrapped around him, with a green band of light, like a bundle of dumplings, tied him up.

This is not the only case for him, but it is true for all the sea-sold warriors in the audience.

All **** with green light bands and fell to the ground.

The harder the struggle, the tighter the green band of light is.

"Yes, it's perfect, this is the art of bundling." Cheng Buyun looked at each of the tied Youhai warriors and nodded slightly.

But the emperor was invincible, looking at the crossed green ribbons on his body, feeling extremely ashamed and roaring like crazy, "Damn alien, how dare you treat us like this?"


Cheng Buyun laughed loudly, and then flew away into the distance.

"Damn the alien, I must kill you." A roar from behind, the angry roar of vent, made Cheng Buyun laugh.

A strong man of immortal level actually wants to kill himself?

The dog barks only.

If it ’s not Nine Nine Time and Space, Cheng Buyun would be polite, just a little punishment?

After all, here, every move is under the supervision of the Lord of Nine Serenities, killing the blood descendants of the other party, isn't it a face-slap?

Although the Youhai tribe was not born from the birth of the Nine Nine Lords, it was also created based on his bloodline genes, and is also considered a heir.

Indiscriminate slaughter, he slammed his face and showed it to the Lord of Nine Peaces.

Cheng Buyun certainly won't do such a stupid thing.

The core of Nine Nine Space and Time is extremely powerful.

The thin layer of blood mist in the air gives the whole space a special power.

This force makes the fluctuation of space completely static, and even suppresses the transmission of all the kingdoms of God.

This is the time and space where one party is in control.

All rules belong to the person in control.

The other party allows you to teleport and teleport to the kingdom of God.

Unable to perform teleportation, unable to perform the teleportation of the kingdom of God, it is no wonder that even the Venerable Universe is afraid to enter the core of the Nine Nether Space.

After all, once trapped in such a place, and then chased by the entire ethnic group, it is natural to escape.

"Where is the central core?" Flying in the **** misty sky, Cheng Buyun could hardly discern the direction for a while, I don't know where to go.

Without a map, you can't tell the direction, like a blind fly.

The pressure at the core of Jiu You is so great that the scanning range of his soul consciousness is very small, about 10,000 kilometers or so.

What is enough for 10,000 kilometers?

He moved more than ten thousand kilometers in a flash.

Even the ultra-high-tech detector almost lost its function here.

Time and space controlled by the Lord of the universe will certainly not be so friendly to outsiders.

At the core of Jiuyou, the land is vast and sparsely populated. It has flown hundreds of billions of kilometers. It is even difficult to find traces of people ’s lives or the lives of Jiuyou people.

Perhaps it was you flying in the wrong direction?

Cheng Buyun secretly underestimated, and then immediately turned to fly.

Here, Xiaohong has little effect, because once the detector is activated, it will undoubtedly make itself a luminous body and a big lighthouse.

Directly reveal whereabouts.

Although he is not afraid of the warriors of the Nine You Clan, it is not necessary.

"The aliens are here, come soon." An immortal warrior from the Nine Nine clan roared loudly.

After flying in one direction for half a day, Xiao Hong suddenly reminded: "No, it was found. The old guy of the Nine Nether Lord is so kind to his clan, and he can easily explore the space when he approaches."

Cheng Buyun also smiled bitterly.

He clearly used the space secrets and integrated the hidden traces of the void, but he was still searched out by the soldiers of the Nine Serenities.

Why was he easily searched out, he also knows why.

Because of the power of Nine Nine Time and Space.

Any member of the Nine Nether Clan who has reached the level above the level of the realm can mobilize the power of these Nine Nethers and explore the space.

How can such a big person like Cheng Buyun hide?

In the vague sense, all the fighters from the Nine You clan encircled and suppressed in all directions.

For the encirclement and suppression of the Nine Nether Clan, Cheng Buyun was afraid, and rushed past.

"It's a foreigner."

The burly nine-nine-clan immortal warrior saw Cheng Buyun flying towards him and quickly roared. He quickly surrounded the main warrior under his command, trying to prevent Cheng Buyun from escaping.

"think too much."

Cheng Buyun greeted the past, the invisible soul power was running, and the huge **** reappeared. This ten-person team was immediately trapped in place by his secret method and could not move.


The figure went away, leaving only a group of nine Youzu fighters staring.

The huge encircling circle, countless Nine You Clan warriors, once they meet Cheng Buyun, no matter how strong they are, the landlord is immortal, even if it is the invincible king of the immortality, it is not a move of Cheng Buyun. enemy.

It was **** by the secret method on the spot and thrown in place.

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